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    • 1、许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课许国璋英语第二册第二课“我凭着一台收音机,花了一年半时间学完了许国璋英语三年的课程。我一直守候着机遇的到来。”摘自前微软中国区总经理吴士宏自传逆风飞扬(一) 课文: THE GOLDEN TOUCHLong, long ago there lived in Greece a king whose name was Midas. He was a greedy man and loved gold better than anything else in the world.One day he asked the gods to give him still more gold. The gods decided to punish him and said: “ Very well; in the morning everything that you touch will become gold.”Midas was overjoyed when he heard this. “ I shall be the riche

      2、st man in the world,” he said to himself.He got up early next morning. When he touched his bed, it turned to gold. He began to dress, and his clothes became gold. Midas was delighted.Midas loved flowers and kept a beautiful garden. He went into the garden to look at his flowers. The day was fine, the sun was bright and the roses were lovely. The king picked one of them, but it turned to gold in his hand. He picked another, and the same thing happened. He was sorry that the flowers changed as soo

      3、n as he touched them, for he loved their rich colours.The king went to have his breakfast. He took a cup of milk, but it immediately turned to gold. Then he took a piece of bread, and that also changed into gold. Midas now began to feel unhappy. It was good to be the richest man in the world, but he was hungry, and he could not eat or drink gold.Midas went out into the garden again. His little daughter was there. When she saw her father, she ran up to him. King Midas was very fond of his daughte

      4、r and he kissed her tenderly. Then and there she turned into a golden statue.Midas was now very unhappy. He went into his palace. His eyes filled with tears, and he begged the gods to take away the Golden Touch.“ I was very foolish to love gold so much,” he said, “ Take all my gold and give me back my daughter.”“Go,” said the gods, “ and wash your hands in the river near your garden, and the water will take away the Golden Touch.”Midas went to the river and washed his hands. Then he ran quickly

      5、to the golden statue of his little girl. He kissed her again and she changed back into his pretty little daughter.Midas never forgot this lesson. He knew now that gold did not bring happiness. (二) 课文译文 点金术很久很久以前,在希腊居住着一位名叫迈达斯的国王。他是个贪婪的人,比世界上任何其他人都更爱黄金。一天,他求神赐给他更多的金子。诸神决定惩罚他,说:“很好,早晨你触摸的一切都会变成黄金。”迈达斯听到这件事时欣喜若狂。“我将成为世界上最富有的人,”他自言自语地说。他第二天早上起得很早。当他摸他的床时,它变成了金。他开始穿衣服,衣服变成金色。迈达斯很高兴。米达斯喜欢花,还留着一个漂亮的花园。他走进花园去看他的花。天气晴朗,阳光灿烂,玫瑰花很可爱。国王拣选了其中一个,但他手里拿着金子。他又选了一个,同样的事情也发生了。他很难过那些花一碰到它们就变了,因为他喜欢它们丰富的颜色。国王去吃早饭。他喝

      6、了一杯牛奶,但马上变成了金子。然后他拿了一块面包,也变成了金子。迈达斯现在开始感到不高兴了。成为世界上最富有的人很好,但是他很饿,他不能吃或喝黄金。迈达斯又到花园里去了。他的小女儿在那儿。当她看见她父亲时,她向他跑过去。迈达斯国王非常喜欢他的女儿,他温柔地吻了她一下。然后,她变成了一座金色的雕像。迈达斯现在很不高兴。他走进了他的宫殿。他的眼睛里充满了泪水,他恳求神灵带走金光。“我非常愚蠢地爱金子,”他说,“拿走我所有的金子,把我的女儿还给我。”“走吧,”众神说,“在你花园旁边的河边洗洗手,水会带走金光。”迈达斯走到河边洗了手。然后他快速跑向他小女孩的金色雕像。他又吻了她,她又变成了他漂亮的小女儿。迈达斯从未忘记这一课。他现在知道黄金并不能带来幸福。(三) DIALOGUE: (新课文对话) GOING THROUGH CUSTOMSCustoms officer: May I see your passport, disembarkation card and customs forms?Wang: Yes, here they are. Customs officer: Anythi

      7、ng dutiable?Wang: Well, Ive brought with me tow bottles of Chinese liquor and a carton of cigarette.Customs officer: Thats OK. Please open the suitcase. Whats in this container?Wang: Oh, some Chinese medicine for my stomach trouble.Customs officer: All right. You may close it now.Wang: Am I through?Customs officer: Yes, you may go. Good luck!(四) 新课文对话译文:过海关海关官员:我可以看一下您的护照、入境卡和海关申报表吗?王:是的,在这儿。海关官员:需要缴税吗?王:嗯,我带了两瓶中国酒和一盒香烟。海关官员:没关系。请打开手提箱。这个容器里装的是什么?王:哦,有些中药可以治我的胃病。海关官员:好的。你现在可以关闭它。王:我做完了吗?海关官员:是的,

      8、你可以走了。祝你好运!(五) 旧课文对话:BED TIMEA. Its nearly time to go to bed. What are you going out for, comrade?B. Im going to fetch some boiled water.A. Why, there is still plenty in this thermos bottle here.B. Is there? Thanks, ( He has a drink of water. ) I was a bit thirsty just now.A. By the way, is the steam on? I feel rather cold.B. Oh, its my fault. I forgot to turn it on when I came in.A. No wonder the room is like an ice-box, ( He goes and turns it on.)B. How much time is there before the bell? Is t

      9、here enough time to wash a few things?A. The bell will ring in a minute. Oh, there it goes. Time for bed, everybody. Ill turn the light off. (六) 旧课文对话译文:就寝时间A. 快到睡觉的时间了。同志,你要干什么?B. 我要去拿些开水来。A. 为什么,这个热水瓶里还有很多呢。B. 有吗?谢谢,(他喝了一点水)刚才我有点口渴。A. 顺便问一下,蒸汽是开着的吗?我觉得很冷。B. 哦,这是我的错。我进来时忘了打开它。A. 难怪房间像一个冰柜,(他去把它打开。)B. 铃响之前还有多长时间?有足够的时间洗几样东西吗?A. 钟一会儿就响。哦,它响了。各位,睡觉时间到了。我把灯关掉。(七) Exercise:(练习)1. Answer the following questions(课文问答)1) Who was Midas? What kind of man was he?Midas was king in Greece. He was a greedy man and loved gold better than anything else in the world.2) What did he ask of the gods one day?He asked the gods to give him still more gold.3) What happened next morning?He touched his be


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