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《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》Unit 3教案

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞****9
  • 文档编号:138653522
  • 上传时间:2020-07-16
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:267.50KB
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    • 1、全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3课程单元教学设计(教案)本次课标题Unit 3 Cultural Differences 授课教师潘新淮授课班级 18级A14班18级A5班18级A9班 授课时间3月28日1,2节 3月28日3,4节3月28日5,6节授课地点4栋501室4栋501室8栋105室教学目标能力(技能)目标知识目标1.have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;2. build up an active vocabulary to talk about cultural differences and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly.1. illustrate the concept of cultural shock by giving examples;2. Become familiar with the writing of a comparison/contrast e

      2、ssay.教学基本内容Warming-up Activities1) Opener;2) Cultural background.教学重点和难点Focus:1) To further understand the text;2) To apply the words, phrases and sentence patterns.3) Become familiar with the writing of a comparison/contrast essay.Difficulties:1) To master and apply the sentence patterns in this unit; 2) build up an active vocabulary to talk about cultural differences and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly;参考资料参考资料1. 全新版大学进阶英语-综合教程3(上海外语教育出版社)2. 全新版大学进阶英语-综合教程教师手册

      3、3(上海外语教育出版社)3. Teaching courseware(上海外语教育出版社) 编号:U3-01Steps(步骤)教学组织Step One(步骤一)Opener: Pair work: The pictures below compare Westerners (marked in blue) and Chinese (marked in pink) in their way of looking at children and the family, travelling, and the role of the boss in an organization. Look at the pictures and work with your partner to answer the questions that follow.Helpful Expressions接送孩子 drop off and pick up the child风土人情 local customs and culture到此一游 been here, done that高高在上 superiorit

      4、y有权有势 powerfulQuestions:1 In what way does the role of grandparents in Chinese families differ from that in Western families?2 In what way do Western tourists and Chinese tourists behave differently?3 In what way do Western and Chinese employees differ in the way they look upon their boss?Tips in this part:1. Introduce the topic to the class by asking if they can give any example of how Chinese and non-Chinese behave or think differently in life.2. Explain the pictures in Opener that illustrate

      5、the differences between the Westerners and Chinese in their perspective on different issues.3. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss the differences in pairs with the aid of the questions that follow.4. To sum up, have different pairs report to the class their discussion on the pictures, one pair for one picture.Step Two(步骤二)Video watching:After watching a video clip about an interview with three foreign women marrying Chinese husbands, discuss the following questions with your partner.1. A

      6、ccording to the video, when raising grandchildren, what is the difference between Chinese grandparents and American grandparents?2. How are the day-to-day responsibilities divided in Jocelyns family? Is it the same in your family? If not, how does your family divide the daily responsibilities?Step Three(步骤三)Cultural Notes: gender equity: the view that both men and women should receive equal treatment and not be discriminated against based on their gender. This is the objective of the United Nati

      7、ons Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which seeks to create equality in law and in social situations, such as in democratic activities and securing equal pay for equal work. 男女平等,即男女不因性别差异而受到歧视。联合国世界人权宣言的目标为,在法律、社会、政治生活中,男女平等,同工同酬。入乡随俗:Literally means that when you enter a village, follow the local customs. This Chinese idiom may bring to mind the popular English saying “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”. It isaproverbattributed toSaint Ambrose, which means that it is advisable to follow t

      8、he conventions of the area which you are residing in or visiting.“入乡随俗”为中国习语,字面意思是当你到了一个村庄,应按照当地的风俗习惯行事。该习语会使人联想到一句广为流传的英文谚语:“身在罗马就得像罗马人般行事。”这句谚语出自圣安布鲁斯,意为人们到一个地方居住或探访时,应遵从当地习俗。Tips:Introduce the topic of the text by explaining the cultural shocks the author experienced after the birth of her daughter and her mother-in-laws full-time presence in her family.Homework(作 业)1. To preview & memorize the new words;2. To preview the text.Conclusion(总 结)Through studying this unit, students can learn lang

      9、uage on the base of the understanding of the spirits of the passages in this unit. At the same time they can master more than 20 words, several phrases and expressions. And they also master the correct ways of language expressions. Meanwhile they strengthen the understanding of the language of English and review the knowledge learned before through doing exercises.全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3课程单元教学设计(教案)本次课标题Unit 3 Cultural Differences 授课教师潘新淮授课班级18级A5班18级A14班18级A9班授课时间4月1日1,2节4月1日3,4节4月1日5,6节授课地点4栋501室4栋501室8栋105室教学目标能力(技能)目标知识目标1.have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;2. build up an active vocabulary to talk about cultural differen

      《《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》Unit 3教案》由会员飞****9分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》Unit 3教案》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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