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the benefits of college education 大学教育的优越性

  • 卖家[上传人]:简****9
  • 文档编号:110261431
  • 上传时间:2019-10-29
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:7.56MB
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    • 1、The Benefits of College Education,What do you think of your college life here?,Why do you come to college? What can you do here?,Colorful college life,Study in the classroom,Read in the library,With your friends, you can enjoy love and happiness.,Camaraderie and Team Work,Travel with Friends.,Play the Music,Student Club,Sports,College Education Paramount for Life Success,Oasis of the Seas - the most luxurious and expensive cruise ship,What benefits can you gain from college education?,A. The Soc

      2、ial Benefits,1. Future tax payments (未来税务支付). If education increases a persons future earnings, it increases her future tax payments.,2. Production benefits: Production benefits arise if education makes someone more productive, and also makes others more productive. Individuals may become more adaptable and better able to keep up with technological change. The economic spin-offs (衍生公司) of an occupationally mobile population are relevant in this context. It is not surprising that much high tech i

      3、ndustry occurs in clusters like Silicone Valley, Cambridge (Massachusetts) and Cambridge (England). In China, much high tech industry also situates in Zhongguancun, Haidian, Beijing.,3. Social cohesion (社会凝聚力). First, education may create cultural benefits external to the recipient in that a common cultural experience (music, art, literature) may foster communication. Second, taking children to school brings people into contact and it may foster shared attitudes locally. Next, there is evidence

      4、of a link between participation in higher education and participation in political activities, community affairs and voluntary work. Finally, education is part of the socialization process: its function in transmitting attitudes and values is a critical part of fostering shared attitudes, thus strengthening social cohesion.,B. The Personal Benefits,1. College Education can build ones confidence,2. It may lead to a successful career,张朝阳,马化腾,王石,余敏洪,马云,3. It may lead to romantic love and happy marr

      5、iage.,4. College Education may lead to a better quality of life,Ferrari,Lincoln,BMW,Rolls-Royce,5. College Education may lead to your choice of sending your children to the following schools for the best education:,Harvard,Oxford,Cambridge,Yale,Other benefits,1. More Prosperous,The U.S. Census Bureau tells us that in 1999, average income for a male age 25 or over who holds a bachelors degree was about $61,000, compared to about $32,000 for a male with a high-school diploma - so the college gradu

      6、ates income was about $29,000 more annually than the high-school grads. And incomes of those with only a high-school education are sinking steadily lower.,2. The Power to Bolster Social Change,Cuban patriot Jose Marti once wrote: “Students are the strongest army of freedom.” Knowledge is power. That is why the Taliban in Afghanistan kept women from having any power by outlawing their education.,3. Sth. Better You Pass on to Your Children,College education is a legacy for your children and will b

      7、enefit your children. Research shows that children of college-educated parents perform better academically, and are more likely to attend college themselves than children of those with lower educational attainment.,4. More Contribution to Your Country,Education is the cornerstone of public progress. Education is the essence of the democratic ideals that elevated the United States from a backward land of rebellious colonists to the greatest, most spirited, powerful and successful nation in the wo

      8、rld.,Wen Jiabao once said: “A country can not become strong or prosperous if it does not make education universal and improve its quality.”,5. Refined Taste and Manners,6. Strong Language Aability,New Oriental CEO Yu Hongmin,7. Better Ability to Self-study and Learn for Yourself,More Valuable and Important Human Resources: 50 migrant workers 50 sales-assistants 50 BA college graduates 50 MA graduates 50 PhD graduates 20 years later ?,8. The Most Important Benefit,Famous Peking University Alumni,

      9、In different schools,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Beijing University,Harvard University,What do the graduates of Beijing University do?,70% of them pursue their studies for MA or Phd programs, both at home or abroad. The rest of them get a well-paid job.,In general, most of the alumni of the Beijing University are promising and can fare well in their work and career.,北京大学杰出校友,It is the same with Tsinghua University,清华大学杰出校友,Moonlight over the Lotus Pond,List of Harvard Law School alumni,List of Harvard Law School graduates,Barack Obama, 44th President,Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th President,Knowledge is power. - Francis Bacon (1561 1626, English philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, and author),In our competitive world, knowledge means ability, wealth and happy life!,留学(英美澳法加新六国)租房, 留学公寓在线隶属于同维思创网络科技(北京)有限责任公司。公司总部位于国家级大学科技园 - 中国人民大学文化科技园。 提供免费的海外学生公寓在线预订服务,不收取任何手续费或中介费。留学生直接向海外学生公寓支付费用, 无任何中间环节。,留学(英美澳法加新六国)租房,最低价格: 不论在任何城市,确保为您提供最佳价格。 无需支付任何预定中介费用:

      《the benefits of college education 大学教育的优越性》由会员简****9分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the benefits of college education 大学教育的优越性》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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