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    • 1、 JH职业技术学院教师绩效管理问题研究摘 要本文在理论分析基础上,利用问卷调查方式,找出JH职业技术学校在五大绩效管理环节中客观存在的绩效管理环节缺失,具体规划不科学,相关辅导不深入,绩效考核考评制度不完善,相关反馈机制不健全,具体改善效果差等问题。造成上述情况的主要因素是管理者对此类管理并不重视;绩效管理相关人员专业性不强,教师对绩效管理认知度不够高以及教师群体职责划分含糊。从理论、经验、实践等部分全面研究产生问题的根源。根据此类管理有关知识从具体管理体系的计划,辅导,考核,反馈以及改进这五大环节中逐一找寻出相应的对策。以期利用本文的深入分析,可以从本质上提高JH职业技术学校老师的绩效,为此类学校教师后续管理提供一定的参考。本文运用一些相关的基础理论,探索民办高校教师的绩效的特性,此外根据目前民办院校在教师绩效上的相关现状,并以JH职业技术学院教师为对象进行教师管理相关问题的问卷调查,较为系统的分析了JH职业技术学院在教师绩效管理上存在的问题,研究其出现的原因且指出合理的处理对策,进而基于现实案例使用相关知识和理论指出合理的变革举措和方案。此外,本文使用文献分析法、理论和现实相融合、

      2、问卷调查等方法,在国内外相关学者的分析基础上对所需要分析的高校教师绩效体制开展相对完善分析和研究,且尝试根据部分问题寻找高效的处理方案。关键词: 高职院校 教师 绩效管理 提升ABSTRACTWith the continuous development of Chinas economy, colleges and universities play an increasingly important role in economic society. Colleges and universities provide a high level of talents for the sustainable development of the society, and the scientific research also provides a good technical foundation for the development of society. In recent years, in order to meet the social demand for higher

      3、 education, the constant expansion of colleges and universities, due to the expansion speed too fast, leading to a serious lack of teachers, high student-faculty ratios common in university, teachers talent shortage, these will directly affect the development of education in our country. Therefore, the teacher as the main body of teaching and scientific research, how to set up an effective performance management system, to encourage teachers initiative, enthusiasm and creativity in the teaching

      4、and scientific research, and to provide enough power for teachers personal development and the universitiess development and become an important management of colleges and universities have to face problems. There are obviously many achievements in the performance of teachers in public universities, but there are few studies on the performance management of teachers in private colleges and universities.Under the above background, this paper studies the management system of private colleges and u

      5、niversities. First carefully elaborated the background of the university teachers performance management system in our country and the existence significance, put forward in this paper, the research content, method and train of thought and the research object, this paper introduces the domestic and foreign colleges and universities to take the different teachers performance system, the domestic private colleges and universities in the differences in teachers performance management, as well as so

      6、me experts and scholars in the related research results. Secondly, it elaborates the theory related to performance management, which lays the theoretical foundation for the following. Combined with the performance management theory, the characteristics of teachers performance management are summarized. JH college as a private higher vocational and technical college, has established a strong teacher team, and how to build a line and effective performance management system to arouse the enthusiasm

      7、 of teachers is very necessary.In this paper, on the basis of the theory, through the questionnaire survey method, find out the JH vocational and technical college in performance planning, performance coaching, performance evaluation, performance feedback and performance improvement effect the five big objective existence problems in the performance management process, and from the aspects of theory, experience and practice to analyze the reasons of the problems. Based on the related theories of

      8、 performance management, the corresponding countermeasures are found in the five links, including the plan, guidance, assessment, feedback and improvement of the performance management system. It is hoped that through the research of the thesis, it can actually improve the performance of JH vocational technical college teachers, and also provide some loans for the application of teachers performance management in higher vocational collegesKey words: higher vocational colleges, teachers.Performan

      9、ce management, promotion.目录1 绪论11.1 选题背景和研究意义11.1.1 研究的背景11.1.2研究的意义11.2 文献综述21.2.1 国外文献综述21.2.2 国内文献综述31.2.3 述评41.3 研究内容与方法51.3.1 研究内容51.3.2 研究方法51.4技术线路图61.5创新之处72 相关概念与理论基础82.1 绩效的概念82.2 绩效与薪酬之间的辨析82.3 理论基础92.3.1 绩效管理的概念与绩效管理的体系92.3.2 绩效管理与绩效考核102.3.3 激励理论102.3.4 高校教师绩效的特性123 JH职业技术学院教师绩效管理的现状143.1 JH职业技术学院概况143.2 JH 学院教师基本情况143.2.1 专任教师学历结构143.2.2 专任教师职称结构143.2.3 专任教师年龄结构143.3 JH 学院教师绩效管理体系现状153.3.1 绩效管理计划153.3.2 绩效管理沟通153.3.3 绩效考核的指标153.3.4 绩效考评的方法203.3.5 绩效反馈,绩效结果的运用204 关于JH学院教师对现有绩效管理评价调查分析224.1 调查设计224.2 调查结果分析224.2.1 教师对绩效管理的总体认知不清楚224.2.2 大多数教师即没有参加过绩效计划的制定也没接受过绩效辅导224.2.3 绩效考核指标体系设计不够科学234.2.4绩效结果反馈不及时254.2.5 大部分教师不明产生绩效结果的原因254.3 总结275 存在的问题及原因分析285.1 存在的主要问题285.1.1 绩效管理过程不完整285.1.2 绩效计划不够合理285.1.3 绩效辅导不深入295.1.4 绩效考核制度,方法不完善295.1.5 绩效反馈机制不健全305.1.6 绩效改进效果差305


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