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    • 1、The record-holder,Lesson 73,5.6 metres,Chanel Tapper from America has the longest tongue about 9.8centimetres,11.4 centimetres,最严重的先天性多毛症,record-holder 纪录保持者 truant n. 逃学的孩子 unimaginative adj. 缺乏想像力的 shame n. 惭愧,羞耻hitchhike v. 搭便车旅行 meantime n. 其间 lorry n. 卡车 border n. 边界 evade v. 逃避,逃离,record-holder,record-breaker,truant,n.逃学的孩子,旷课的学生 play truant逃学 eg:这两个孩子决定逃学去打牌 The two boys decided to play truant to play cards.,unimaginative,imaginative adj.充满想象力的 =be full of imagination un-:unable、unknow、un

      2、natural、unpleasant、unimportant、unsuccessful、unhappy、unusual、unfair、unaware、unhealthy dis-:dishonest, dislike, disappear、disagree、disadvantage im-:impossible、impolite in-:inability、incorrect、inaccurate,eg:Joyce很富有想象力,我们都很羡慕她。 Joyce is full of imagination and we all admire her. eg:他是一个很没有礼貌的孩子,以至于我们都不喜欢他 He is such an implolite child that we all dislike him.,shame,What a shame!真可耻令某人惭愧的是:使.蒙羞: eg:这个逃学者使他父母感到羞耻 The truant put his parents to shame. eg:令我惭愧的是,我居然没有通过考试。 To my shame,I didnt pass the t

      3、est.,meantime,n.其间 in the meantime在此期间 =meanwhile eg:一会之后,小琳继续工作,与此同时,她宝宝在睡觉了。 After a while,Xiaoling continued working, meanwhile, her baby was sleeping.,evade,v.逃避,躲避 evade sb/sth evade doing sth eg:他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。He tried to evade the embarrassing question.,复习: 简单句:并列句:复合句:,用括号中的连词改写以下句子。 1、The climbers reached the top of the mountain.They spent the night there. (not only.but.as well) The climbers not only reached the top of the mountain ,but spent the night there as well. 2、He gave me a frigh

      4、t.I knocked the teaport over.(such.that) He gave me such a fright that I knocked the teaport over.,3、The police searched everywhere.The missing boy could not be found.His dog could not be found.(Although.neithernor) Although the police searched everywhere,neither the boy nor his dog could be found. 4、Jame will give a lecture at the local library next week.His book was published recently.(whose) Jame will give a lecture at the local library next week whose book was published recently.,5、He fought

      5、 the wolves off for three hours.Help arrived.(before) Before the help arrived,he fought the wolves for three hours. 6、I refused the offer.I explained.I had already been offered a job by another company.(Refusing.that.) Refusing the offer,I explained that I had already been offered a job by another company.,1、What do the truants usually do when they play truant from school? 2、Did the driver take the truant to where he wanted to go?,Questions,课文讲解: 1、 1)Children play truant from school. 2)They are

      6、 unimaginative. 用who合并成一句话:Children (who play truant from school) are unimaginative.,2、A quiet days fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get. eg:由于周杰伦听力不太好,我不得不反复地说好几遍。 As Jay cant hear clearly,I have to say it over and over again. eg:据我所知,Linde是我们班最诚实的孩子。 As far as I know,Linde is one of the honest children in our class.,3、They have all (put to shame) by a boy who, (while playing truant), travelled 1,600 miles.,4、翻译: 他搭便车到了Dover

      7、,天快黑时,钻进了一条船,想找个地方睡觉 He hitchhiked to Dover and,towards evening ,went into a boat to find somewhere to sleep.,5、 1)He work up next morning. 2)He discovered that the boat had,in the meantime,travelled to Calais. 用when合并成一句话: When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais。,6、 1)NO one noticed the boy. 2) He crept off. 用as合并成一句话: No one noticed the boy as he crept off.,7、从那里,他又搭上了卡车扫了巴黎. From there,he hitchhiked to Paris in a lorry.8、司机给了他几块饼干和一杯

      8、咖啡,就把他丢在城外 The driver gave him a few biscuits and a cup of coffee and left him just outside the city.,9、The next car the boy stopped did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border. 主语: 谓语:,10、There he (pick up) by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. eg:就在那时,Lenka抓住了那个小偷。 Just then,Lenka picked up the thief.,11、He has surely set up a record for the thousands of children who dream of evading school. eg:Doris今天家里来了两千多人. Two thousand people came to Doriss house. eg:上千多名孩子都喜欢逃学。 Thousands children like playing truant.,


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