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  • 卖家[上传人]:san****glu
  • 文档编号:50740602
  • 上传时间:2018-08-10
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    • 1、Business NegotiationInterpret the following words or phrases:sole agency 独家代理 agency agreement 代理协议 selling agent 销售代理(商) insurance agent 保险代理(商) distributor 分销商 draft agreement 协议草案effective period 有效期 invoice value 发票值 after-sales service 售后服务 publicity material 宣传资料 purchasing power 购买力 letter of guarantee (L/G) (信用)保证书 销售淡季 slack sales season 国内市场 home market 有效合同 valid contract 无效合同 void contract 免税 zero rate of duty 软推销 soft sell 书面确认书 written confirmation 预付款 down paymentInterpret the fol

      2、lowing sentences into English or Chinese: 我们四种产品的销售总额去年已经达到20 万美元。 销售总额:total/gross sales Translation: Total sales on the four models were U.S. $200,000 last year. 你知道,我们在北京、上海和天津的办事处在过 去几个月已经开张,而且已经有了市场。 办事处:local office 开张:open (for business) 有了市场:gain market Translation: As you know, our local offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjing opened for business in the past several months, and theyre gaining market. 我们做过调查,那些地区的消费者对我们的产品 很感兴趣,特别是在城市,因为城市里高收入人 群的比例较高。 高收入人群的比例较高:have a higher than ave

      3、rage proportion of people in the higher income brackets income bracket:收入等级 收入在10万到15万美元的人: people in the $100,000 to $150,000 bracket Translation:Our reports indicate (research shows) a great deal of interest in the products there, especially in cities that have a higher than average proportion of people in the higher income brackets. 一旦我们签了在中国的独家代理协议,我们就可以 做大量的工作,大力推广你们的产品,让消费者相 信他们真的需要你们的产品。 独家代理协议:sole agency agreement 大力推广你们的产品:push your products vigorously Translation: Once we sign the sol

      4、e agency agreement which covers the whole China, we can do a substantial job and push your products vigorously, to make the customers believe the products are what they really need. Furthermore, we need to know your sales volume during the past three years, your plans for promoting the products, and the possible annual turnover. sales volume:销售额 plans for promoting the products:推广计划 annual turnover:年销售量 Translation: 还有我们要了解你们过去三年里的销售额, 你们的推广计划,以及你们可能的年销售量。 你肯定知道,为了打开局面,在上海以外的地区我们得做大规模 的广告宣传。你刚才也

      5、说道,为了从其他厂家抢生意,要做大量 的前期工作。打开局面:pave the way for the products 大规模的广告宣传(广告攻势) : a big advertising campaign 从其他厂家抢生意:draw business away from other manufacturers 或者 to compete with other dealers for business 前期工作: initial workTranslation: Surely youll agree that a big advertising campaign will be needed to pave the way in the new areas for the products. As you indicated just now, a lot of initial work has to be done to draw business away from other manufacturers. Major issues seem to be set. I will b

      6、ring in a sample contract tomorrow. sample contract:合同草案 Translation: 主要的事情看上去已经解决 了。那明天我带一份合同草案来。Listen to the recording and interpret the paragraphs. With you as our agent in China, we will not sell, directly or indirectly, the products in your area through other channels. As our sole agent, you should not sell, distribute, or promote other similar or competitive products in China. Furthermore, you cannot solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling the products outside China. And of co

      7、urse, we will refer to you any inquiry or order for the products we receive from your area during the effective period of the agreement. 有了你们作为我们在中国的独家代理,我 们将不会通过其他直接或间接渠道在中国 销售我们的产品。作为我们的独家代理, 你们也不得在中国经销、分销或促销与代 理商品相似或有竞争性的商品。同时,你 们也不能招揽或接受以中国以外为销售地 的订单。当然,在合同有效期内,若收到 来自中国的咨询和订单,我们也会转交你 们。 With 12 percent of commission rate, we will vigorously and adequately advertise and promote the sale of your products in China. All expenses and disbursements such as cabling, traveling and other expenses in

      8、connection with the sale of the products will be for our account. And of course we want you to provide us with reasonable quantity of advertising literatures, catalogues, leaflets, and the like. 拿到百分之十二的佣金,我们会在中国以 适当的方式不遗余力地宣传和推广你们的 产品。所有以推销该产品为目的的花费和 支出,例如通讯费、差旅费等等,均由我 们承担。当然,我们需要你们提供一定数 量的广告印刷品、产品目录、宣传小册子 和其他类似东西。 在新产品或改进型产品投放市场时,我们 一定要让消费者注意到我们的产品。如果 我们在和一些知名品牌争夺市场,我们一 开始应该实行低价策略。在消费者试用了 我们的产品,了解了我们的产品,并且喜 欢上了我们的产品之后,我们就可以涨价 。一般顾客都会坚持购买自己喜欢的产品 ,即使价格已经涨了。 When we launch a newly designed or mod

      9、ified product, we must bring customers attention to it. If we are competing with other well-known manufacturers, we should start with low price. After our customers try it, get to know it and like it, we can raise the price. Most people will continue to buy a brand they like even if the price goes up. 优秀的推销员在销售的过程中总是很有计划。咨 询性销售是一个有计划的过程,可以清楚地分为 四步: 1.了解顾客需求; 2.帮助顾客选择合适的产品; 3.表明这样才能满足他们的要求; 4.顾客购买后,要让他们确信货物会准时、完好 无损地送达、并保证他们对货物完全满意。 Good sales people plan their approach to selling. Consultative selling is a planned process with four clearly defined phases: 1. discovering the customers needs; 2. helping the customer to select the right product; 3. showing how this satisfies their requirements; and 4. serving the customer after the sale by ensuring that


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