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    • 1、Chapter 16Practice Test 1SECTION 1: ISSUE TOPICDirections:You will be given a brief quotation that states or implies an issue of general interest and specific instructions on how to respond to that issue. You will have 30 minutes to plan and compose a response in which you develop a position on the issue according to the specific instructions. A response to any other issue will receive a score of zero.“Governments are justified in circumventing civil laws when doing so is vital to the protection

      2、 of national security.”Write an essay in which you take a position on the statement above. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true.# | Cracking the New GRESECTION 2: ARGUMENT TOPICDirections:You will be given a short passage that presents an argument, or an argument to be completed, and specific instructions on how to respond to that passage. You will have 30 minutes to plan and compose a response in which you analy

      3、ze the passage according to the specific instructions. A response to any other argument will receive a score of zero.Note that you are NOT being asked to present your own views on the subject. Make sure that you respond to the specific instructions and support your analysis with relevant reasons and/or examples.The following is from a recent email by the Diord Corp. Human Resources Manager: “Tobor Technologies found that mental health problems and mental illness were responsible for about 15 per

      4、cent of employee sick days. Tobor amended its employee insurance plan so that workers receive the same coverage for mental illness as they do for physical illness. In addition, the company hired an on-site psychologist and created a system that allows workers to schedule confidential counseling appointments. After one year, the number of sick days used by employees declined by 10 percent. Diord Corp has had an increase in employee sick days over the past two years, so we should introduce a simil

      5、ar insurance plan and counseling program. These measures will surely reduce employee absenteeism and cause an increase in productivity.”Write a response in which you examine the arguments unstated assumptions, making sure to explain how the argument depends on the assumptions and what the implications are if the assumptions prove unwarranted.Practice Test 1 | 403SECTION 3: QUANTITATIVE REASONINGQuestions 1 through 7 each consist of two quantities, Quantity A and Quantity B. You are to compare th

      6、e two quantities and choose the appropriate answer. In a question, information concerning one or both of the quantities to be compared is centered above the two columns. A symbol that appears in both columns represents the same thing in Quantity A as it does in Quantity B.1 of 20B (-2,7)C ( s , t )90AD (8, -3)ABCD is a rectangle.Quantity AQuantity Bstd Quantity A is greater.d Quantity B is greater.d The two quantities are equal.d The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.2

      7、 of 20A certain punch is created by mixing two parts soda and three parts ice cream. The soda is 4 parts sugar, 5 parts citric acid, and 11 parts other ingredients. The ice cream is 3 parts sugar, 2 parts citric acid, and 15 parts other ingredients.Quanti ty AQuanti ty Bparts citric acid in parts sugar in the punch the punchd Quantity A is greater.d Quantity B is greater.d The two quantities are equal.d The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.3 of 20The average (arithmet

      8、ic mean) of a set of mean daily temperatures for x days is 70 degrees. When a mean daily temperature of 75 degrees is added to this set, the average increases to 71 degrees.Quanti ty AQuanti ty Bx5d Quantity A is greater.d Quantity B is greater.d The two quantities are equal.d The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.Practice Test 1 | 4094 of 206 of 20AB is parallel to CD.AD is parallel to BC.2AD = EGQuanti ty AQuanti ty BQRS is an isosceles triangleThe area of ABCDThe ar

      9、ea of EFGQuantity Bperimeter of QRS17Quantity Ad Quantity A is greater.d Quantity B is greater.d The two quantities are equal.d The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.5 of 20The scores for the 500 students who took Ms. Johnsons final exam had a normal distribution.There were 80 students who scored at least 92 points out of a possible 100 total points and 10 students who scored at or below 56.Quantity AQuantity BThe mean score on the final exam 87 d Quantity A is greater.d Quantity B is greater.d The two quantities are equal.d The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.d Quantity A is greater.d Quantity B is greater.d The two quantities are equal.d The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.7 of 20(3


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