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    • 1、 P1(NO4-3-1-1)Great comic art is never other wordly, it does not seek to mystify us, and it does not deny ambiguity by branding as evil whatever differs from good. Great comic artists assume that truth may bear all lights, and thus they seek to accentuate contradictions in social action, not gloss over (gloss over: v.掩盖) or transcend them by appeals to extrasocial symbols of divine ends, cosmic purpose, or laws of nature. The moment of transcendence in great comic art is a social moment, born ou

      2、t of the conviction that we are human, even though we try to be gods. The comic community to which artists address themselves is a community of reasoning, loving, joyful, compassionate beings, who are willing to assume the human risks of acting rationally. Without invoking gods or demons, great comic art arouses courage in reason, courage which grows out of trust in what human beings can do as humans.伟大的喜剧艺术从不以彼岸世界为其目标,它所追求的并不是要予人以神秘玄惑感,它并不会通过将任何与善不一样的事物烙上罪恶的印记而否认那些模棱两可的情形。伟大的喜剧艺术家们认为,真理可呈现出各种不同

      3、的表现形态,故而他们力图强调社会行为中的对立矛盾,而不是通过诉诸于那些代表着神圣目标、字宙目的、或自然法则的超社会象片符号去掩饰或超越它们。伟大的喜剧艺术中的超越瞬间乃是一个社会性瞬间,源自这样一个坚定信念,即我们终是凡夫俗子,尽管我们竭力想成为神灵。艺术家们所致力表现的那个不乏喜剧色彩的社会,是一个由那些具有理性思维能力、充满爱心、快乐、和富于怜悯之心的人类构成的社会,他们甘愿承担人类理性行动的风险。伟大的喜剧艺术根本不祈求神灵或魔鬼,相反,它激发起我们对于理性的无畏勇气,这种勇气缘自对人类作为人所能做到的一切的信心。 P2(NO4-1-1-2)The evolution of sex ratios has produced, in most plants and animals with separate sexes, approximately equal numbers of males and females. Why should this be so? Two main kinds of answers have been offered. One is couched

      4、in terms of advantage to population. It is argued that the sex ratio will evolve so as to maximize the number of meetings between individuals of the opposite sex. This is essentially a “group selection argument. The other, and in my view correct, type of answer was first put forward by Fisher in 1930. This “genetic” argument starts from the assumption that genes can influence the relative numbers of male and female offspring produced by an individual carrying the genes. That sex ratio will be fa

      5、vored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. Suppose that the population consisted mostly of females: then an individual who produced sons only would have more grandchildren. In contrast, if the population consisted mostly of males, it would pay to have daughters. If, however, the population consisted of equal numbers of males and females, sons and daughters would be equally valuable. Thus a one-to-one sex ratio is the o

      6、nly stable ratio; it is an “evolutionarily stable strategy.” Although Fisher wrote before the mathematical theory of games had been developed, his theory incorporates the essential feature of a gamethat the best strategy to adopt depends on what others are doing.Since Fishers time, it has been realized that genes can sometimes influence the chromosome or gamete in which they find themselves so that the gamete will be more likely to participate in fertilization. If such a gene occurs on a sex-det

      7、ermining (X or Y) chromosome, then highly aberrant sex ratios can occur. But more immediately relevant to game theory are the sex ratios in certain parasitic wasp species that have a large excess of females. In these species, fertilized eggs develop into females and unfertilized eggs into males. A female stores sperm and can determine the sex of each egg she lays by fertilizing it or leaving it unfertilized. By Fishers argument, it should still pay a female to produce equal numbers of sons and d

      8、aughters. Hamilton, noting that the eggs develop within their hostthe larva of another insectand that the newly emerged adult wasps mate immediately and disperse, offered a remarkably cogent analysis. Since only one female usually lays eggs in a given larva, it would pay her to produce one male only, because this one male could fertilize all his sisters on emergence. Like Fisher, Hamilton looked for an evolutionarily stable strategy, but he went a step further in recognizing that he was looking

      9、for a strategy.性别比例(sex ratio)的演化在绝大部分性别各异的动植物身上,产生了数量大致相等的雌性与雄性物体。情况何以如此?科学家已提出两种主要的答案。一种答案是依据对种群(population)的有利条件来表述的。据称,性别比例之所以会演化,就是为了能在最大程度上增加相反性别的生物个体之间交配的数量。本质上而言,此乃一种“群体选择”(group selection)的论点。另一种且在我看来不失为一种正确的答案,是由菲希尔(Fisher)于1930年率先提出的。这一“基因遗传”(genetic)的论点从这样一个假设出发,即基因会影响到由携带着这些基因的那个个体繁殖的雄性与雌性后代的相对数量。生物体所会择取的是那样一种性别比例,那种性别比例能在最大程度上增加一个个体所能拥有的后代数量,并因此能在最大程度上增加所传递到后代身上去的基因复制品的数量。假如某一种群绝大部分由雌性生物体构成:那么,繁殖雄性后代的个体仅会拥有更多的grandchildren。相反,假如该种群主要由雄性生物体构成,那么,繁殖雌性后代将不无益处。然则,假如该种群由同等数量的雄性和雌性生物体组成,则雄性后代和雌性后代将是价值相等的。因此,一比一的性别比例是唯一一种稳定不变的比例;它是一种“生物进化上的稳定策略”(evolutionarily stablestrategy)。虽然菲希尔早在数学上的博弈理论(game theory)建立起来之前就进行了其著述,但他的理论已襄括了游戏的本质特征即所能采用的最佳策略取决于他们在做什么。自菲希尔的时代以来,科学家们已意识到,基因有时能影响到它们所存在于其中的染色体(chromosome)或配子(gamete),因此,配子将更有可能参与到授精过程(fertilization)中来。如果这样的一个基因发生在一个能决定性别(sex-determiningX或Y)的染色体上,则极度反常的性别比例便告出现。但是,与博弈理论更为直接相关的是某些寄生性黄蜂种类的性别比例,雌性黄蜂占有绝对的过量。在这些种类的黄蜂身上,受精卵发展成为雌性黄蜂,未受精卵发展成为雄性黄蜂。雌性黄蜂能储存精子,并对她所产的每一个卵,通过使其受精或不让其受精,从而决定其性别。按照菲希尔的论点,对于雌性黄


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