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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Who are they? Scan the QR codes on page 75, and search out information to discuss the questions with your partner.,Opener,In your mind, what are their biggest achievements respectively?,There were ups and downs in both mens political career. How did they react to stsbacks?,How did the two men spend their youth before entering politics?,Opener,Li and Me,Li and Me,1).,2)._,2)._,1).,3).,The meeting made national news.,1).,2).,1)._,3)._,4)._,Some ground rules were set.,2).,He had a strong interest i

      2、n discussing science.,He dismissed,4).,Measures are in place to ensure China has the best and brightest scientists.,Chinas efforts have gone beyond intent to yield results.,_,an aide with an urgent message,1. During a week-long trip to China in January this year, I was invited to meet with Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing to discuss science. At first, I was in disbelief. After all, China is a nation of 1.3 billion people. Li, as Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council, has many pressing is

      3、sues of national and international concern to attend to.,今年一月,我赴华一周,其间受李克强总理邀请,在北京与他会面,讨论科学方面的议题。乍听到消息,我觉得难以置信。毕竟,中国有13亿人口,李作为总理兼国务院党组书记一定有许多紧迫的国内和国际问题要处理。,Q,T,P,Read paragraph 1 and discuss:,How did Marcia McNutt feel when she received the invitation and why?,She was in disbelief because she thought Premier Li had too many pressing issues of national and international concern to attend to than to meet her.,Back,Li, as Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council, has many pressing issues of

      4、 national and international concern to attend to.,As Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council, Li is pressed to handle many issues of national and international importance.,As Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council, Li has to handle many issues that are considered important in China and the world.,Back,Read Para 1,Sustainable development is a matter of top concern to the Chinese government.,1. After all, China is a nation of 1.3 billion people. Li, as Premier and Party Secretar

      5、y of the State Council, has many pressing issues of national and international concern to attend to.,concern: n. 关心之事;关系重大之事,This is no concern of mine. Go away.,这不关我的事。走开。,可持续发展是中国政府首要关注的问题。,attend to: give care and thought to 关心;注意,As Dr. Johnson is attending to your wife, would you like to have some coffee and wait?,约翰逊医生在照看你太太,你要不要喝点咖啡等着?,Back,In all my years as a scientist, including heading a billion-dollar U.S. research agency, this was the most significant invitation I had ever received

      6、to meet with a sitting national leader to hear his vision for science and discuss important global science matters. The fact that the Chinese Premier wanted to meet with me sent strong signals as to how China is seeing science as critical to its future well-being.,在我从事科学工作这么多年间,包括掌管经费高达10亿美元的美国研究机构,这是我所接到过的邀请中分量最重的一个。我将要同一位在任国家领导人会面,聆听他对科学的看法,同他讨论重大的全球性科学问题。中国总理愿意接见我这一事实释放出强大信号:中国认为科学对中国的未来福祉至关重要。,T,Q,2. In all my years as a scientist, including heading a billion-dollar U.S. research agency, thi

      7、s was the most significant invitation I had ever received to meet with a sitting national leader to hear his vision for science and discuss important global science matters.,significant: a. having a special meaning; important 有特殊意义的;重大的,我真烦这些婚礼请柬。它们老是要你带上你重要的另一半。单身女生就不能享受生活了吗?,Im so bored with these wedding invitations. They always ask you to bring your significant other. Cant a single girl just enjoy life?,Back,2. In all my years as a scientist, including heading a billion-dollar U.S. research

      8、agency, this was the most significant invitation I had ever received to meet with a sitting national leader to hear his vision for science and discuss important global science matters.,What does the word “sitting” most probably mean here?,Current/present.,Back,global: a. worldwide 全球的,Yundi Lis intense practice and talent brought him global reputation at a very young age.,李云迪练琴勤奋,又有天分,年纪轻轻就享誉世界。 (李云迪的练琴勤奋和天分,在年纪轻轻时就带给他全球的名声。),Back,3. The fact that the Chinese Premier wanted to meet with me sent

      9、strong signals as to how China is seeing science as critical to its future well-being.,signal: n. 信号,他带来的鲜花和巧克力传达了一个对她感兴趣的信号。,The flowers and chocolate he had brought sent a signal of his interest in her.,Back,2. Most farmland is under water. _ the grain, most of it has been ruined. 3. You can have a bed; _ him, he has to sleep on the floor. 4. _ the question you raised, I dont have a ready answer right now.,As to & as for,1. They sorted the eggs _ size and color.,“As to” is sometimes similar to “according to”. “As for” is not.,When appearing at the beginning of a sentence, “as for” introduces a totally new topic


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