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(课标卷)高中英语 Unit 3 Celebration Parties & Weddings课时作业 北师大版必修1

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    • 1、课时作业(八)Parties & Weddings.单词拼写1He _(捐献)a large sum of money to the hospital.2You can _(连接)your TV to your stereo for better sound.3Their school gave a _(招待会)to their new principal.4When is the graduation _(典礼)?5He declined an_(邀请)to dinner.6My father will _(退休)at the age of 60.7I live only on my _(薪水)8Her children are always _(潇洒地;漂亮地)turned out.9_(祝贺)on your exam results!10He _(出席)the meeting last week.单项填空1The old professor gave a lecture on American history and was well_.AacceptedBservedCpaid

      2、 Dreceived2He is leaving for England next week.Yes,he has _ a post there.Aapplied for Breplied toCsent for Dcalled in3(2013黄山高一质检)She came with a large _ of yellow roses in her hand.Abranch BbunchCbrandy Dbrush4Her mother will retire _ her job in two years and take things easy.Aof BinCaround Dfrom5My brother works in a large factory,and receives a _ of $ 2,500 a month.Agift BproductCsalary Dprice6(2013铜陵高一调研)When shall we start?Lets _ it at 8.Aset BmeetCmake Dtake7The new tunnel_ Britain to Fran

      3、ce.Ais connected Bis linkedClinks Dis joined8Im going to take the driving test tomorrow._!ACongratulations BCheersCGood luck DCome on9The wedding _ was held on April the fifteenth.Aceremony BceremonialCceremonious Dceremoniously10(2012北京高考)Look at those clouds!Dont worry._ it rains,well still have a great time.AEven if BAs thoughCIn case DIf only11No one could get in because a car was stuck at the _ to the park.Aend BbeginningCentrance Dside12I will _ my whole life to scientific research,and mak

      4、e _ to the country where I was born and the people who brought me up.Acontribute;contributionsBdevote;devotionCcontribute;devotionDdevote;contributions13All of us must attend the meeting_tomorrow morning.Aon time Bat timesCat the same time Dfrom time to time14The Roman remains are now_over by office buildings.Asupported BcompetedCcovered Dreacted15(2013成都高一测评)As we all know, all living things_the sun for their growth.Ainsist on Bdepend onCconnect to Dcome on.完形填空As one of the worlds oldest holid

      5、ays,Halloween is widely celebrated with different names in many _1_.Although it originated (起源) as a religious holiday, it has lost its_2_connection in the United States. It is now _3_ largely as a childrens holiday, and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand.The orange pumpkin(南瓜) _4_at this time of the year,is hollowed(使中空) out, with a funny face cut into it, and a_5_placed inside as a decoration in the window. City folks,nowadays, sometimes use paper pumpkins

      6、for_6_.Some years ago, the holiday was celebrated by _7_ in strange and frightening clothes and_8_tricks on ones neighbors and friends,such as ringing door bells, throwing bits of corn on the windowpanes (窗玻璃), and in other ways of making little _9_.More recently, children come to the door to have friends and neighbors_10_ their clothes and guess who they are behind the strange masks and_11_treats of candies, fruits or cookies.They say “Trick or Treat”, which_12_“I will play a trick on you _13_

      7、you dont want to give me a treat.”This practice has even more recently developed into an important _14_ activity.Instead of along with candies,the children _15_ money for UNICEF(United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund)This_16_collection of money by children for needy children throughout the world is known as “UNICEF Trick or Treat”_17_ only recently, it _18_ several million dollars each year being contributed to UNICEF. The collection box is_19_, reminding people of the _20_.1A.cou

      8、ntries BstatesCtowns Dprovinces2A.late BearlyCreligious Dclose3A.made BcelebratedCcongratulated Dgreeted4A.harvesting BharvestedCto harvest Dharvest5A.candle BpictureClamp Dflashlight6A.fun BpleasureCdecoration Dexample7A.having on BwearingCputting on Ddressing up8A.playing BdoingCmaking Dputting9A.peace BtroubleCnoises Dfaces10A.share Blook atChonour Dadmire11A.receive BbuyCteach Dorder12A.suggests BshowsCadvises Dinsists13A.unless BifCuntil Dwhen14A.local BgovernmentalCinternational Dnational15A.gather BcollectCmake Dearn16A.usual BrareCspecial Dcommon17A.Enjoyed BFoundCLanded DBegun18A.results from Bresults inCbrings out Dbrings up19A.red BblueCorange Dgreen20A.pumpkin BtrickCtreat DHalloween.阅读理解Many years ago I lived in a western country.I got my first job in the city an

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