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    • 1、Chapter1.Body language Listening, Speaking, Using English, Writing 一、章节分析 (Section Analysis ) (一) 综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。针对高一新生情况using language 的任务是培养学生如何正确有效的使用字典,为以后的学习打下基础。(二)目标Listening 1 帮助学生通过抓关键词培养其听力理解能力。2 听说结合,提高听力教学效果。Speaking 1 帮助学生运用本课关于肢体语言信息,培养他们良好的礼议。2 鼓励学生在此过程中动脑动口,学会推荐自己及如何评价他人。Using English 1 帮助学生如何有效的使用字典。2 培养学生自习自研能力。Writing 1 了解书信式“提醒单(reminder )”和邀请信的写作思路。2 掌握写作方法。3 根据简要提示写出符合要求的reminder as well as 邀请信。(三)重点和难点Listening 培养学生抓关键词汇:adj /

      2、adv attentively; politely; serious ,nervous n art; steps; movements; sages; points messagesv dance Speaking 通过表演掌握如何推荐自己以及如何评价他人,同时能运用Dos 和Dons 句型。Using English 了解字典中不同符号的含义以及如何能有效地运用字典,培养自学能力。Writing 根据提示写出符合要求的short messages 并能采用生生互评。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Listening 1 材料的整合:将课本第5页和课本第20页上的听力材料整合。两份材料都是培养学生抓关键词汇的能力。2 建议把听和说相结合。通过教师与学生或学生与学生的对话,表演,引入要听的新单词,强化学生可理解性输入。l Pre-listening 在听之前,创设环境,要求学生明确听力任务(recognize key words),扫清在听力材料中出现的困难词汇(rush in, sideways, attentively, stretch

      3、 ,movements, entertainment),提高听的效果。 l While-listening诱发兴趣,增强听的动力。l Post-listening 要求学生小组讨论,结合自己的生活实际讨论肢体语言在人们生活中,尤其是面试中的重要性。学会Dos 和Donts 句型。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1。牛津英语教学参考Page 5, Page20Speaking 课本中出现的Speak up (Everybodys friend ) 内容与本课的主题关系不紧密,而且操练很机械化,调动不起学生的兴趣。故建议换一个和课文紧密相关的主题。设计情景:面试l 使用should 和shouldnt 句型表达在面试中面试人应该有的和不因该有的肢体动作.l 参加一个出国交流学生选拔面试,要求学生在面试中注意自己的肢体语言。并请其他学生对他们的肢体语言发表自己的评价。牛津英语教学参考Page20Using English 要求学生每人带一本英汉双解字典到课堂上,利用书上的Scale 这个单词来具体介绍如何有效的使用字典。然后再要求学生在字典中查本课中出现的核心词汇hesitate 来检测学生掌

      4、握的程度。课后可以要求学生预习More language input 中的课文,查出他们不认识的或对其用法不确定的词组。牛津英语教学参考Page14Writing 这是典型的控制写作。首先教师应该帮助学生了解书信式“提醒单(reminder )”和邀请信的写作思路;要求学生掌握该文体的写作方法;并能够根据简要的提示写出符合要求的reminder as well as 邀请信。在这部分建议教师采用生生互评的反馈方式,让每一个学生都成为批改着,评价的参与者,这样不仅可以提高学生的学习积极性,在改正同学的错误的同时,自身水平也得到的提高。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接2。牛津英语教学参考Page15链接1Listening and speaking 说明: 建议两个整合。1 建议听说结合:在说的基础上,引入听的内容,在听的同时,要求学生掌握表达建议的基本句型。2 建议材料的整合:将page5和page 20上的听力材料整合。两份材料都是培养学生抓关键词汇的能力。Step One Speaking1 Pre-speaking -Warming up A short competition :D

      5、ivide the class into two. Students are asked to answer the question: How should a person do during the interview ? Each side should follow the different patterns: Side A is required to begin with “He should” , while Side B is required to begin with “ He shouldnt ”Students take turns to answer the question. The side which goes to the last is the winner. (The content cannot be repeated ) Example: Side A S1 : He should be polite .Side B S2 : He shouldnt enter without knocking at the door. Side A S2

      6、: He should sit straight . Side B S2: He shouldnt brush his hair while answering the questions. 教师先请两位学生示范,然后全班分两方进行比赛。这样可以调动学生学习积极性,鼓励学生多动脑动口。2 Speaking-up 1) Dos & Donts : After the competition, the students from each side pick out five tips on interviews which they think the most important . Ask them to list them on the blackboard in the following form. Interview Tips ( 面试需知)Dos Donts Sit straight Dont get two nervous Talk honestly Dont rest your head on your hand 2) Have an interview Two stu

      7、dents will be chosen from your school to be exchange students . So two interviewers are interviewing them to see whether they are qualified or not.Useful expressions for interviewers why do you want to be an exchange student ? What do you usually do in your spare time ? What do you think is the most important quality for an exchange student ? Useful expressions for applicants Id like to I usually do in my spare time. An exchange student must be polite /helpful/ adaptable. 3) Make some comments o

      8、n their performance especially their body language. Step Two Listening Task One Listening on page 201 Pre-listening 1) Get familiar with the form of Dos and Donts after speaking .2) Introduce the task to the students, that is , to recognize the key words especially some adjectives and adverbs .3) Study some new words .Ask students to read the definition of each word and then guess the meaning of it. New words: rush in ; sideways; attentively; stretch .2 While listening Listen to the passage and

      9、write down as many notes as possible with books closed. Ask students to focus on some descriptive words such as adjective and adverbs. Open books and listen to the passage again, checking the key words. 3 Post-listening After the listening , help students understand body language sometimes communicate more than words. Body language is quite common in our daily life . Meanwhile , even some artists turn to body language to communicate their ideas and opinions to the public .Introduce the second listening on page 5Task Two Listening on Page 51 Pre-reading 1) What do you know about Ballet ? 教师请学生就他们所知的有关Ballet 的情况谈谈。教师也可以根据情况作简单的介绍。2) Introduce the task to students : recognize key wor


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