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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、陕西省宝鸡市岐山县2021-2022学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题题号一二三四五六总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、完形填空My grandma was in a nursing home. She was unable to move; now her eyesight was almost _1_. Grandma and I often exchanged cards. I knew that she enjoyed _2_ in touch with people. Since I returned, Grandma thought I should be her “personal _3_” . I said, “I guess youve forgotten how bad my _4_ is.” Grandma acted like she didnt _5_ me. Grandma would have me write letters on the cards she would send. She

      2、would dictate(口授); then I would _6_ what she said. Grandma would always have me _7_ what I had written back to her. Grandma didnt have a hearing _8_ then because she was always telling me, “That is not _9_ what I said!” I would then rewrite what she exactly said.Since I was _10_ before Christmas, I asked Grandma if she would send some Christmas cards. Grandma readily agreed. I prepared several _11_kinds of cards. I knew she had friends and family who all had different _12_. I would take each car

      3、d and _13_ the front of the card in detail.After a while, I looked up and I _14_ several nursing home _15_ standing in the doorway. I started to notice as I read each card, the _16_ on their faces and Grandmas face, too. Each one had a smile in _17_ eyes, as they were seeing the scenes in their minds.I thought I would be doing Grandma a favor when I started to write the Christmas _18_ for her, _19_ it turned out that she did me a big favor. I would always cherish this special memory of bringing

      4、some Christmas_20_and pleasant memories to Grandma and her fellow residents. That was it.1AwonderfulBfoundCgoneDyoung2AkeepingBlosingCgettingDstaying3AteacherBsecretaryCcompetitorDdriver4AfeelingBthinkingCbuildingDhandwriting5AunderstandBrecognizeChearDfind6Await forBwrite downCwatch overDpay for7AshowBsmoothCcountDread8AadvantageBopinionCproblemDdesire9AexactlyBactuallyCobviouslyDclearly10AtiredBfreeCcarefulDgenerous11AdifferentBfamiliarCsimilarDsame12AmethodsBnamesCinterestsDhabits13AdescribeB

      5、hideCdrawDfind14AtoldBnoticedCattackedDchallenged15AkindsBteamsCjudgesDresidents16AeyesBfeelingsCtearsDlooks17AmyBtheirCherDyour18AtreesBgiftsCcardsDrings19AbutBthoughCsoDif20AdisappointmentBdislikeCsurpriseDjoy评卷人得分二、阅读理解Four Chinese Language Learning AppsDu ChineseDu Chinese is an app that helps to improve your Chinese reading skills. You can read by yourself or listen to a recording and read along. The characters and pinyin layout (布局) look very comfortable. You can easily turn the pinyin on

      6、and off and switch Chinese characters between Simplified and Traditional. It supports English translations for angle words and sentences.The materials are graded from HSK (汉语水平考试) level 1 to 6. It is easy to find material for your level.ZizzleIf you have trouble memorizing Chinese characters, then Zizzle will definitely help you. This app breaks down characters into their component parts. Then, hey use images and a short story to help you remember these components. Most of he stories are funny e

      7、nough to be memorable. It presents an effective, novel, and fun way to learn and memorize Chinese characters. If you are a total beginner, I can safely say you will know hundreds of characters in a few days and be able to read them confidently.Hello ChineseHello Chinese is a powerful learning tool that can help you overcome the fear of learning Chinese. This app focuses on daily life topics. It starts from basic pinyin, so that even if you are a total beginner or have absolutely no background in

      8、 Chinese, you can still learn with it. What is special is that this app allows you to listen and record your own voice, and to help you check automatically if your pronunciation is correct.Chineseclass 101Chineseclass 101 has an extensive collection of listening materials covering all levels. Each lesson has notes that include the key grammar point broken down clearly along with Chinese cultural insights. The lesson dialogue will help you understand real life conversations in China and will defi

      9、nitely help you improve your listening skills. It also offers an interactive voice recorder tool, which lets you record your pronunciation and compare it to that of a native speaker.21What do we know about Du Chinese?AIts materials are graded by difficulty.BIt can switch among several languages.CIts users are basically school students.DIt is designed for language tests.22Which of the following apps are especially suggested for total beginners?ADu Chinese and Zizzle.BChineseclass 101 and Zizzle.CZizzle and Hello Chinese.DDu Chinese and Hello Chinese.23What do Hello Chinese and


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