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2019届高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第4讲 四大名花 锦上添花-名词性从句在写作中的应用课件 外研版

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    • 1、第4讲 四大名花,锦上添花名词性从句在写作中的应用,一、魔法导航 名词性从句包括宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句和同位语从句。在写作中我们可以巧用名词性从句来为我们的文章“锦上添花”。 1.主语从句在写作中的应用 典句引领 What I want to stress is that you should make it a rule to practice speaking Mandarin every day. 我想强调的是你应该定下规矩,每天练习说普通话。 雕词琢句 (1) What impresses me most(给我印象最深的) is his famous saying,“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”,(2)我们想做的第一件事是和老人们一起包饺子。(2015课标全国卷) What we want to do first is to make dumplings with the elderly people. (3)我想建议你游览的地方是泰山。 What I wa

      2、nt to recommend you to visit is Mount Tai. 2.宾语从句在写作中的应用 典句引领 I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin. 在你的帖子上我得知你想提高你的普通话水平。(2015四川卷) 雕词琢句 (1)I hope that we can enjoy the life(我们能享受生活)of spring every day.(2016四川卷) (2)I dont even know if there is something(是否有事情)to pay attention to.,(3)I have been told that our school team is recruiting new team members(我们校队正在招收新队员).(2017课标全国卷) (4)一句多译 我知道我是如何取得成功的。 I know how I achieved my success.(success) I know how I succeeded.(succeed

      3、) I know how I was/became successful. (successful) I know how I made it. (make it) 3.表语从句在写作中的应用 典句引领 From him,I realize the secret to success is not where you were born,but what you are doing in your life. 从他身上,我意识到成功的秘诀不在于你生于何处,而在于在生活中你在做什么。,雕词琢句 (1)The main reason for my choice is that I tend to sacrifice my own interest (我倾向于牺牲自己的利益) for the group benefit. (2)将下面的两个句子整合为含有定语从句和表语从句的复合句 The reason why I want to interview Yang Liwei is that he has made great contributions to the development of

      4、 China. (3)那就是为什么我认为长江之旅是一个更好的选择。(2017北京卷) That is why I think the trip along the Yangtze River will be a better choice. 4.同位语从句在写作中的应用 典句引领 It is an undeniable fact that the environment is getting polluted more and,more seriously. 不可否认,环境污染越来越严重了。 雕词琢句 (1)Learning that you are organizing this activity to share books worldwide, I am writing to apply to participate in it for the simple reason that I love reading and I own a large number of books(我喜欢阅读,并且有很多书). (2)一句多译 多数人认为教育能改变一个人的命运。 Most peopl

      5、e hold the firm belief that education can change ones fate. (hold the firm belief that.) What most people believe is that education can change ones fate.(What.believe is that.) Most people believe that education can change ones fate.(believe that.),二、学以致用 1.完美文章 结合括号中的提示,用名词性从句完成下面的文章 Dear friends, Good morning!I am glad to express my opinion on our monitors suggestion (1) that we should set aside 15 minutes every day to read newspapers(我们应该每天抽出15分钟的时间看报纸). As far as I am concerned,its a good id

      6、ea,because it can do us good in many aspects.Firstly,we are occupied with our study every day and we seldom know (2) what is happening both at home and abroad(国内外发生的事情).By reading newspapers we can get more information about the world outside.Secondly,the advantage of the activity is(3) that it can enrich our school life and improve the efficiency of our study(它能丰富我们的学校生活并能提高我们的,学习效率).Last but not least,(4) what I want to stress(我想强调的是)is that it will help us improve our reading skills. As for m

      7、y suggestion,we should make a choice about what well read.I am convinced (5) that everyone will benefit a lot from this activity(每个人都将从这个活动中受益很多). Thats all.Thank you for your listening.,2.话题写作 【本期话题】 科技生活 【写作微练】 根据下面的信息提示,写一篇70词左右的英语短文。 1.使用网络获取信息在学生中是普遍现象; 2.主要原因是他们认为这样做很方便;,3.毫无疑问,他们可以快速获得问题的答案; 4.我认为这有可能使他们失去独立思考的能力; 5.老师和父母应该鼓励他们独立完成作业。 注意:至少运用三种名词性从句。,答案 One possible version: Its a common phenomenon that many students prefer to gain information by using the Internet. The main reason is tha

      8、t they think this way is very convenient. There is no doubt that they often get the answers to the questions quickly. However, I think its likely that they will lose the ability to think independently. Thus, its suggested that what teachers and parents should do is encourage them to finish their homework on their own rather than depending on the Internet too much.,三、实战提能 假定你是李华,与留学生朋友Bob约好一起去书店,结果却因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.表示歉意; 2.说明原因; 3.另约时间。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,我会审题,我会联想 1.词汇铺路 (1)

      9、书店bookstore (2)参加attend (3)见面meet (4)适合suit/be suitable for (5)有时间free/available,(6)出发set out/set off (7)给某人造成麻烦cause sb. trouble 2.句型搭桥 (1)I am sorry(to say)that/for. (2)If its convenient for. (3)What/How about.? (4)If not,. 我会表达,答案 One possible version: Dear Bob, Im sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.I have just found out that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon.I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble. Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that well have more time to read and select books.If its convenient for you,lets meet at 8:30 a.m. outside the school gate.If not,let me know what time suits you best.I should be available any time after school next week. Yours, Li Hua,美句必背 1.With an important meeting to attend that afternoon,I cant accompany you to the bookstore. 2.How I wish the change wouldnt cause you too much trouble!,

      《2019届高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第4讲 四大名花 锦上添花-名词性从句在写作中的应用课件 外研版》由会员小**分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019届高考英语一轮复习 第三部分 写作导练 第4讲 四大名花 锦上添花-名词性从句在写作中的应用课件 外研版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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