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    • 1、教材话题组块复习,话题二 日常活动,居住环境,01,02,03,目录导航,中 考 话 题 导 航,话题基础积累与写作,一、教材经典语段再现 (一)7A Unit 2 A day at school by Sam I am a junior high school student.I love going to school. My school is 1._ _ (离得近) my home,,close to,话题基础积累与写作,so I always go to school 2._ _ (步行)Classes 3.s_ at 8 am., and I am seldom late.My favourite 4.s_ is Geography.I enjoy 5._ _ (了解) different places in the world.,on foot,tarts(开始),ubject(科目;学科),learning about,In the morning, we usually study Chinese, Maths and English.We have our morn

      2、ing break at 9:50 am.When the bell 6.r_,I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack.We often play games.Break ends at 10:10 am.How_short_it_is!,ings(铃响),Lunch is from 11:50 am.to 12:30 pm.Afternoon classes end at 3:30 pm.Then Tom, Jack and I 7._ _ _ (参加) the school band practice.We make great music together. I always 8._ _ _ _ (过得愉快) at school.,take part in,have a good time,重点句型 How short it is! 句型结构:how引导的感叹句,其结构为“How形容词或副词(主语谓语其他)!”。 完成句子:他是多么聪明的一个男孩啊! _ _ a boy he is!,How clever

      3、,(二)8B Unit 1 Voluntary work Three teenagers 1.o_ to do some voluntary work during the school holidays.They wrote the following reports. I did some voluntary work in a childrens hospital.The children there all 2._ _ (遭受) serious illnesses.,ffered(提供;主动提出),suffer from,We 3.o_ a painting competition for them. I met a girl 4.c_ Cindy.She wanted to paint a picture of the park near her home.I went there and took some photos of it.Cindy_used_them_for_her_painting. Betty,rganized(组织),alled(叫作),There ar

      4、e many children without parents.I met some of these children with my mother.We taught them to tell stories.This helps them 5.e_ their feelings.One child said,xpress(表达),“My friends dont understand my pain.” We 6._ _ _ (与共度时光) a girl called Vivien.Her parents died in a car 7.a_, and she is unhappy and very lonely.She needs friendship.My mother and I will 8._ _(继续) visit Vivien. Mark,spent time with,continue to,ccident(事故),I wanted to help disabled children.They have 9.d_ walking or moving.I taugh

      5、t them to sing because music can bring them joy and 10.p_. I met a boy called Tim.He hurt his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage.We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits.I will continue to do voluntary work in the future. Annie,ifficulty(困难),eace(平静),重点句型 Cindy used them for her painting. 句型结构:use sth.for sth./doing sth.表示“把用于”。 完成句子:我们用录像进行教学。 We _ video _ teaching.,use for,(三)8B Unit 8 Life in 2050 It is August 2050.Some people are writing about hotels, houses and

      6、 cars on the Internet.Read their posts. The Hotel Whale The hotel whale is built under the water.It is 1._ _ _ _ (以形状) a whale.,in the shape of,This hotel has 50 bedrooms, a cafe and a shopping centre. Mrs Peng: “When we were staying at the hotel recently, my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window.They were never bored!” Forever Green Houses These houses are both “green” and “smart”There is glass outside the houses.,Heat is held under the glass and is then used as energy for each

      7、 house.In the bathroom, your medicine cupboard 2._ _ _(与相连接) your doctors computer.In the kitchen, your smart fridge tells the supermarkets computer when you need more food. Mr Yu: “When we were living in our old house, we were using more energy.,is connected to,I would certainly 3.r_ Forever Green Houses to my friends.They will satisfy everyone.” The CJ3 The CJ3 is a new type of hydrogen car.The hydrogen in the car is 4._ _ (与混合) oxygen from the air to make electricity for the car.The CJ3 has a

      8、n 5.e_ map and is driven by a computer.,ecommend(推荐),mixed with,lectronic(电子的),You tell the computer where you want to go.Then you sit back and relax as the car takes you there. Mr Hu:“While I was driving my old car, I was 6.p_ the city.Now, with the new technology in my CJ3, Im helping protect the environment.”,olluting(污染),(四)9A Unit 3 How to communicate with your parents Many_young_people_have_trouble_communicating_ with_their_parents. 1.H_, there are some very useful tips to help solve this problem.,owever(然而),First, make a list of the things you and your parents 2._ _ (不同意) most.With each of these things, try to find an answer acceptable to both you and your parents.It_is_no_ good_for_you_to_require_everything_to_go_your_way.You have to be ready to change a little if you want them to change.,disagree about,Second, talk to your parents when it is 3.c_


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