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    • 1、英语作文,我的生活 篇一:英语作文句 1.听英文歌曲不但使我放松而且带给我幸福感/使我的生活充满温暖与爱 Listening to music can not only make me relaxed but also bring me happiness/fill my life with warmth and love. 2.打篮球不但对我的健康有好处而且对我的学习有好处 Playing basketball is not only good for my health but also good for my study. 3.做运动不但发展我的团队精神而且带给我自信 Doing sports can not only develop my team spirit but also bring me confidence. 4.阅读是我幸福的源泉 Reading is the source of my happiness. 5.看英文电影不但帮助我开阔我的视野与思想而且丰富了我的知识 Watching English movies can not only help me ope

      2、n up my eyes and mind but also eich my knowledge. 6.我们应该花一些时间每天锻炼代替一整天只学习 We should spend some time exercising every day instead of only studying all day. 7.我们锻炼是为了保持健康 We exercise in order to keep fit. 8.众所周知锻炼很重要 It is known to everyone that taking exercise is important.9.我喜欢做运动比方说跑步和游泳 I like doing sports such as running and swimming. 10.越多的时间你花费在看英文电影上,你的听力就会越好 The more time you spend in watching English movies,the better your listening will be. 11.做大量的听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘密之一 Doing lots of lis

      3、tening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. 12.我提高我的听力能力通过看英文电影 I improve my listening ability by watching English movies. 13.我坚定的相信越多的单词你记住了,你的英语成绩就会越好 I firmly believe that the more words you remember, the better your English grades will be. 14.这是一个好的主意对于我去在词典上查阅新的单词 It is a good idea for me to look up new words in the dictionary. 15.这种经历,仍是并将继续是一个甜蜜的时刻在我的心里 This experience which was,still is and will continue to be one of the sweetest moments in my heart. 16.我可以

      4、把这份爱去很好的使用通过教小孩子如何弹钢琴。我不仅感觉很好去帮助他人而且我花时间去做我喜欢做的事 I can put this love to good use by teaching little kids how to play the piano.Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get tospend time doing what I love to do. 17.对他人表示谢意从未失败让我着迷Being thankful to others never fails to fascinate me. 18.为了提高英语,看英文电影看似是一个不错的方式 In order to improve English,watching English movies seems like a good way to go. 19.生活没有了阅读就像冬天没有了阳光 Life without reading is just like winter without sunshine. 20.跑步在我的生活中是一个很重

      5、要的角色 Running plays a very important role in my life.篇二:初中英语作文-50年后我们的生活会是什么样 初中英语作文:50年后我们的生活会是什么样 根据中文提示即所给英文提示词语,写一篇意思连贯,符合逻辑,不少于50字的短文。同学们在讨论人们未来的生活是什么样的,小明说. work at home ,a special computer ,instead of robot , comfortable What people's Life In the Future Will Be. In the future, people will work at home since robots(机器人)will do most of the work instead people. Even those have to go to important work only need to stay at home in front of a special computer which can control the work far i

      6、n the factories. All in all(总之),people will lead a comfortable life in the near future.篇三:【大学英语作文】手机如何改变我们的生活How Does Cellphone Change Our Life手机如何改变我们的生活How Does Cellphone Change Our Life We live in a world with high-tech products. Cellphone has been part of our life, it gets updated very fast. Unlike twenty years ago that cellphone is owned by the adults, but now even a kid is equipped with a cellphone. This high-tech product changes our life. It brings convenience to our life, but at the same

      7、 time, the over use of the product let us miss something from our life. 我们生活在一个高科技产品的世界。手机已经成为我们生活的一部分,更新很快。和20年前不同,以前手机拥有者是大人,现在即使一个小孩也有手机。高科技产品改变了我们的生活,它给我们的生活带来了方便,但是同时,产品的过度使用让我们的生活错失一些东西。 Cellphone indeed facilitates our life. We can keep in touch with our friends any time anywhere instead of making an appointment. We can make new friends through QQ, getting knows what our friends are doing right away. Before, if people miss their family, the first thing they do is to write a letter and sen

      8、d it home, but now, they just pick up the phone and call their parents, they can catch them immediately. How efficient the work is. 手机确实使给我们的生活带来便利。我们可以和朋友随时随地联系,而不用计划,我们可以通过QQ结交新朋友,第一时间知道我们的朋友在做什么。以前,如果人 们想念家人,他们做的第一件事就是写信寄回家,但是现在,他们只要拿出手机,打给家人,就可以马上和家人联系。这是多么有效率啊。 While the phone brings convenience, it does harm to peoples life to some extent. Today as cellphones function has been fulfilled, peopleshare message from many ways, like QQ, blog and so on. People like to paste pictures on the socia

      9、l online world, they like to catch friends attention, so they take pictures as long as they want to. If a girl goes out for dinner, the first thing she does is to take a picture of the food instead of enjoying the food. Too much attention on the cellphone distracts peoples focus on the enjoyment of life. 在手机给人但来便利的同时,然而在某种程度上,手机对人们的生活造成一定的伤害。今天随着手机功能的完善,人们有更多的平台来共享信息,比如QQ,微薄等 等。人们喜欢在社交网络世界发照片,吸引朋友的关注,所以人们很喜欢随时照相。如果一个女孩出去吃晚饭,她做的第一件事就是把食物照下来,而不是享受食 物。对手机的过度关注让人们忽略掉享受生活的真谛。 Cellphone brings positive and negative effect to our life, we should make use of it to facilitate our life, at the same time, we keep focus on the enjoyment of real life, not the Internet world. 手机给我们的生活带来了积极和消极的影响,我们应该利用手机来便利我们的生活 ,同时,我们把关注度放在享受现实生活上,而不是网络上。


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