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    • 1、 meeloun论文网 专业留学英文论文代写网站澳洲Termpaper写作学生图书馆占座行为导读:这是一篇Media Research Practices课程的termpaper范文,讨论了学生为了利用图书馆的资源而坐在座位上占座,而免费WiFi是学生占据图书馆座位的关键因素。Introduction介绍“占座”是现代大学诞生并流行的一个新词汇。广义的“占座”实际上是对公共资源的抢占,尤其是图书馆的位置和免费WiFi。随着媒体在人们生活中越来越重要,他们需要一些东西来满足这一需求,而wifi正是其中的关键角色(Geier,2001年),随着免费wifi成为学生占据图书馆座位的关键竞争驱动力这一问题的出现,本文将开始对学生占据图书馆座位的行为问题进行深入的探讨。S和目的是什么。随后,它将列举一些学习时使用wifi的优势。最后,将分析学生的行为如何,以及免费WiFi是否是学生占据图书馆座位位置的关键竞争驱动力。Seat-occupying is a new vocabulary which is born as well as become popular in modern univer

      2、sities. The generalized Seat-occupying is actually a preemption of public resource, especially the position and the free WIFI in library. As media matters in peoples life all the more, they need something to meet this demand and WIFI is the very role (Geier, 2001).With the question that is free WIFI a key competitive driver for students to occupy library seat positions, this essay will begin atillustrating the problem about students behavior of occupying library seats positions and what is the i

      3、ntention.Subsequently, it willcite some advantages about using WIFI while learning. And finally, there will be ananalysisof how students behavior coming to this and if free WIFI is a key competitive driver for students to occupy library seat positions. Results 结果The intention of Seat-occupying 占用座位的意图每个学生都有使用公共资源的权利,这就促使他们获得了一些收益。虽然座位不多,但他们倾向于通过一定的动作来保持座位,通常有两种占用行为。一种是在桌子上放一些东西,只去别的地方,留下空位,这可以称为行为A;另一种是利用免费的wifi等资源,而不是学习,这可以称为行为B。事实上,学生占用图书馆座位的唯一原因是位置的数量局限性。D说,在图书馆中占有一个座位的人,无论在行为A和行为B之间表现出什么样的行为

      4、,最终目的都是利用图书馆中的资源,而且,即使是那些离开被占用的空位只去其他地方的人,他们也倾向于在他们方便的时候使用资源。CH库。所以说行为A部分是为了行为B并不过分。Every student has the right to use the public resources and that drive them get some gains. While the seats are not abundant, they incline to hold them by certain actions.There are always two kinds of occupying behaviors. One is to set some items on the table only to go other places and leave the vacant position, which could be called behavior A. The other is to use the free resources such as free WIFI instead of

      5、 studying and it could be called behavior B.As a matter of fact, the only reason why students occupy library seats is that the number of positions has its limitation. It is said by D that people who occupy a seat in library have their ultimate aim to use the resources in the library, no matter which behaviorthey would show between behavior A and behavior B. Furthermore, even for those who leave the occupied vacant seats only to go other places, they tend to use the resource as soon as they are c

      6、onvenient to reach library. So it is not too much to say the behavior A is partly in order to the behavior B.The advantages of using WIFI while studyingActually, using WIFI does much well in students learning. Since the network has become an important part of student life, students can easily roam the world through online media, access to new knowledge and be free to express their opinions to show themselves.The learning mission in college is onerous and challenging so that students need broader

      7、 avenues to new knowledges and the WIFI can give them that.On the other hand, WIFI help cultivate the spirit of innovation. Because of its unique advantages, WIFI help to train the college students creativity. By connecting with WIFI, the diversification of network resources provide a wealth of materials for the students creative thinking, which help to stimulate their imagination; and the network presentsthe feature of collaboration ingroupas well as personalized learning, which help to cultiva

      8、te innovative sense. If free WIFI is a key competitive driver for students to occupy library seatsIn general, the phenomenon of occupying seats can be analyzed by cost-effect.Student gets the effect of set resource and pays the costs of being dispute if he holds seat. According to Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. (2013),student would occupy while he consider the gains are higher than the costs. Similarly, other students who came to library later might find a vacant seat instead of robbing the sea

      9、t which has been held by others while the costsof contention are higher than the gains of making a concession. Since most of students regard the effects of occupying and the costs of the robbing are decisive factor, “seat-occupying” comes out.In addition, after analyzing according to the ISD (Iterated Elimination of Strictly Dominated Strategies) process(Johnson, 2013),there will be a same consequence. In detail, library comforts students with its comfortable tables and chairs, academic atmosphere as well as free WIFI. When it comes to assessing which is the key driver to occupying,D said, in dormitory they also have wonderful tables and chairs and at the meanwhile, classroom has the comparative academic atmosphere, so they went to library mostly for its free WIFI. There is an identical interpretation: library has three major factors which appeals students, and when the other two factors exist in some else substit


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