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    • 1、 浩天论文网 专业留学Essay代写网站美国Essay写作王牌特工观后感导读:这是一篇美国影视专业的essay范文,讨论了特工类影视作品的观后感。在电影开始的时候,在几次炫耀性的轰炸之后,一群全副武装的人冲进一栋大楼,开始在中东的某个地方向所有人开枪。蒙面枪手哈里哈特、梅林、兰斯洛特和艾吉的父亲把一个人绑在椅子上审问他。十七年后,在哈里哈特和其他朋友的帮助下,经过一系列艰苦的训练,艾格西进入了金斯曼特工学校,最终成为一名合格的特工。简介:在好莱坞式的电影开场,一队特工在1997年飞往中东的某个地方,在一系列爆炸之后,一群戴着面具、全副武装的人围绕着一个被绑着的人说阿拉伯语,他们看起来像是中东恐怖分子在房间的每个角落。然而,在好莱坞式的日常审讯中,被绑的男子决定引爆一枚隐藏的炸弹自杀,杀死这个房间里的每个人。就在这时,爱琪的父亲跳到那个被绑的人跟前,把他拉下来。同时,在祝贺活动中,介绍了他们的关系,梅林,死亡特工的导师,艾格西的父亲,哈利哈特的导师,兰斯洛特的队长。它也暗示了成为一个国王的训练和困难。At the beginning of the movie, after couple

      2、of showoff bombing, a bunch of heavily armed men burst into a building and start shooting everybody in somewhere in the Middle East. Masked gunmen Harry Hart, Merlin, Lancelot and Eggsys father tie some guy to a chair and interrogate him. Seventeen years later, Eggsy entered the Kingsman agent school and turns out to be a qualified agent after a series of harsh training with the help of Harry Hart and other friends. Synopsis:At the Hollywood kind of beginning of the movie, a team of agents flew

      3、to somewhere of Middle East in 1997, after a series of explosion, a bunch of masked and heavily armed men speaking Arabic surrounding a man tied, who look like some Middle East terrorist at each corner of the room. However, during this usual and easy daily Hollywood style interrogation, the tied man decides to commit suicide by detonating a hidden bomb to kill everyone in this room. At this very moment, Eggsys father jumps to the tied man and brings him down. Meanwhile, during the congratulation

      4、, it introduces the relationship of them, Merlin, the mentor of the dead agent, Eggsys father, the mentor of Harry Hart and Lancelot, the leader of the team. It also implied the training and difficulties to become a Kingsman. Seventeen years later, Eggsy become a grown street boy in London. With the help and introduction of Harry, he enters the Kingsman school. In the absence of the same variant as Spider-Man, the only possibility is to experience rigorous training to become an outstanding agent

      5、. This training school of Kingsman agents is like Ivy League colleges. So Eggsy, the street boy has to start training and compete with the elites from top universities, such as Oxford and Princeton etc. The advantages and disadvantages of Eggsysfrom the bottom and the Ivy Leaagues from the top are obvious, the underlying knowledge structure of Eggsy is clearly weak, but the more knowledge they have, they are more likely to be restrained by it. Knowledge can only let you live, but action force an

      6、d life experiences and wisdom Eggsy learns from the bottom could help him change the world.Before he officially becomes a qualified agent, the super villain was found, the tech genius and millionaire. Finally, Eggsy turns out to be a qualified agent after a series of harsh training and beat the villain with the help of Harry Hart and other friends.Comments:It is quit easy to consider Kingsman: The Secret Service much similar to traditional Hollywood spy movies. However, as a 7.8 rating of 10 IMD

      7、B movie, which is much higher than common spy movies, this one stands out by its ingenious quality of writing and story setting. Its appeal is also very clear, people who like teen movie, comedy or spy movie would like to pay for the ticket, which is also consistent with the key demographic of box (The Guardian, 2014). The conflicts of this movie, along with the dialogue and the character building, are three of the most attractive factors of this movie. In this movie, though many of the main cha

      8、racter die, the dialogue is full of British humor, which makes it a successful comedy. Meanwhile, another highlight of this story is the setting of the villain and the death of Harry, since to establish an African American as a tech genius and as well as a villain, who is willing to clear this world is almost unprecedented. And in most Hollywood adventure movies, good guy usually dont die.On the other hand, during the growth of Eggsy, especially when he is in the “school”, he never has the arc of main character. He makes his success due to the merits and smartness at the end of this movie, which he earns from his humble life. He is never heroism. References:IMDB, Kingsman: The Secret Service.Kingsman: The Secret Service, script.The Guardian, 2014, League of gentlemen: Kingsman and Britains posh-boy spies, retrieved on August 17, 2015 from http:/ 专业提供留学生essay代写服务


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