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    • 1、Task 1: Attending a Business ReceptionScriptChris: Ive been looking forward to this reception for weeks. I cant wait to get sure of my own leads. You know, start making new connections.Nora: Smart thinking. But what are you going to do with all those brochures?Chris: The party ends at two, I figure I can have them all distributed by one-thirty,Nora: No, no, no, no. Let me clue you in. Those brochures will make you look like a green hand.Chris: What should I do then?Nora: Hand out business cards.

      2、 Thats the way to do it.Chris: I dont understand whats wrong with these brochures about our company.Nora: This room is going to be filled with potential clients, but there is an unwritten law; you leave your work at the door. Chris: But how am I supposed to get anything of this if we cant talk business?Nora: You have business cards. Get out there and exchange cards. Just get a card for a card.Chris: Then follow up on Monday?Nora: You catch on quick. Lets split up so we can cover more ground.Chri

      3、s: Great idea. This is going to be a piece of cake. Ill meet you back here at two.Chris and Nora are going to a reception. Chris is eager to making new connections. As the party ends at two, he intends to have all those brochures distributed by one- thirty. But Nora disagrees, saying that those brochures will make him look like a green hand. She advises him just to hand out business card and leave his work at the door. But Chris wonders how he can get anything out of this if she cant talk busine

      4、ss. To this, Nora insists that he should just get a card for a card. Chris catches on quickly and knows that he can hand out business cards now and follow up on Monday. Finally, Nora suggests splitting up so that they can cover more ground. Chris feels it will be a piece of cake and promise to meet her back there at two.Task 2: A Work Qualification TestScriptOnce there was a Scottish accountant. The business has been in the family for generations and generations. Over time, with the countless cl

      5、ients that had gone in and out of the office, the marble step in front of the building had developed a big, deep dip in it from all the wear and tear.The accountants friends kept telling him that he had better get it replaced; otherwise hed be sued if anyone ever slipped and fell.Reluctantly, the accountant called a stonemason to get a quote for the repairs. When the stonemason got there, the accountant demanded a price for a new step.“Ah, big job,” said the e stonemason, “But I suppose I could

      6、give you a new step for a hundred pounds.” The accountant was stunned. “Are you crazy, man? I cant pay you a hundred pounds!” Thinking about it for a second, he turned to the stonemason and asked, “What would you charge me to dig up the step and turn it over so that the worn part is in the ground and Id get a new square step?” The stonemason hesitated, “20pounds.”“Do it!” Demanded the accountant, “And call me when youre done.”The accountant went back inside to read his books, but after only 15mi

      7、nutes the stonemason rang the bell. As the accountant opened the door, he saw the stonemason standing there, pointing to a deep dip in the step. The stonemason laughed as he said, “Your great-great granddaddy thought of that a hundred and fifty years ago!”Keys: FTFFTFor Reference1. countless clients that had gone in and out of the office 2. He turn the step over so that the worn part was in the groundTask 2: What do you know about business?ScriptHistorically, the term business referred to activi

      8、ties or interests. By extension, the word became, as recently as the 18th century, synonymous with “an individual commercial enterprise”. When referring to activities, the terms business and industry sometimes appear interchangeable. Thus a fisherman might say either that he is in the “fishing business”, which is a bit colloquial or that he works in the “fishing industry”, which sounds somewhat formal. The word “trade” may serve as an equivalent of both “business” and “industry”.People establish

      9、 business in order to perform economic activities. With some exceptions, such as non-profit organizations and institutions of the government, businesses exist to product profit. In other words, the owners and operators of a business have receiving or generating a financial return for their time, effort and capital as one of their main objectives.One can classify businesses in many different ways. In recent years, service businesses have become increasingly popular. They offer intangible products and typically have different, usually smaller, capital requirements than manufacturers. Distributors need smaller funds than manufacturers.Most laws specify the forms that a business can take, and a body of commercial law has been developed for each type. Some common types include partnerships, corporations, also called limited liability companies, and sole ownershipsTask 1: How to Solve Unemployment ProblemScriptAlan: I have a meeting with my accountant tomorrow morning. S


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