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    • 1、广东省广州市市天河中学高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. -Remember_ we met, Jim? -Of course I do. You_ in the library. A. the first time, read B. the first time, were reading C. for the first time, have read D. for the first time, had read参考答案:B2. Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is_Man is good. A. that B. what C. why D. whether参考答案:A3. Lewis was much admired _ his work on the advanced medical research.A. on B. in C. for D. with参考答案:C4. Remember never to leave your dog _. It might bite p

      2、eople around. A. lose B. lost C. losing D. loose 参考答案:D5. -I just cant stop worrying about the result of the job interview.-_. Theres nothing you can do now but wait.A. Relax B. Go ahead C. Go for it D. Good luck.参考答案:A略6. The police are offering a _to anyone who can give information about the missing boy. A. price B. prize C. reward D. money参考答案:C7. _ you are alone at home, why dont you go with us to the party?A. Even though B. As though C. So that D. Now that 参考答案:D8. -_I return the dictionary

      3、 within three days?-No, you _.You _keep it for five days.A. May; neednt; will B. Can; mustnt; wouldC. Must; dont have to; can D. Shall; cant; should参考答案:C9. The woman doctor devoted herself _to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.Astrongly Bextremely Centirely Dfreely参考答案:C10. I used to _at seven but now I am used to_ at six oclock.A. get up; get up B. get up; getting upC. getting; getting up D. getting up; get up 参考答案:B11. .We laugh at jokes, but seldom _ about how the

      4、y work. A. we think B. think we C. we do think D. do we think参考答案:D略12. Do you mind if I smoke here ?- Yes , _ .A. you couldB. go aheadC. I doD. my pleasure参考答案:C13. The person in charge of the meeting asked the people present to sit _ together and listen_.A. closely; close B close; closelyC. close; close D. closely; closely 参考答案:B本题考查close的用法。句意:那个负责会议的人要求在场的人坐在一起认真听。close作副词表示位置近,closely作副词意思是“仔细地”。14. This study website is really helpful, _middle school students and parents can benefit a lot.

      5、A. which B. why C.from which D. of which 参考答案:C略15. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _.A. to be breathed B. to breathe C. breathing D. being breathed参考答案:B16. It is the Great Wall , one of the greatest wonders in the world , _attracts many foreign tourists every year.A. whichB. whereC. thatD. what参考答案:C【详解】考查强调句。句意:长城,世界上最伟大的奇迹之一,每年吸引着许多外国游客。强调句的结构为It is/was + 强调部分 + that从句,本句强调主语the Great Wall,one of the greatest wonders in the world为同位语,解释说明the Great Wall。故选C。

      6、【点睛】强调句是高考中常考的知识点之一。在英语中,为了突出强调句子的某一个成分(谓语除外),达到强调或使听话人特别注意这一部分的目的,便形成了一种强调句型。其结构为It is / was+被强调的部分+that / who+句子的其他部分。It is / was not until+时间+that+句子的其他部分。17. To understand the grammar of the sentence you must break it_ into parts.A down B up C off D out 参考答案:A18. It was quite _accident that I met him; he was homeless and _rags at that time. A. at; by B. on; in C. by; in D. in; in 参考答案:C略二、 书面表达19. 假如你是一名导游,你即将带领一批外国游客游览通江,请你根据以下信息对通江作简要的介绍:地理位置:位于四川省的东北部。面积和人口: 4116平方公里,人口80万。气候:夏季凉爽,冬季寒冷。地位

      7、:重要的历史文化名城,有”中国红军之乡”的美誉物产丰富,以“中国银耳之乡”闻名于世。旅游业发达,有“中国溶洞之乡”的称号。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数;4. 参考词汇:中国红军之乡”“中国银耳之乡”“中国溶洞之乡”hometown of Chinese Red Army, hometown of Chinese white fungus and hometown of Chinese cavesLadies and gentlemen, Welcome to the famous tourist city of Tong jiang. Wish you a good time here!参考答案:20. 作文:(25分)假设你是李华,最近收到澳大利亚朋友Smith的来信,现在你给他回信介绍学校基本情况以及你的高中生活。说明:1学校建于1990年,有教学班48个,教师280人,学生3200人。 2.教学楼能容纳60多个班;图书馆藏书很多。3.我在高一(一)班就读。所学主要课程有:语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、电脑。4擅长英语和电脑;业余爱好:听流行音乐,游泳和滑冰。5可适当增加细节,使内容连贯。信的开头已为你写好。词数:100左右。Dear Mr. Smith , I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school and school life .


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