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    • 1、广东省惠州市惠东县多祝中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ the steep mountains, she had no difficulty reaching the top.A. Accustomed to climbB. Having accustomed to climbC. Accustomed to climbingD. To be accustomed to climbing参考答案:C略2. They had a wonderful holiday, _bad weather.A. because of B. due to C. in spite of D. despite of参考答案:C3. I havent got the reference book yet, but Ill have a test on the subject next week. Dont worry. You_ have it by this Friday.A. could B. must C. shall D. may 参考答案:C4. We agreed to accept

      2、 they thought was the best tourist guide.A. whoever B. whomever C. whatever D. whichever参考答案:A 5. -Can you answer my question? - Sorry, I _. Would you repeat that question? A. hadnt listened B. havent listened C. dont listen D. wasnt listening参考答案:D 6. It was in the company _ was set up by Mr Green _ Jack got his first job. Awhere; that Bthat; where Cwhich; that Dthat; which参考答案:C7. Alvin,are you coming with us?Id love to,but something unexpected .A.has come upB.was coming upC.had come upD.would

      3、 come up参考答案:A解析:考查动词时态。问句用现在进行时表示将来的动作“你会和我们一起来吗”,答语为“我很想(和你们一起去),但意外的事情发生了”。 显然应用现在完成时表示“已经发生”。8. Joe just wanted to play a joke on her. He did not mean _ Sarah.A. hurting B. to hurt C. hurted D. hurts参考答案:B9. What he said just now _ me of that American professor. A. accused B. informed C. reminded D. warned参考答案:C10. How I wish I would my ideas in simple and wonderful English when chatting on the interment.A. set off B. set out C. set about D. set up参考答案:B 11. The committee has the plan wed li

      4、ke to see next week.A. agreed with; to be carried out B. approved of; carried outC. agreed to; being carried out D. approved of; being carried out参考答案:B12. To our _, the result of the experiment is much better than we expected.A. relief B. regrets C. disappointment D. sorrow参考答案:A13. Next winter, you will spend in Harbin,Im Sure,will be another exciting holidayAin which Bwhen Cwhich Dthat参考答案:C14. I remember a _ famous scientist said that we should believe in ourselves first of all.A. some B. ce

      5、rtain C. sure D. other参考答案:B略15. We all feel that no one for the car accident. A. is to blame B. should blame C. is going to blame D. is to be blamed参考答案:A16. _to his dream,in my opinion,is the reason why he can succeed in the end.A. Being committedB. CommittedC. CommittingD. To commit参考答案:A【详解】考查动名词作主语。句意:在我看来,致力于他的梦想,是他能成功的原因。固定搭配:be committed to“致力于”。此处是动名词作主语,故答案为A。17. panic A. many B. palace C. celebrate D. village参考答案:B18. Such a chance, once _, might never come again.A. losing B. being lo

      6、st C. lost D. to be lost参考答案:C二、 书面表达19. 假如你是李华,最近你校在为一批来自英国的学生征寻住宿家庭,你有意申请。请用英语给校长写信,说明你申请的理由。1.介绍家庭情况;2.介绍自己的个人情况;3.介绍自己的接待经验。注意:1.词数120左右;2.可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯;3.住宿家庭 host familyDear sir,_ 参考答案:略20. 假定你是李华,你的美国网友Tom因身材瘦小经常受到同学们的欺凌(bully),这令他感到非常苦恼。请你用英语给他写封邮件,主要内容包括:1)表不安慰;2)进行劝解;3)给出建议。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom,Im worried about your being bullied by your classmates._Yours,Li Hua参考答案:One possible version:Dear Tom,Im worried about your being bullied by your classmate

      7、s.I believe everything will be better for you.I also hope you could be optimistic about your life and become the boy who is confident and happy.After all,it isnt your fault.You dont need to feel distressed because of others behavior.I think its time for you to make a change.There are some suggestions I want to share with you.Firstly, you can make yourself stronger with knowledge.As a saying goes,“Knowledge is power.”Secondly, you should talk to your teacher to ask for help.Last but not least,youd better take part in some events you feel interested in to open your mind and get more chances to get along with your classmates.I hope my advice can help you.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua 【分析】这是一篇提纲类作文。文章内容要点已经给出。同学们在写这篇文章时,要注意以下几点:1. 通篇以一般现在时为主。2. 要点一定要齐全。但中间要自然过渡,不能生硬地罗列。可以使用适当的连接词或过渡句,使上下文行文流畅,衔接自然。3. 注意语气是作为一个好朋友的语气,表达时要言之有物,这样才会有丰富的内容;提建议时可以分条列举,以免重复。可以采用简单句复


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