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    • 1、7 系统出错处理设计System error handling design(撰写人:杨林森 3112101126 Yanglinsen 2102-011-0300)7.1 出错信息 Error message在软件的开发过程中,需要对软件中存在的漏洞立即进行处理,即使一个很小的漏洞,也会造成整个软件开发系统的垃圾资源无限增多,最终可能会导致系统的瘫痪。因此在系统设计中,对拟开发系统要注意数据的约束性。为了进行数据统一收集和规范数据统一格式方面管理者的处理,针对存在的安全隐患,本项目组进行了统一约束规范。同时,项目组也应该解决Web服务器端的信息安全问题,这样才能更好的运用管理系统,从而减少系统的维修次数,确保系统的安全使用。In the software development process, the need for software vulnerabilities that exist in immediate treatment, even a small flaw will cause garbage resources of the entire software dev

      2、elopment system and the infinite increase, may eventually lead to paralysis of the system. Therefore, system design, system development should pay attention to the proposed binding data. In order to deal with a unified data collection and standardized data formats unified manager for security risks, the project team conducted a unified constraint specification. Meanwhile, the project team should also solve the problem of information security Web server, so as to make better use of management sys

      3、tems, thereby reducing the number of system maintenance, to ensure the safe use of the system.Error出现错误数据类型错误逻辑出错系统内部出错外部设备出错Error in data typesLogic errorExternal device errorInternal system error错误名称Error 解决方法Solution1. 用户名和密码出错 User name and password error提示输入不正确,检查信息是否正确,并返回。Prompted to enter is not correct, check the information is correct, and return.2. 验证码输入错误Verification code input errors登录失败,请重新输入。Login failed, please re-enter.3. 帐号注册为空或者已存在The account register is empty or already exist

      4、s如空提示错误,返回;存在此用户,提示存在,返回。Error such as an empty return; exist for this user, indicate the presence of return.4. 注册密码低于6位Registration password is less than 6提示低于6位信息,并重新输入。Prompted less than 6, and re-enter.5. 年龄大于100或小于0Age greater than 100 or less than 0提示信息:年龄应该在0与100之间。The message: Age should be between 0 and 100.6. 联系方式具有的格式输入错误Contact the format of the input error提示不是其所拥有的格式,重新输入。Prompt is not its own format, re-enter.7. 编号输入不为整数或小于0Number is not entered as an integer or less than 0提示,编号取值范

      5、围错误,应该为正整数。Tip No. range error, it should be a positive integer.8. 标题为空,或标题大于规定字数The title is empty, or title greater than the specified number of words提示标题不能为空且应该小于X字,重新输入。Prompt title can not be empty and should be less than X characters, re-enter.9. 商品库存数量输入是小数Product inventory quantity input is a decimal提示,数量应该为整数,清除并重新输入。Tip number is an integer, remove and re-enter.10. 信息ID输入为空Information ID input is empty提示出错信息,返回重新输入。With an error message and return to re-enter.11. 信息类型大于50个字符The type of

      6、 information is greater than 50 characters提示字数超出规定,重新输入。Prompt words out of the provisions re-enter.12. 新密码与确认新密码不同New password and confirm the new password提示新密码与确认新密码不同!Prompted a new password and confirm the new password!13. 提交信息失败Submit information failed提示失败信息,并建议检查错误信息类型Prompt failure, and recommended to check the error message type14. 手机号码输入不是11位数字Phone number input is not 11 digits提示您输入的手机号码有误,应该为11位数字。Prompts you to enter the phone number is wrong, should be 11 digits. 7.1 输入错误及解决方案 7.1

      7、input errors and solutions7.2 Web服务器错误处理设计7.2 the Web server error handling design错误名称Error输出Output补救Remedy1. 不合法的Url请求Url request legal提示错误,返回登录界面Error, return to the login screenStruts的请求错误控制Struts request error-control2. 程序出错抛出异常Error, an exception is thrown输入Log日志中的错误信息Enter the error message in the Log 判断错误信息,返回登录界面An error of judgment, and return to the login screen3. 数据访问量的过大Amount of data access over返回请求失败信息Returns request failure information针对需求,重新选择服务器Re-select the server for the needs

      8、4. 登陆调用web服务器方法Log in to call the web server method登录页面,要求用户登录Logon page requires users to logStruts拦截所有请求,判断用户是否登陆,必须登录才能进行其他操作。Struts to intercept all requests to determine whether the user login, you must be logged in to perform other operations.7.2 补救措施 Remedial measures所有的系统,不管采用哪种开发方式,都不可避免的存在弱点。所以不但在信息管理系统这一级而且在计算中心这一级(如果适用,也包括远程设备)都要审核并提出设计到安全性的问题。通过识别系统的弱点来减少侵犯安全性的危险,以及采取必要的预防措施来提高安全水平,这是用户和信息服务管理部门可做得到的。All systems, regardless of which way the use of development are inevitable weakness

      9、es. Therefore, not only in the information management system at this level and be designed to review and propose security issues in computing center at this level (if applicable, including remote device). By identifying weaknesses in the system to reduce the risk of security violations, and to take the necessary precautionary measures to improve the safety level, which is the user and the information services department can do it.1)后备技术 Back-up technology由于现代计算机科学技术的快速发展,以往的数据备份已经不能满足用户和管理者对现有系统的要求,现在的技术一般是进行系统数据库的实时备份和备份服务器。当数据库瘫痪时,通过快速进行系统库的切换,这样可以有效的减少数据的丢失。当用户量大时,也可以使用备用服务器,两个服务器进行同步数据存储,如果一台服务器出错时,可以转换到另一台进行相同的操作,让用户不需要因瘫痪而面临网页打不开、数据丢失等相关问题。Due to the rapid development of mo


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