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    • 1、徐州市学讲计划五年级上学期学讲教案设计(表格式)学科:英 语 5A 第1 单元 授课人:luikonfon课题Unitl Goldilocksand three bears课型new共 4课时第1课时学习目标1.learn the vocabulary:Goldilocks,forest,soup,just right,hard,soft,afraid,bears,in front of.2.Learn the sentences:There is/are .3.Train Ss enjoy the fun of this story.重点难点1.learn the vocabulary:Goldilocks,forest,soup,just right,hard,soft,afraid,bears,in front of.2.Learn the sentences:There is/are.预习提纲情境教学法 cards,pictures,tape,recorder学习活动教师活动S:Nice to see you,too.Thank youS:Its a box.S:Ifs on

      2、the desk.S:Theyre pencilsS:Theyre in the pencil case.Learn the words:goldilocks,bearsWatch the cartoonAnswer the questions and fill the formsName-Goldilocks-in the forest,in ahouse-hungry and thirsty-some soup-onthe table-too hot,too cold,just二次修订SteplT:Boys andgirls,welcomeback to school.Nice to see youagain!T:Whafs this?T:Where is it?T:There is a boxon the desk.T:What arethese?T:Where rethey?T:There aresome pencils inthe pencil case.T:Look at thepicture,who arethey?Theyregoldilocks andthree be

      3、ars.T:What are theydoing?Lefswatch thecartoon.right-tired-three beds-too hard,too soft,just right-afraid-three bears in front ofherLearn the new wordsS Read the new words.Listen to the tape and noticeRead after the tape.Try to read the text.Read the text together.Choose and act it.Act the story.Describe the classroomAsk somequestions andshow the forms:Show the words:forest,soup,justright,afraid,hard,soft,infront of her andteach themT:Whathappened at theend?Pleaseguess!Read the newwords.Listen to

      4、 the tapeand notice thepronunciationsand intonationsRead after thetape.Try to read thetext.Read the texttogether.Choose one kindof reading andact it.Act the story.Describe theclassroom:Thereis/are.on/in/.板书:Unitl Goldilocks and three bearsin the forest hungry and thirsty some souphot-cold justin a house tired three bedshard-soft rightafraid three bears in frontof herThere is on the tableThere are in the room课后反思*小学导学案设计学科:英 语 5A 第 1单元 授课人:luikonfon课题Unitl Goldilocksand three bears课型new共4 课时第1课时学

      5、习目标1.learn the vocabulary:beside,between.2.Learn the grammar of sentences:There is/are .3.Train Ss can use the sentences:There is/are correctly4.Review the words about feelings重点难点1.learn the vocabulary:beside,between.2.Learn the grammar of sentences:There is/are.3.Train Ss can use the sentences:There is/are.correctly预习提纲cards,pictures,tape,recorder学习活动教师活动Read the story.Read this story in roles.Act this dialogue.二次修订T:At first,lefsread the storytogether.T:Read thisstory in roles.T:Act thisLearn

      6、 the tip.S:Ifs a bag.Learn the vocabulary.S:Theyre apples.Learn the vocabularyRead the new words.Look at these pictures.Talk about these pictures and repeat thisstoryCheck the answers.Look and talk about them.Try to say them.Check and write.Look at the picture.Say the rules about it.Draw the picture.Talk about ones picture.Read and act the story again.Look at the words and sentences.Try to say them.Check and write them.Review the old words.dialogue,please.Talk about thelearning tip.T:Whafs this?

      7、T:Where is it?You may sayIts between thedesks.”(Teach:between)T:What arethese?T:Where arethey?You maysay“Theyrebeside the bag.Teach:besideRead the newwords.Look at thesepictures.Talk about thesepictures andrepeat this storyCheck theanswers.(b,c,d,a,e)Look and talkabout thepictures.Try to say them:Theres a housein the forest.Theres somesoup in the table.There are threebeds in theroom.There arethree bears infront of me.Check and writethese sentences.Look at thepicture.Say the rulesDescribe the bed

      8、roomabout it.Draw thepicture.Talk about onespicture.Read and act thestory again.Look at thewords andsentences.Try to say them.Check and writethese sentences.Review the oldwords aboutfeelings.Describe mybedroom:Thereis/are.on/in/.板书:Unitl Goldilocks and three bearsThere is .besidebetweenThere are.课后反思*小学导学案设计学科:英 语 5A 第 1单元 授课人:luikonfon课题Unitl Goldilocksand three bears课型new共 4课时第 3 课时学习目标1.Learn the word:tool,doctor,says,put on,cannot,find,their,really.2.Learn the sentences:There aren,t any .Her

      9、e are .XXcan.3.Learn the phonetic of the letter c”.4.Enjoy this cartoon story.重点难点1.Learn the words:tool,doctor,say,put on,cannot,find,their,really.2.Learn the sentences:There arent any.Here are.XX can.3.Learn the phonetic of the letter c.预习提纲学习活动教师活动Describe classrooms or schoolbags.Read and recite the new words.Write some sentences.Look at the picture.Listen to the tape.Learn the new words.Find the same letter“c”.Read the phonetic/k/.Read the short text.Act the short text.二 次 修订T:Lefs describe

      10、 ourclassrooms or ourschoolbags,OK?Read and recite thenew words.Write somesentences aboutplaces.T:Look at thepicture,please.Listen to the tape.Teach the newwords:tool,doctor,says,put onFind the same letter“C”.Read the phonetic/V.Read the short text.Act the short text.Find the otherFind the other words.Do some exercises.S:Theyre Bobby and Tina.Watch the cartoon.Ask,answer and fillBobby-hungry-some cakes-in thekitchen,in the fridgeLearn the new words.Learn the new sentences.Read the new words and


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