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    • 1、Unit 2 How often do you exercise?重点语法:频率副词表示事情发生的频率,询问别人做某事的频繁程度 主要频率副词的等级排序: always(总是) usually (通常) often(经常) sometimes(有时) hardly ever(很少) never(从不) “一段时间做某事的具体次数”大多数用 “基数词 + times+时间间隔” 的结构。如:once a week 一周一次(“一次”用特殊词 once) twice a day 一天两次(“两次”用特殊词 twice) three times a month 一个月三次(三次及三次以上 基数词 + times 结构) four times a year 一年四次位置:通常放在情态动词,助动词,Be动词之后,实义动词之前。提问:用 How often 引导特殊疑问句回答:用 always, sometimes, twice a day 等频率副词。例句:A: How often do you watch TV?(你多长时间看一次电视?) B: I watch TV every day.(我每

      2、天都看电视。) 重点短语: as for 至于;关于 ) of course = sure 当然;确信 look after = take care of = care for 照顾;照看 a lot of = lots of = plenty of 许多;大量 every day 每一天 every night 每晚 hardly ever 几乎不 be good for 对有益 be good for ones health 有益健康 try to do sth. 尝试做某事 get good grades 取得好成绩 help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 kind of 有点 want sb. to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事 keep in good health 保持健康 No two men think alike. 人心各异。1,特殊疑问词How 类型词汇How 如何(方式,感觉) E.g. How do you spell it ? How are you ?How long 多长(时间)答语常用“(For/ about +)时间段”How f

      3、ar多远(距离)答语常用“(Its +)数词 +miles/ meters/ kilometers”How often多久一次(频率)答语常用“Always/ often/ every day/”或 “次数+时间”等表频率的词汇How soon多快,多久以后,常用在将来时中。答语常用“in +时间段”How many多少(接可数名词) How much(接不可数名词)2,exercise作v 锻炼,运动 作c 体操,练习 do morning/ eye exercises 作uc 锻炼 take much/ more exercise3,at+钟点 at 7 oclock at noon/ at night(during/ in the day) at this/ that time at the age ofon+ 具体某天、星期、特指的一天、纪念日、节日 on April 1st on Sunday on a cold winter morning on Teachers Dayin +上午、下午、晚上、年、月、季节、年代、世纪 in the morning/ afternoon/

      4、 evening in 1999 in August in autumn in 1960s in the 21st century4,help sb. (to)do sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人with sbs help= with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助之下5,do(the)housework= do chores 做家务6,sometimes 有时(频度副词) sometime(将来)有朝一日,(曾经)某天 Some times 几次,几倍 some time 一些时间7,go shopping= do some shopping 去购物 go+V-ing 去做某事8,at once,right now,right away, in a minute,in a moment,in no time 立刻,马上 once more再一次,重新 once upon a time 从前,曾经9,every day 每天 everyday adj. 日常的,每天的10,surf/ use the internet 上网1

      5、1,whats your favorite program?=what program do you like best?12,free adj. 空闲的 in ones free time Are you free ?= Do you have time ? 自由的 as free as a fish freedom n.自由 免费的 The best things in life are free.13,be full =be busy忙的 be busy doing sth/ be busy with sth 忙于做某事be full of充满 eg:The bottle is full of milk. 瓶子里装满了牛奶 14,How come?怎么会?为什么? How come is it?= why is it 为什么呢? How come 既可单独使用,后面可跟陈述句 “为什么呢.;怎么会呢.”15,may be 为情态动词+动词原形,在句子中做谓语 He may be a good student.maybe是副词,表示可能,大概,一般放在句首(perhaps)。 Ma

      6、ybe he is a good student.16. Kind of +形容词 稍微,有点”A kind of “一种.” all kings of 各种各样的 what kind of.? “什么种类”17. have to + 动词原形 “不得不”18,stay up doing sth熬夜做某事 stay up late 熬夜到很晚19,stay/ keep healthy 保持健康 be in good/ bad/ poor health 身体很好 be good/ bad for ones health 对某人的健康有好处/坏处Be good for 对.有益 be good with 某人 跟某人相处得好Be good at+Ving/n. 擅长 20,at least=no less than 至少 at most=no more than 至多,不超过21,ask sb about sth 询问某人关于某事 ask sb(not)to do sth 要求某人(不) 去做某事 ask sb for help/ advice/ information向某人寻求帮助/建议

      7、/信息22,the result of的结果 as a result 结果23,be surprised that/ be surprised at/ be surprised to do 对很惊讶To ones surprise令某人惊讶的是 in surprise惊讶地 例句:To my surprise, my father was not surprised at the surprising news. 令我吃惊的是,我的父亲对于这令人震惊的消息并不感到惊讶。 24,the answer to the question 问题的答案,a key to the door, a ticket to the ball game25,although=though(与but不能连用) however 然而(与but不能连用)Even though/ if即使,尽管 as though/ if仿佛,好像26,by介词+n/ v-ing/ 代词 通过方式by oneself独自地 by the way顺便问/说一下 by chance/ accident偶然地 by mistake错误地

      8、learn by heart记住27,the best way/ time to do 做某事最好的方式/时间28,4个花费:人+spend/ spends/ spent+时间/钱+(in)doing sth/ on sth spend time with sb 人+pay/ pays/ paid +钱+for sth It takes/ took sb +时间+to do sth 物+cost/ costs/ cost +sb +钱 29,die v.死亡,消失 died过去式dead adj死亡的,无生命的 dead dog dying adj垂死的,快死的death n 死亡 the death of30,before its too late趁来得及31,“数字+percent of+ n”作主语,谓语动词取决于n Eg:Twenty percent of the students exercise every day. Twenty percent of time passes. Time “时间”(不可数名词)32,no one =nobody指人, 回答who,anyone,anybody的提问None指人或物,可接of 短语,(all 3)回答how many/ much,any,及有特定范围(which)的提问nothing指物,回答what,anything的提问


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