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    • 1、1、Section Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and markA、,B、,C、or D、on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)Your social life is defined as the activities you do with other people,for pleasure,when youare not working.It is important to have a social life,but what is right for one person wont be rightfor another.Some of us feel energised by spending lots of time with others,1some of us mayfeel drained,even if its doing something we enjoy.This is wh

      2、y finding a2in your social life is key.Spending too much time on your own,not3others,can make you feel lonely and4loneliness is known to impact on your mentalhealth and5a low mood.Anyone can feel lonely at any time.This might be especially true if,6you are working from home and you are7on the social conversations that happenin the office.Other life changes also8periods of loneliness too,such as retirement,changing ajob or becoming a parent.Its important to recognize feelings or loneliness.There

      3、are ways to9a social life.But it beoverwhelming10You can then find groups and activities related to those where you will beable to meet11people.There are groups aimed at new parents,at those who want to12anew sport for the first time or networking events for those in the same profession to meet up and13ideas.On the other hand,it is14possible to have too much of a social life.If you feel like yourealways doing something and there is never any15in your calendar for downtime,you couldsuffer social

      4、burnout or social16We all have our own social limit and its important torecognize when youre feeling like its all too much.Low mood,low energy,irritability and troublesleeping could all be17of poor social health.Make sure you18some time in your diarywhen youre19for socialising and use this time to relax,20and recover.(1)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、becauseB、unlessC、whereasD、until【答案】C【解析】略(2)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、contrastB、balanceC、linkD、gap【答案】B【解析】略(3)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、seeingB、pleasingC、judgingD、teaching【答案】A【解析】略(4)、【分

      5、数】0.5【选项】A、misguidedB、surprisedC、spoiledD、disconnected【答案】D【解析】略(5)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、contribute toB、rely onC、interfere withD、go against【答案】A【解析】略(6)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、in factB、of courseC、for exampleD、on average【答案】C【解析】略(7)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、cutting backB、missing outC、breaking inD、lookingdown【答案】B【解析】略(8)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、shortenB、triggerC、followD、interrupt【答案】B【解析】略(9)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、assessB、interpretC、provideD、regain【答案】D【解析】略(10)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、at firstB、in turnC、on timeD、by chance【答案】A【解析】略(11)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、far-s

      6、ightedB、strong-willedC、kind-heartedD、like-minded【答案】D【解析】略(12)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、tryB、promoteC、watchD、describe【答案】A【解析】略(13)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、testB、shareC、acceptD、revise【答案】B【解析】略(14)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、alreadyB、thusC、alsoD、only【答案】C【解析】略(15)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、visitB、orderC、spaceD、boundary【答案】C【解析】略(16)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、fatigueB、criticismC、injusticeD、dilemma【答案】A【解析】略(17)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、sourcesB、standardsC、signsD、scores【答案】C【解析】略(18)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、take overB、wipe offC、add upD、mark out【答案】D【解析】略(19)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、ungrateful

      7、B、unavailableC、responsibleD、regretful【答案】B【解析】略(20)、【分数】0.5【选项】A、reactB、repeatC、returnD、rest【答案】D【解析】略2、Section Reading ComprehensionPartADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions after each text by choosingA,B,C orD.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)Text 1Anger over AIs role in exacerbating inequality could endanger the technologys future.Inher new book Cogs and Monsters:What Economics Is,and What It Should Be,Diane Coyle,aneconomist at Cambridge University,ar

      8、gues that the digital economy requires new ways ofthinking about progress.“Whatever we mean by the economy growing,by things getting better,the gains will have to be more evenly shared than in the recent past,”she writes.“An economy oftech millionaires or billionaires and gig workers,with middle-income jobs undercut by automation,will not be politically sustainable.”Improving living standards and increasing prosperity for more people will require greater useof digital technologies to boost produ

      9、ctivity in various sectors,including health care andconstruction,says Coyle.But people cant be expected to embrace the changes if theyre notseeing the benefitsif theyre just seeing good jobs being destroyed.In a recent interview with MIT Technology Review,Coyle said she fears that techsinequality problem could be a roadblock to deploying AI.“Were talking about disruption,”shesays.“These are transformative technologies that change the ways we spend our time every day,that change business models t

      10、hat succeed.”To make such“tremendous changes,”she adds,youneed social buy-in.Instead,says Coyle,resentment is simmering among many as the benefits are perceived to goto elites in a handful of prosperous cities.According to the Brookings Institution,a short list of eight American cities that included SanFrancisco,San Jose,Boston,and Seattle had roughly 38%of all tech jobs by 2019.New AItechnologies are particularly concentrated:Brookingss Mark Muro and Sifan Liu estimate thatjust 15 cities accoun


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