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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Table of Contents目录1.0Purpose目的42.0Scope 范围43.0Terms and Definitions 术语和定义44.0Roles and Responsibilities84.1UBR Project Director 项目总监84.2UBR EHS Manager/UBR环境、健康和安全经理84.3UBR Construction Manager (CM) /UBR施工经理94.4Contractor Project Manager (CPM) 承包商项目经理94.5Contractor EHS Manager承包商EHS经理94.6Contractor Supervisor承包商施工主管104.7Employee员工105.0Procedures程序105.1When a Confined Space Entry Permit is required10何时要求受限空间进入许可证105.2Assessing Hazards评估危险115.3Conducting a JSA开展一个作业安全分析125.4Completing a Work Perm

      2、it完成一个作业许可证135.5Implement Controls执行控制155.6Display of Work Permit 作业许可证的展示155.7Change in Conditions情况变化155.8Work complete作业完成175.9Preparation of the Job Site and Equipment 作业现场和设备准备185.10Heat Stress中暑195.11Isolating Confined Spaces for Entry 受限空间进入隔离205.12Opening and Ventilating Equipment设备的打开及通风215.13Gas Testing气体检测235.14Direction of Entry进入指南265.15Hot Work inside a Confined Space 受限空间内的热工作业275.16Emergency Rescue 应急救援286.0Training培训317.0Records记录317.1Required Records 要求的记录317.2Retention Require

      3、ments存档要求318.0References参考32301.0 Purpose目的The purpose of this Standard is to ensure that Confined Space Entries are performed in a safe and controlled manner, which outlines the roles, responsibilities, and procedures for performing the work safely. It provides the necessary information to fully understand the hazards and the procedures to ensure the work is performed in a safe and controlled manner. 本标准目的是确保以安全和受控的方式开展受限空间进入作业。它概要说明安全开展进入受限空间作业的岗位、职责、以及程序。它提供必要的信息,帮助人们完全了解进入受限空间工作的危险和相关程序,以确保工

      4、作以安全和受控的方式进行。2.0 Scope 范围This Confined Space Entry Standard covers work performed by UBR employees, contractors and their subcontractors and UBR direct hired suppliers at UBR project field.本受限空间进入标准覆盖在UBR项目现场的UBR业主员工、承包商及其分包商和UBR直接雇佣的供应商作业。The application of the Confined Space Entry Permit for Green Field sites (before commissioning begins) may be waived if approved in writing by the Project Director who owns the Project Package. Before approving a waiver, consideration shall be given to what al

      5、ternate management system will be used to control confined space entry activities in the area.对于绿野区域(试运行开始前)内的受限空间进入作业许可证的使用,除非该合同包项目总监书面批准可以不使用该许可证证,否则就必须使用该作业证。在批准放弃使用受限空间进入作业许可证前,要考虑到要使用何种替代管理系统对区域内的各项受限空间进入作业进行控制。Only those persons who have undergone UBR Permit to Work training are eligible to sign Permits in the capacity of UBR construction representatives, UBR EHS representatives and 3rd party Jian Li.只有接受过UBR工作许可证培训的人员方可签署作业许可证和作业证,签字涉及的人员有UBR施工代表、UBR EHS代表和第三方监理。3.0 Terms and Definitions

      6、 术语和定义Confined Space A space that受限空间 - 受限空间是指:a. Is large enough and so configured an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work, and有足够的空间,可容纳人员的身体进入并实施分配的工作,同时b. Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit; for example, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults and pits are spaces that may have limited means of entry, and进出的方式受限;例如储罐、容器、筒仓、存储仓、漏斗、地窖和凹坑等空间,进入的方式可能非常有限,而且c. Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy并非为了人员长期占用而设计 Confined Space Entry The act of p

      7、assing any major portion of the body (such as head, torso or legs) through an opening to a confined space. Entry is considered to have occurred as soon as the body part breaks the plane of the opening.受限空间准入-是指身体任何重要部位(如头部、躯干或腿部)通过开口进入受限空间的动作。只要身体的一部分进入空间的开口,就可以认为已经开始实施空间准入活动。Confined Space Entry Permit A separate Permit used to grant personnel permission to perform entry into a confined space. It only allows entry into the confined space. Work activities in the confined space may require additi

      8、onal Permits.受限空间进入许可证-指一种用于允许人员进入受限空间的证明,此证明只用于受限空间的准入,而在受限空间内的工作活动可能需要其他额外的许可证。Confined Space Entry Safety Watch A competent person stationed at the entry point of a permitted confined space whose only duties are to control the entry and exit of personnel, monitor acceptable entry conditions both in and outside the confined space, maintain communication with the entrants, and to activate the alarm if any problem should occur.受限空间监护人-是指受过培训具备资格的人员,其职责是守在允许进入的受限空间入口处,控制人员的进出,确保受限空间内外条件达到准入的要求,与受

      9、限空间内的人员保持沟通,并在出现情况时立即报警。Continuous Gas Testing A process, whereby gases which may be present or which may be generated during work are continuously monitored. Continuous gas testing is normally required where there is a high likelihood of changing gas concentrations and/or there is a high risk to workers if the gas concentration changes unexpectedly.连续性的气体检测 -是对可能出现气体或在工作过程中可能产生气体的地方进行连续性气体监测的过程。在气体浓度极可能出现变化和/或气体浓度意外的改变会对员工造成极大威胁的地方,通常要求进行连续气体检测。Follow-Up Gas Testing Testing at intervals, performed after the initial testing, sufficient to ensure that the atmosphere remains safe for the work being performed.后续的气体检测 -是间歇式的气体检测,在首次气体检测之后进行,以确保残余的气体对正在进行的工作没有危害。Gas Testing气体测试:a. Use of portable detection equipment by a qualified gas tester, including detector tube


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