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    • 1、Table of Contents目录1.0Purpose目的42.0Scope范围43.0Terms and Definitions术语和定义54.0Roles and Responsibilities岗位和职责54.1Project Director /Manager项目总监/项目经理54.2UBR EHS Manager /UBR环境、健康和安全经理64.3Contractor Project Manager承包商项目经理74.4Contractor EHS Manager承包商环境、健康和安全经理75.0Procedures程序75.1General Workflow for GC Onboarding总承包商一般入场流程75.2Specific Activities, Purpose, Requirements & Responsibilities8针对性工作、目的、要求和责任86.0Training培训157.0Records记录167.1Required Records要求的记录167.2Retention Requirements存档要求168.0Reference参考

      2、161.0 Purpose目的The purpose of the General Contractor Onboarding EHS Process is to conduct an initial EHS communication of expectations and requirements with potential contractors, to assess and score their EHS management system,nominatedfield performance, technical bidding EHS documents,and then to engage them for going through the public open tendering process and the final possible field mobilization:本总承包商入场环境、健康和安全程序目的是开展一个与潜在总承包商最初的环境、健康和安全期望与要求的对接沟通、评价他们的环境、健康和安全管理体系、拟定项目绩效和技术标EHS回标文件,进入公开招

      3、标流程,从而最终可能入场作业: This is normally done during the request for information (RFI) process by the procurement and contract management organization. After reviewing the RFI scope of work, additional information is obtained through the Universal Beijing Theme Park &Resort project standardized Contractor EHS Questionnaire to identify the potential contractors EHS management system and assign an EHS rating & scoring and determine mitigation actions required from these potential contractors if they are s

      4、elected to involve the public open tendering process.常规方式是由采购、合同部门牵头,在招标阶段完成。在审核招标的工作范畴后,通过北京环球主题公园及度假区项目标准的承包商EHS调查问卷对承包商的EHS管理体系的评估,将得到更多的信息,从而完成对那些能够进入公开招标流程的承包商EHS评分及提升行动建议。 An individual contractor company may be assigned more than one EHS rating & scoring when providing different scopes of work, performing work in different geographical regions, or for different contracts.个别承包商在提供不同的作业内容、在不同区域执行作业任务、或不同合同时,可能被给出一个或几个EHS分数。2.0 Scope范围This Process will cover the whole phases of Potential Gen

      5、eral Contractor Communication, Public Tendering and Site Mobilization for any of the potential contractors at Universal BeijingTheme Park &Resort project.该程序将覆盖在 UBR项目对潜在总包入场的整个阶段,包括总包对接,公开招标和现场动迁。Sub-contractors are considered as part of the contractor workforce; therefore, this process does apply to sub-contractors. However, it is the responsibility of the general contractors to ensure that their sub-contractors meet the Universal Beijing Theme Park & Resort Project process requirements. 分包商被认

      6、为是总承包商的作业人员;然而,该程序也适合分包商,确保分包商遵守 UBR项目程序要求是总承包商的责任。3.0 Terms and Definitions术语和定义UBR-XXXX Beijing Theme Park & ResortUBR-北京XXX主题公园及度假区GC-General ContractorGC-总承包商Potential General Contractor Communication - At UBR project, before being engaged to the public bidding process, the bidders who are initially evaluated with full capability to fulfil the project (s) in a manner of safety, quality, within budget and schedule are required to communicate with Owner about technical issues, management stand

      7、ards and mobilization plan and so on. 潜在总包对接-在 UBR项目,在进入公开招标前,通过初步评估选出被认为具有能力以安全、优质、良好成本和满足进度要求的方式完成项目的潜在承包商与业主团队,并与这些潜在总包在技术问题、管理标准、动迁计划等方面进行的沟通。4.0 Roles and Responsibilities岗位和职责4.1 Project Director /Manager项目总监/项目经理The PD/PM Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:项目总监/项目经理的职责包括,但不仅限于下面列项: Serve as the primary point of contact for Universal Beijing Theme Park & Resort project and contractor communication on EHS expectations and performance and ensure the EHS resources

      8、and budget in place and appropriately implemented.作为环球北京项目和承包商之间在EHS期望和绩效方面的主要联系人。 Take full leadership and organization in the Process of GC Onboarding (Potential GC Communication, Bidding, Reviewing, Tendering, Mobilization).在总包进场程序中(总包对接、发标、评标、授标和开工前准备)全面领导和组织职责。 Set an annual key performance target for each contract and communicate it to the contractors top management. The performance target should address some key performance indicators, e.g. recordable incidents and others defined by Unive

      9、rsal Beijing Theme Park & Resort project. 建立每个合同包每年的主要绩效目标,并且和承包商的高级管理层沟通。绩效目标应该强调,比如,可记录事件和其它环球北京项目定义的事件。 Verify that the required pre-job EHS activities for each contract have been completed.核实每个合同要求的进场前的EHS工作都完成。 Conduct interim performance reviews with the participation of the Contractor management representative as per the required frequency.按要求频率与承包商管理代表进行项目进行中的绩效审核。 Be the contact person for assigned contractor(s) to assist with the resolution or follow-up on significant issues affecting EHS performance.作为协助合同承包商解决问题或影响EHS绩效的重大事件的联络人。 Participate in incident investigation reviews associated with his or her assigned contracts, as appropriate, according to the level of incidents.合适时候,根据事件级别,参加与其相关合同承包商功能的事件调查审核。 Verify that a post-job evaluation is conducted.确保开展合同项目完工评估。 Share key learning results from contra


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