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2022年广东高考英语听说考试Test A试题真题(含答案+音频MP3+文本)

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    • 1、2022年广东高考英语听说考试TestA音频免费下载链接: 提取码:ln911Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)Everyone has their own rountine and personal habits. Although it is difficult to change them, sometimes its a good idea to try something different, like Rodman and Gina. Theyre adopting a greener family lifestyle for a TV show calledUrban Conversion. Rodman doesnt care much about the environment. But his wife, Gina, is in favour of a life that is environmentally responsible and closer to to nature. Rodman has promised to learn how

      2、 to live a more eco-friendly life, but hell have to step outside his comfort zone to succeed. So what is stopping us from trying new things?2Part B RolePlay (角色扮演) 情景介绍角色:你是Mary。任务:(1)与朋友Tom谈论在中国生活的话题; (2)根据谈话内容回答另一朋友的提问。生词:dialect方言下面请用英语提出三个问题。1. 你对北京的第一印象是什么?2. 你来这里之前学过中文吗?3. 你能跟我多说点你在北京的生活吗?3Part C Retelling (故事复述)梗概:Tom不想去奶奶家乡,撒谎后认识到错误,去之后收获了乐趣。关键词:voted (投票) Grandmas choice (奶奶的选择) complained (抱怨) lied (撒谎) fun (乐趣)参考答案2Part B RolePlay (角色扮演)视频对话W:Hi,Tom.M:Hi, Mary. I am sorry I am late.W:

      3、Never mind. Ive just arrived too. Thanks for your time.M:No worries. I am usually free on Thursday.W:Thats nice. As I told you on the phone, I need to write a story about international students life in Beijing for a newspaper. You are really an important source of my writing.M:Haha, I am happy to be on the headline.W:OK. Lets start. Do you enjoy your life here in Beijing?M:Sure. Ive already been here for over three years.三问:1.提问:你对北京的第一印象是什么?考生翻译:What was your first impression of Beijing?电脑回答:Th

      4、is may sound a little bit strange, but I did immediately feel at home. I felt save to walk on the streets. I found Chinese people friendly and supportive. With the help of my Chinese friends, I settled myself into life in Beijing very soon. Now, I have no problem speaking Chinese, but it was a huge challenge to me when I first arrived.2.提问:你来这里之前学过中文吗?考生翻译:Had you learned Chinese before you came here?电脑回答:Haha, it was really a funny story. Back in my country, my neighbour from China had taught m

      5、e Chinese for years before I came here. I thought I could speak good Chinese. However, when I arrived in Beijing, the local people didnt understand me at all. It turned out that what I learned was not putonghua, but a dialect. I then had to learn putonghua from the very beginning.3.提问:你能跟我多说点你在北京的生活吗?考生翻译:Can you tell me more about your life in Beijing?电脑回答:OK. As you know, Ive made videos and posted them on social media. And now, I have five million followers. They are interested in my happy li

      6、fe in China. I think my experiences could help more people, east or west, to have better understanding of this great nation. Ive planned to continue my study here and get a masters degree in Chinese history.五答:1.电脑提问:When is Tom usually free?考生回答:On Thursday.2.电脑提问:How long has Tom been in Beijing?考生回答:For over three years.3.电脑提问:What did Tom think of Chinese people?考生回答:Friendly and supportive.4.电脑提问:Who taught Tom Chinese in his country?考生回答:His neighbour from China.5.电脑提问:What has Tom planned

      7、 to do?考生回答:He has planned to continue his study in Beijing and get a masters degree in Chinese history.3Part C Retelling (故事复述)视频原文Grandmas Theme Park Toms family went on a tour every year. They voted on the family tours destination. This year, Tom hoped to go to a theme park in a big southern city. He thought he would get all the votes like last year. However, this time, most votes went to Grandmas choiceher hometown, a small village. Tom didnt want to go and complained that his idea was not v

      8、alued. Father said, “We must respect the result of the vote.” Feeling that it was impossible to persuade the family to change thedestination, he thought maybe he could make Grandma give up the tour herself. The day before the tour, when Grandma was busy packing, Tom lied to Grandma that he was not feeling very well. Grandma stopped the packing, hesitated a moment and told Tom that she would stay to look after him. Seeing Grandmas worries about him, Tom felt ashamed of his trick and said sorry to Grandma. The next day, the whole family left for Grandmas hometown. Much to his surprise, Tom had great fun theremaybe no less fun than in the theme park. More importantly, seeing Grandmas excitement and happiness, Tom was glad that Grandma was back to her own theme park.4

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