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2022年广东高考英语听说考试Test D试题真题(含答案+音频MP3+文本)

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    • 1、2022年广东高考英语听说考试TestD音频免费下载链接: 提取码:j2bu1Part A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)Do you ever wake up and think, is today going to be a good day or a bad day? Well, the ancient Maya believed they could answer that question. The Maya lived here, in parts of Mexico and Central America. They are famous for their complex calendars. In Mayan cities, they closely watched the movement of the sun, moon, stars, and planets. They built their kings tombs under rays of sunlight. And they waited for the moon to pass here ab

      2、ove the palace before they got the crops out of the fields. Their knowledge of the sun and moon helped them make their calendar.2Part B RolePlay (角色扮演) 情景介绍角色:你是Tom。任务:(1)与同学Mary谈论智能机器人的话题; (2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。生词:artificial intelligence(AI)人工智能; indoors室内; care worker护理人员下面请用英语提出三个问题。1. 这个研究项目是关于什么的?2. 这些机器人具体能做什么呢?3. 它们能和人们交流吗?3Part C Retelling (故事复述)梗概:生日当天,Mary经历了一系列不愉快的事,但最终收获生日惊喜。关键词:attention (关注) birthday (生日) forgotten (忘记了) disappointed (失望的) surprise (惊喜)参考答案2Part B RolePlay (角色扮演)视频对话M

      3、:Hi, Mary. I want to watch a movie tonight. Any recommendations?W:Ha? Youre asking the right person. I just watched a fantastic movie called I, robot last Saturday.M:Sounds like science fiction.W:Yes. Indeed, in this movie, people have AI robots at home to do all the housework.M:Wow, I must watch it. You know, I want to study artificial Intelligence when I get into collegeW:Me, too. My uncle is an engineer in this field. He told me a lot about AI technology. His company is now working on a resea

      4、rch project that will benefit a lot of people.三问:1.提问:这个研究项目是关于什么的?考生翻译:What is this research project about?电脑回答:The project is about developing AI robots that can provide good health care at home. People who need the most are the elderly who live alone and the injured who have to stay indoors. You know, there arent enough care workers. My uncles company tries to produce AI robots that can do the care workers job.2.提问:这些机器人具体能做什么呢?考生翻译:What exactly can these robots do?电脑回答:Basically, they are li

      5、ke stay-at-home care workers always ready to serve. They can check blood pressure, help take medicine, keep and analyse the health data of their users. Whats more, they are able to learn and grow. It only takes these robots less than three days to adapt to new users, learning their living habits and understanding their needs.3.提问:它们能和人们交流吗?考生翻译:Can they communicate with people?电脑回答:Sure. A special feature of the robots is that they can speak like a relative or friend of their users with a partic

      6、ular voice or accent. With their company, their users can truly feel theyre being taken care of by their loved ones. Besides, they can amuse people by telling jokes, singing songs and playing chess.五答:1.电脑提问:When did Mary watch the movie?考生回答:Last Saturday.2.电脑提问:What is Marys uncle?考生回答:Her uncle is an engineer.3.电脑提问:Who need the robots most?考生回答:The elderly who live alone and the injured who have to stay indoors.4.电脑提问:How long does it take for the robots to adapt to new users?考生回答:Less than

      7、three days.5.电脑提问:How can the robots amuse their users?考生回答:By telling jokes, singing songs and playing chess.3Part C Retelling (故事复述)视频原文Marys birthday Mary was upset recently. It started when her baby brother Tom was born and it took away all her parents attention. Today was Marys twelfth birthday. But for most of the day, Mary thought it the worst birthday. Her bad day began at breakfast. When her parents found Tom having a fever, they became very worried and spent the whole morning taking ca

      8、re of him. Till Mary left for school, neither of her parents mentioned anything about her birthday. Whats worse, at lunchtime, Mary did not find her lunchbox in her bag. “Mom must have forgotten my lunchbox,” She said to herself. In the evening, when Mary was back home, she opened the front door, only to find the house quiet. She thought her parents must have been staying in the hospital with Tom and forgotten her birthday. Mary felt so disappointed that she almost cried. Just then there was a burst of voices. “Surprise!” Her parents jumped out, taking out a big birthday cake and singing the birthday song. Even Tom was wearing a tiny party hat. Now Mary knew that her parents had never forgotten her birthday. It was this moment that Mary felt it was a happy birthday.4学科网(北京)股份有限公司

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