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中职英语 基础模块 下册 unit 7 health-reading

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    • 1、Unit 7,Anhui Jinzhai Vocational School Paul Lee,Health,What is health?,亚健康 (Sub-healthy),易疲劳( easy to feel tired),失眠(insomnia),注意力不集中,impaired concentration,免疫力下降,Immunity,How important is a healthy life to us?,史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs),56岁,个人资产170亿美元,王均瑶,38岁,38亿元(2004),How to keep healthy?,Develop good living style.,enough sleep,moderate exercise,适量的运动,psychologic equilibrium,健康的心态,balanced nutrition,均衡的营养,Quit smoking and set limit on alcohol,烟的普及 15世纪,哥伦布发现新大陆的同时也发现了一种后来风行全球的植物烟草。在尽情享受吸烟的快乐几百年后,人们直到

      2、20世纪才意识到吸烟的危害。,The dangers of smoking,Smoking is Not Allowed Here,各国的禁烟政策,1.在公共场所实施了全面吸烟禁令的国家有: 澳大利亚、加拿大、爱尔兰、新西兰、挪威、南非和美国(纽约、加利福尼亚)。 2. 实施了部分禁令的国家有: 比利时、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、爱沙尼亚、 法国、芬兰、希腊、匈牙利、意大利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马耳他、波兰、俄罗斯、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙和瑞典。 3.自愿在公共场所禁止吸烟的国家有:德国和荷兰。,Fast-Reading,Match the main ideas with each part.,1(Para 1),2(Para 2),3(Para3-5),4(Para 6),5(Para 7),E. In many countries, people cant smoking in public places.,C. For some people , smoking has become a daily habit.,B. Smoking has many bad effects o

      3、n peoples health.,A. Nowadays, there is an anti-smoking movement all over the word.,E. Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.,Answer the following questions according to the text.,8. Is there a polite way of saying “No smoking”?,7. Why is smoking also harmful to those who dont smoke?,6. How does smoking attack the smokers body?,5. What bad effects does smoking have on peoples health?,4. What daily habits are not considered “healthy habits”?,3. What does the writer think of it?,2. Wh

      4、y do so many people smoke?,1. Can people smoke in the cinemas, department stores or hospitals now in China?,1. Can people smoke in the cinemas, department stores or hospitals now in China?,In many countries, people cant smoke in the public areas. Cinemas, department stores, hospitals, offices,中国:自2011年1月起,中国内地将在所有室内公共场所、室内工作场所、公共交通工具和其它可能的室外工作场所完全禁止吸烟。,英国:政府禁止在多数公共场所吸烟 ,若违法单笔最高罚金为50英镑 。18岁以下的儿童被禁止购买卷烟,2. Why do so many people smoke?,a. They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them

      5、 relax b. some people think smoking is cool and is a fashion of the day,3. What does the writer think of it?,Those ideas are foolish and wrong.,4. What daily habits are not considered “healthy habits”?,Smoking.,5. What bad effects does smoking have on peoples health?,a. Shorten ones life,b. Smoking can cause cancer-lung cancer or mouth cancer and it can also cause tooth disease and bad breath.,据世界卫生组织估计,目前吸烟是全球第二位致死的原因,每年导致500万人死亡。如果目前的状况持续下去,到2020年每天将有30000人死于吸烟,每年将达1000万人因为吸烟而早亡。,尼古丁 焦油 一氧化碳 一

      6、氧化氮 氢氰酸 丙烯醛,smoking can cause bad breath even lung cancer,smoking can cause mouse cancer and tooth disease,smoking can raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease,6. How does smoking attack the smokers body?,大量吸烟比不吸烟者的冠心病发病率高26倍以上。 烟草燃烧时释放的烟雾中与冠心病有关的化学物质有10余种,能激惹和加重冠心病发病的主要成分是尼古丁和一氧化碳。,吸烟能引发中风。中风患者大多是由于血栓堵塞了通往脑部的血管,使脑部得不到充分的氧供应,造成部分脑细胞死亡。,7. Why is smoking also harmful to those who dont smoke?,When a person smokes, people around are forced to breathe in the smoke, and become passive smokers.,

      7、Smoking is harmful, not only to smokers, but also to non-smokers.,8. Is there a polite way of saying “No smoking”?,Thank you for not smoking.,Complete the following passage according to the text In fact, smoking has many 1_ peoples health. Every cigarette one smokes 2_ ones life. In 3_ , their deaths are caused by cancer. Poisonous elements in the smoke 4_ blood pressure and 5_ heart disease. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people in the word 6_ smoking cigarette. When a person smokes, peop

      8、le around 7_ to breathe in the smoke, and become 8_ smokers.,bad effects on,shortens,many cases,raise,lead to,die from,are forced,passive,In China, many cities have 9_ to stop smoking in public areas. In places where people are not allowed to smoke, there is always a 10_ To stop smoking is not enough. Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible. The habit of smoking can be successfully quit, 11_ one has the determination to do so.,made laws,sign,as long as,Languages points,In many countri

      9、es, people cant smoke in the office any more and they cant smoke even within the building.,not any more 不再,再也不,Eg. She doesnt live here any more.,她已经不住在这里了。,In fact, smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.,in fact 事实上,实际上,Eg. I thought the work was difficult to do., In fact, it was very easy.,我本以为这个工作很难,实际上很容易。,have good/ bad effect on,Though it tastes terrible, the medicine will have good effect on your headache.,虽然很难吃,但这药对你的头痛有好处。,对有(好/坏)的影响(效果),The accident had very bad effect on the traffic.,事故对交通造成很坏的影响。,Every year, hundreds of thousands of people in the world die from smoking related diseases.,hundreds of thousands of,Hundreds of thousands of people come to visit the Great Wall every year from the world.,每年有成千上万的人来游览长城。,成千上万;数十万的,die from 死于(间接原因),A lot of fish die from water pollution.,很多鱼死于水污染。,Three people died of the tra

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