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英文paper写作--Network marketing language

  • 卖家[上传人]:0**
  • 文档编号:59625387
  • 上传时间:2018-11-09
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:34KB
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英文paper写作-Network marketing languageAs a marketing mode keeping pace with The Times, network marketing shows great strength in the marketing practice of commodities with its own characteristics and advantages. This paper mainly discusses the language use strategy in the process of network marketing in order to get more and more effective.With the development of computer technology, network and communication technology, the traditional market management mode has undergone profo

      2、und changes. With the arrival of the new technology era, network marketing, as an important operation mode, has entered the publics consumption view and intensified the change of modern production mode and consumption mode. Under the tide of economic globalization, production enterprises are faced with many challenges brought by extremely abundant products when facing the opportunity of expanding market scope. Driven by a variety of factors, network marketing, as a new marketing method, provides

      3、 a broad development space for enterprise products and more diversified shopping choices for consumers.According to the 39th statistical report on the development of Chinas Internet network released by China Internet network information center, as of December 2016, the number of Chinese Internet users reached 731 million, and the Internet penetration rate reached 53.2 percent, which was 3.1 percentage points higher than the global average and 7.6 percentage points higher than the Asian average.

      4、China added a total of 43.99 million Internet users in 2016, with a growth rate of 6.2 percent. The size of Chinas Internet users is already equivalent to the total population of Europe. Among them, the number of mobile Internet users reached 695 million, accounting for 95.1 percent, with a growth rate of more than 10 percent for three consecutive years. It can be seen from the data that Chinas network world is constantly expanding, and the network has become an important part of peoples life. A

      5、s the most important communication means in the network space, network language has also become an important part of peoples social life.A statistical report on the development of Chinas Internet network shows that more than 40 percent of enterprises carry out online sales and procurement, and the integration of Internet + traditional industries is accelerating. Among the enterprises that have carried out Internet marketing, the proportion of marketing promotion through mobile Internet is 83.3%,

      6、 which nearly doubled compared with 46.0% in 2015. More and more enterprises believe that the Internet will play an increasingly important role in operating systems, finance, production and manufacturing. In the survey, when asked if the Internet can help solve various business and management problems, more and more enterprises express their recognition. As of December 2016, the number of users using online payment in China reached 475 million, with an annual growth rate of 14.0%, according to t

      7、he report. The number of Internet users who purchased financial products was 98.9 million, an increase of 8.63 million from the end of 2015. It can be seen that Chinas Internet economy has become an important part of the development of commodity economy.The network is the result of human scientific and technological creativity. With the development of emerging science and technology, the network and public life are getting closer and closer. Language and characters have become the main means of

      8、communication between people in the virtual world of network. In the process of network socialization and humanization, network language has also been developing and expanding constantly, becoming a new language appearance.Network language is with the development of network and emerging forms of a language that is different from the traditional print media, including pinyin or English letters, figures and vivid with specific meanings of network animation and pictures of a variety of combination,

      9、 can often expressed in a specific network media communication special significance. At the same time, the concise expression of network language meets the need of communication speed in the Internet era.According to the report on Chinese language and life released by the ministry of education and the state language commission, brother who beat me badly, the boat of friendship and all routines have become the annual network buzzwords. According to Beijing language and culture university professor Yang erhong, the annual buzz phrase reflects netizens concerns and perceptions about social life. Therefore, it can be said that network language has been integrated with social life, becoming a dominant culture, entering and influencing social public life.Modern society people live and work busy, pay attention to speed and timeliness, fast and efficient become the important experience of shopping. Internet shopping by network

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