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英国essay写作-English literature and modern painting

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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国essay写作-English literature and modern paintingSince ancient times, both at home and abroad, literature and art are closely linked. In ancient times, before the appearance of writing, people used rock paintings to record every aspect of their lives. The literariness of paintings is firstly reflected in the artists love for narrative themes. The early western paintings are mostly based on literary works, including religious stories and poems of Dante, Goethe and others. Pai

      2、nters get endless materials and inspirations from literature. Even in paintings with realistic techniques, there are abundant plots.自古以来,国内外文学与艺术都有着密切的联系。在古代,在文字出现之前,人们用岩画来记录他们生活的方方面面。绘画的文学性首先体现在艺术家对叙事主题的热爱上。早期的西方绘画大多以文学作品为基础,包括但丁、歌德等的宗教故事和诗歌。画家从文学中获得了无穷的素材和灵感。即使是写实的绘画,也有丰富的情节。In the history of British art, the pre-raphaelite school is a major breakthrough in modern painting. In the middle of the 19th century, the British art circle was dead in the shackles of academic norms. The pre-raphaelites

      3、, who wanted to make a difference, proposed to reproduce the real life and break the rules. Their representative, Holman hunter, showed that they advocated the authentic expression of ideas and emphasized the imagination of painting itself. They turned to poetry and religious legends, and poetry was mostly drawn from Keats, Shakespeare and Tennyson.在英国艺术史上,拉斐尔前派是现代绘画的重大突破。19世纪中叶,英国艺术界在学术规范的束缚下死去。拉斐尔之前的人们,想改变现状,他们提议重现现实生活,打破规则。他们的代表霍曼亨特(Holman Hunter)表明,他们提倡思想的真实表达,并强调绘画本身的想象力。他们转向诗歌和宗教传说,诗歌大多来自济

      4、慈、莎士比亚和丁尼生。John Everett miller came from a respectable family and entered the Royal Academy of fine arts at the age of 12. In 1847 he met hunter, and the two hit it off. In 1849, millet exhibited a painting of lorenzo at Isabel, based on the decennial by the Italian writer bocaccio and the long poem Isabel by Keats. Later, another of his paintings, marianna, combined Tennysons poetic themes and printed Tennysons poems on the catalog when it was exhibited.约翰埃弗雷特米勒来自一个受人尊敬的家庭,12岁时进入皇家美术学院。1847年,他遇

      5、到了亨特,两人一拍即合。1849年,米莱在伊莎贝尔展出了一幅洛伦佐的画,这幅画是根据意大利作家波卡乔的十年作品和济慈的长诗伊莎贝尔创作的。后来,他的另一幅画,玛丽安娜,结合了丁尼生的诗歌主题,并在展览时把丁尼生的诗歌印在了目录上。In 1852, his ophelia was a great success. The fresh and bright colors on the picture and the sentimental and melancholy style fully expressed the poetic feeling of Shakespeare. Compared with hunters work, millys painting is closer to life itself and gives the picture poetic mood.1852年,他的奥菲莉亚大获成功。画面上清新明快的色彩和伤感忧郁的风格充分表达了莎士比亚的诗意。与亨特的作品相比,米莉的绘画更接近生活本身,给画面以诗意。Another important figure in

      6、the pre-raphaelite school, rossetti, was both a painter and a poet. He had been deeply influenced by medieval literature since he was a child, and he was especially fond of Dantes poetry, including Dante in his own name. In 1847, unwilling to be bound by traditional art, rossetti painted at hunters door, and the three of them launched the Raphael movement.拉斐尔学院前的另一个重要人物,罗塞蒂,既是画家又是诗人。他从小就深受中世纪文学的影响,特别喜欢但丁的诗歌,包括以自己名义写的但丁。1847年,罗塞蒂不愿被传统艺术束缚,在亨特家门口作画,他们三人发起了拉斐尔运动。Rossettis paintings are closely rela

      7、ted to Dante, including those drawn from Paul and Francesca in Dantes divine comedy. Especially after 1850, he was mostly inspired by poetry. In 1863, in order to express his longing for his dead wife, he created the oil painting beata beatrice. Beatrice is both the woman in Dantes vita vita and the late Elisabeth, the painters beloved wife.罗塞蒂的画与但丁有着密切的关系,其中包括但丁神曲中保罗和弗朗西丝卡的作品。特别是1850年以后,他主要受到诗歌的启发。1863年,为了表达对死去妻子的渴望,他创作了油画比阿特比阿特丽斯。比阿特丽斯既是但丁生命线中的女人,也是画家爱妻伊丽莎白的后妻。Arthur hughes was one of rossetti

      8、s students. His oil paintings are full of literary flavor and he is good at depicting the character characteristics of the characters. His 1852 ophelia is a far cry from millys work of the same name. Shakespeares ophelia, because the lover killed her father, desperately wallow in water. Arthur hughes did not describe this tragic picture, but focused on depicting a lost girl in the woods, the unique Angle of creation highlights the psychological feelings of the characters, the original play has a

      9、nother level of interpretation.John William waterhouse was another student of rossettis. His painting style is full of romanticism, and he often looks for creative themes in literary works. His masterpiece charlotte the maiden depicts the characters in Tennysons poems. Under the protection of magic and bound charlotte yearning for love and freedom, even at the cost of life, rushed out of the castle to protect her. The female characters in John William waterhouses works are beautiful and touching, which is the sublimation of literary characters by the imaginative painting art.And only the pursuit of color and form of aestheticism is different. The reproduction of these western literary images under the brush makes the painting art more three-dimensional and can arouse the resonance of the audience, making the painting truly become a poetic artistic language.The mutual influence of literature and ar

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