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艺术类paper写作-Art design

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    • 1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心艺术类paper写作-Art designThe relationship and difference between art and design has always been a topic of debate, which reflects the philosophy of different times and peoples personal beliefs. To analyze this topic, we must first understand what art and design are. And then gradually analyze the internal relationship.艺术与设计的关系和区别一直是人们争论的话题,反映了不同时代的哲学和人们的个人信仰。要分析这个话题,我们必须首先了解什么是艺术和设计。然后逐步分析内部关系。Art, in the sense of the word, is the expression of reality in a form o

      2、r scene that inspires the thoughts and feelings of others. To understand it, it is important to first understand the two words mentioned in the concept. These two words are thoughts and feelings. The word thought means that the result of thought is rational knowledge. Peoples social existence determines their thinking. All thoughts based on and in accordance with objective facts are correct thoughts, which promote the development of objective things. On the contrary, it is a wrong idea, which hi

      3、nders the development of objective things. Feeling has two meanings, the stronger psychological reaction to the external stimulation, the movement reveals. Concern for people or things, like the mood: contact feelings, he had a deep feeling for the countryside. Therefore, the expression of art is diverse and diverse. Simply put, art is the expression of personal experience, thoughts and feelings that artists focus on.艺术,顾名思义,是以一种激发他人思想感情的形式或场景来表达现实。要理解它,首先要理解概念中提到的两个词。这两个词是思想和感情。思想这个词的意思是思想的结果是理

      4、性的知识。人的社会存在决定了人的思维。一切以客观事实为根据和依据的思想,都是正确的思想,促进客观事物的发展。相反,这是一种错误的观念,阻碍了客观事物的发展。感觉有两层含义,对外界刺激的心理反应越强,运动就越能揭示出来。关心人或事,喜欢心情:接触感情,对农村有着深厚的感情。因此,艺术的表现形式是多样的。简单地说,艺术是艺术家关注的个人经验、思想和感情的表达。Design is an activity process that conveys a plan, plan and imagination through visual form. Human beings transform the world through labor, create civilization, create material wealth and spiritual wealth, and the most basic and main creation activity is creation. Design is the pre-planning of creational activities, an

      5、d the planning technology and planning process of any creational activity can be understood as design. In the new book human reason and design science, Yang shuo and xu li argue that designers are the activities that bring about changes in artificial creation. Marjorie? Eliot? Beflins point of view on design is that in order to keep things in order, we must carry out certain design planning. So design is the activity of finding and carefully constructing alternatives according to certain needs.

      6、The design has the following characteristics: the design has the purposive and the creativity. It is the basic activity of human beings for survival and development. From these two characteristics, it can be seen that human beings began to consciously use tools and decorations, and human design civilization began to sprout.设计是通过视觉形式传达计划、计划和想象的活动过程。人类通过劳动改造世界,创造文明,创造物质财富和精神财富,最基本、最主要的创造活动就是创造。设计是创造性活动的预先策划,任何创造性活动的策划技术和策划过程都可以理解为设计。在新书人类理性与设计科学中,杨硕和徐莉认为,设计师是“导致人工创造变化的活动”。马乔里?爱略特?贝弗林的设计观是,为了保持事物的有

      7、序,我们必须进行一定的设计规划。因此,设计就是根据一定的需要,寻找并精心构造替代方案的活动。设计具有以下特点:设计有目的性和创造性。它是人类生存和发展的基本活动。从这两个特点可以看出,人类开始有意识地使用工具和装饰品,人类设计文明开始萌芽。The similarity of art and design is that they have the same foundation, and both have common elements such as space, line, shape, structure, color and texture, which are combined, highlighted, balanced, distributed and correlated by artists or designers. Art mixed with design, design reveals the art.艺术和设计的相似之处在于它们具有相同的基础,它们都有共同的元素,如空间、线条、形状、结构、色彩和纹理,它们由艺术家或设计师组合、突出、平衡、分布和关联。艺术与

      8、设计交融,设计揭示艺术。It is very important to understand their similarities, because the integration of art and design depends on their similarities. Both through the designer reasonable connection, the fusion can become the art design. If the designer integrates the aesthetics, feelings and experience of the artist into the design, then the design work will no longer be a simple design work, and the design work will become an art design work with the blood of art. This process of completing art design wo

      9、rks can be called art design.理解它们的相似性是非常重要的,因为艺术和设计的结合取决于它们的相似性。两者通过设计师合理的衔接,融合才能成为艺术设计。如果设计师将艺术家的审美、情感和体验融入到设计中,那么设计作品就不再是一件简单的设计作品,而设计作品将成为一件带有艺术血液的艺术设计作品。完成艺术设计作品的这个过程可以称为艺术设计。From this analysis, we can know that design can become art under certain circumstances. Can art become design? The answer is no. Why? The answer lies in the difference between art and design.The difference between art and design is that the difference between art and design is the point that artists and designers pay attention to.Because the design has a purpose, the designer must have a goal when working, and the designer has a strong purpose when working. They are designed to meet a need, which is divided into two types: one is related to life and the other is related to aesthetics.However, artists mainly focus on the subjective emotions caused by some personal experience, reaction or mood. Artists dont care if their work is appropriate or a

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