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历史类essay写作-British policy toward Europe before World War I

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    • 1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心历史类essay写作-British policy toward Europe before World War IThe result of the allied diplomacy was a formal confrontation between the European powers, which eventually led to World War I. The war was not in Britains interest. Britain strongly denied that the alliance in Europe was aimed at Germany. It was very cautious in terms of the agreement and tried to maintain the independence of its diplomatic actions. Moreover, Germany was the first country that Britain tried to form

      2、an alliance with. Even after it formed an alliance with France and Russia, Britain was striving for friendly relations with Germany, believing that Britain and Germany were not competitors and trying to sign some kind of agreement with Germany. In the end, Britain had no choice but to go to war with Germany.盟国外交的结果是欧洲列强之间的正式对抗,最终导致了第一次世界大战。这场战争不符合英国的利益。英国坚决否认欧洲联盟的目标是德国。它在协议方面非常谨慎,并试图保持其外交行动的独立性。此外,德国是英国第一个与之结盟的国家。即使在与法国和俄罗斯结盟后,英国仍在努力与德国建立友好关系,认为英国和德国不是竞争对手,并试图与德国签订某种协议。最后,英国别无选择,只能与德国开战。When ana

      3、lyzing the British foreign policy from the end of the 19th century to before the first world war, the domestic academic circle generally believed that this was the period when Britain changed from glorious isolation to alliance diplomacy with the goal of containing Germany. The premise of Britains alliance diplomacy is to maintain its independence. Germany was the first country to strive for an alliance, and even after its alliance with other European countries, it tried to strive for friendly r

      4、elations with Germany. War was of no use to Britain, and a war with Germany was the last resort.在分析19世纪末至第一次世界大战前的英国外交政策时,国内学术界普遍认为,这是英国以遏制德国为目标,从“光荣孤立”向“联盟外交”转变的时期。英国联盟外交的前提是保持其独立性。德国是第一个争取结盟的国家,即使与其他欧洲国家结盟后,也努力争取与德国的友好关系。战争对英国毫无用处,与德国的战争是最后的手段。In the 1880s, Britain was most worried about France and Russia forming an alliance against Britain. The British occupation of Egypt caused lasting tension between Britain and France, while the possible threat of Russia to the near east and India was the

      5、main problem of British diplomacy. Against this background, in June 1885, the conservative government in Salisbury came to power and tried to restore relations with Germany. On June 26th, when Salisbury met with German diplomatic envoys, he indicated that one of the main principles of the conservative party is to realize and maintain a good understanding with Germany, and he himself will do his best to establish and maintain a good relationship with Germany. On June 29, bismarcks son soon teleph

      6、oned the German ambassador to Britain and said that bismarck was very satisfied with the friendly gesture of Salisbury and made a positive response to the friendly policy of Germany and Britain. On July 2nd Salisbury, in a letter to bismarck, repeated what he had said on June 26th and asked Germany to help Britain in Afghanistan and Egypt. July 8. In his reply, bismarck repeated the friendly words in the telegram of June 29, promising to support Britain as much as possible on the issue of Egypt,

      7、 and hoping that Britain and Russia could negotiate a settlement in Afghanistan.19世纪80年代,英国最担心的是法国和俄罗斯结盟反对英国。英国对埃及的占领造成了英法之间的持久紧张,而俄罗斯对近东和印度的潜在威胁是英国外交的主要问题。在这种背景下,1885年6月,索尔兹伯里的保守党政府上台,试图恢复与德国的关系。6月26日,索尔兹伯里会见德国外交使节时表示,保守党的主要原则之一是实现和保持与德国的良好理解,他本人将尽最大努力与德国建立和保持良好关系。6月29日,俾斯麦的儿子很快打电话给德国驻英国大使,表示俾斯麦对索尔兹伯里的友好姿态非常满意,对德英两国的友好政策作出了积极回应。7月2日,索尔兹伯里在给俾斯麦的一封信中,重复了6月26日他所说的话,并要求德国帮助英国在阿富汗和埃及。7月8日。在回复中,俾斯麦重申了6月29日电报中的友好措辞,承诺在埃及问题上尽可能支持英国,并希望英国和俄罗斯能在阿富汗谈判解决问题。Nevertheless, Britain still adhered to the policy

      8、of non-alignment and did not join the tripartite alliance to prevent falling into bismarcks plan to use Britain against France. In Salisburys view, Britain was already a declining power, unlikely to adopt the aggressive foreign policy of the palmerston and Disraeli eras. The reasonable position of the UK in international relations is that it does not attempt to manipulate the direction, but only waits for the opportunity to react when events occur, and always takes the security of the UK as its

      9、main goal. Therefore, the relationship with Europe presents a seemingly contradictory middle way: striving for cooperation while avoiding alliance, trying to gain benefits without being troubled.然而,英国仍然坚持不结盟的政策,没有加入三方联盟,以防止落入俾斯麦利用英国对抗法国的计划。在索尔兹伯里看来,英国已经是一个衰落的大国,不太可能采取帕默斯顿和迪斯雷利时代的侵略性外交政策。英国在国际关系中的合理地位是,它不试图操纵方向,只等待事件发生时作出反应的机会,始终以英国的安全为主要目标。因此,与欧洲的关系呈现出一种看似矛盾的“中间道路”:既努力合作,又避免结盟,试图在不受困扰的情况下获得利益。The 1887 Mediterranean treaty fully embodies Salisburys diplomatic thinking. The agreement, aimed squarely at France and Russia, will be a defining element of British foreign policy for the next decade. Salisburys agreement with the European powers was more or less out of desperation. On the question of whether to sign the second Mediterranean treaty, it wrote to the British ambassador in Constantinople:My personal feeling is that I have to join, but I say this with regret. I think were just playing with bismarcks fire at the wrong time

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