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    • 1、HotEssay论文网()-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心艺术类Paper写作-德奥艺术歌曲对声乐教学的影响As the most far-reaching vocal music genre in the world, German and Austrian art songs have been highly valued by singers and vocal educators of various countries. German famous tenor Feng Deli bush, baritone singer Herman shooter, Derek fisher, disco, the outstanding baritone singer Thomas hampson, etc., they are not only famous in the world of opera singer, is also good at singing schubert, Hugo Wolf, Joseph Marx, strauss, mahler wor

      2、ks of art song singer. In the field of vocal music education, in the professional music colleges in Germany and Austria, the subject of vocal music is divided into two categories: one is opera performance, the other is song singing. In other famous music colleges in the world, German-Austrian art songs are also listed as important teaching content. World famous vocal music competition - BBC Cardiff world singer competition, as one of the highest level of world-class vocal music competition, it i

      3、s divided into vocal music contest and art song singing contest two content, in the art song competition, the artists of various countries generally choose the German and Austrian art songs as the entries. Chinas famous vocal music educator professor jiang ying said on fu haijings vocal music learning: I pick up fu haijing, his voice love trouble, sometimes sing a song, the voice of the state is not good! That year, he won the second to last place in the domestic trials. I told him to stop singi

      4、ng big arias and start singing art songs. I prepared for him according to the degree of German art songs, French art songs, slowly, he solved the problem and then give him a big song.德奥艺术歌曲作为世界上影响最为深远的声乐体裁,受到各国歌手和声乐教育工作者的高度重视。德国著名男高音冯德利布什、男中音歌手赫尔曼舒特、德里克费舍尔、迪斯科、杰出男中音歌手托马斯汉普森等,他们不仅是世界著名的歌剧歌手,更是擅长演唱舒伯特、雨果沃尔夫、约瑟夫马克思、施特劳斯、马勒等艺术作品的歌曲歌手。在声乐教育领域,在德国和奥地利的专业音乐学院,声乐学科分为两类:一类是歌剧表演,另一类是歌曲演唱。在世界其他著名音乐院校,德奥艺术歌曲也被列为重要的教学内容。世界著名声乐比赛-英国广播公司卡迪夫世界歌手比赛,作为世界级声乐比赛最高水平之一,分为声乐比赛和艺术歌曲演唱比赛两个内容,在艺术歌曲比赛中,各国艺术家一般选择德国和奥地利的艺术歌

      5、曲作为作品。中国著名声乐教育家姜英教授对傅海景的声乐学习说:“我接傅海景,他的声音爱捣乱,有时唱一首歌,声音不好的状态!那一年,他在国内选拔赛中获得了倒数第二名。我告诉他停止唱大型咏叹调,开始唱艺术歌曲。我根据他准备的德国艺术歌曲、法国艺术歌曲的程度,慢慢地,他解决了问题,然后给了他一首大歌。It can be seen that the German and Austrian art songs are of great significance to vocal music teaching. The reason why the German and Austrian art songs are so valued is closely related to its characteristics.可见,德奥艺术歌曲对声乐教学具有重要意义。德奥艺术歌曲之所以受到如此重视,与其特点密切相关。The perfect combination of excellent literary works and delicate music works is the essential fea

      6、ture of art songs. Deo art songs are mostly the outstanding romantic poet, poetry is given priority to, Goethe, Heine, Schiller etc., their beautiful poetry rhyme, profound meaning, has a strong romantic emotional appeal and lyrical style, for the musicians to create excellent art song laid the foundation of highly favorable, composer usually according to the content of poetry, emotions, syllable to design the rhythm and intonation of the ups and downs, so the singer and instrumental accompanime

      7、nt to keen feeling and experiencing emotional and artistic conception of poetry, using rich change voice to mould artistic image.优秀文学作品与优美音乐作品的完美结合是艺术歌曲的本质特征。德奥艺术歌曲大多是杰出的浪漫主义诗人,诗歌以歌德、海涅、席勒等为主,他们优美的诗韵,深邃的意蕴,具有强烈的浪漫主义情感感染力和抒情风格,为音乐家创作优秀的艺术歌曲奠定了极为有利的基础,作曲家通常根据诗歌的内容、情感、音节来设计节奏和语调的起伏,使演唱者和器乐伴奏者能够敏锐地感受和体验诗歌的情感和意境,运用丰富的变声来塑造艺术形象。In Germany - the creation of art songs, lyrics composer to express the poetic realm, tend to poetry and the piano as a whole to design work, the piano is no longer part of clas

      8、sical vocal harmony or rhythm of the foil, but by the composer gives music image and poetic atmosphere, become the means of artistic conception and connotation of the song, mentioned with piano accompaniment vocal melody equally important position. Therefore, in the works of art songs, songs and piano accompaniment are so closely integrated that it is impossible to sing alone without accompaniment.在德国艺术歌曲的创作中,作曲家要抒发歌词的诗意境界,倾向于把诗歌和钢琴作为一个整体来设计作品,钢琴不再是古典声乐和声或节奏的一部分陪衬,而是由作曲家赋予音乐形象和诗意氛围,成为歌曲意境的手段和内涵,

      9、提到与钢琴伴奏声乐旋律同等重要的地位。因此,在艺术歌曲作品中,歌曲与钢琴伴奏紧密结合,没有伴奏就不可能独唱。Art songs are generally short and delicate, which is a highly concentrated music sketch. The structure of an art song is often determined according to the content of the poem. Some use the form of a stanza, that is, to match each lyric with the same music. In other words, the structural form of music is consistent with the structural form of lyric. Some take the form of general stanza, that is, to match each lyric with different music, that is, the structural form of music is inconsistent with the structural form of lyric. Therefore, when listening to or singing German and Austrian art songs, we should pay great attention to the song structure.German and Austrian art songs after nearly two hundred years of development, the accumulation of a vast sea of works, these works beautiful melody, diverse styles, singing varying degrees of difficulty. The diversity of German and Austr


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