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  • 上传时间:2018-09-30
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    • 1、Module Three language study,A. key phrases:,1. Collect all the words you find out that refer to the same thing.refer to 查阅,参考,提到,1) I dont know _ when she spoke at the meeting. 她在会上发言时,我不知道她指的是谁。,whom she was referring to,2) If you meet the new words in the reading, you can refer to the dictionary. 如果在阅读过程中遇到生词,你可以查字典。,3) 他经常谈起以前他在大学教书的那段经历。,He often referred to his past experiences as a teacher in a university.,2. Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even horses.pick up 1)拾起,拣到,Pick up the wa

      2、llet/ your book, pick up the telephone, pick up the baby,2)加快,Soon the bus picked up speed. The speed picked up. 公共汽车很快就提高了速度。,3)作“中途搭人/带货”解。,火车停下来搭乘客。,The train stopped to pick up passengers. Your father will pick you up at six,4)作“无意间学会(技能,语言),染上(坏习惯)”解。,I picked up French when I was in France.,5) 作“收听到”解。,Pick up VOA or BBC/ Every day ; pick up the school radio,6) 作“偶然地、无意地得到或买到”解。,Where did you pick up that magazine?/ I picked up an evening paper on my way home.,那本杂志你是在哪里搞到的? 7)(谈话,会议)重新开始,继

      3、续I will pick up the newspaper tomorrow. 8)(情绪,股票,天气,身体)开始好转 The economy is beginning to pick up.,3. They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken. 它们能剥掉猫被上和鸡身上的毛。take off 1) 取下来,使掉下来,免掉,Who took off the lid off the bottle? 谁拿掉了瓶盖?,His arrival took a weight off my mind.,他到了,使我放了心,2) 脱掉,起飞,Take off your wet clothes. 把你的湿衣服脱掉。,The plane took off from the airport and headed northwards Zhengzhou.,飞机从机场起飞,往北向郑州方向飞去。,3) take a day off请一天假,4. - but leave the furniture inside

      4、 exactly where it was. 而将家具留在原处。leave vt. 让某人某物继续处于某种状态,leave +n. +doing/ done/ adj./adv/prep.phr.,3) His illness has left him very weak. 他的病使他的身子很虚弱。,2)不要让她在外面的雨里等着。,Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain.,1) Im sorry Ive left some of your questions unanswered.很抱歉, 你有些问题我没有回答。,4) Youd better leave the door open.,5) You mustnt leave him in the dark.,你不能瞒着他。,句中的where it was 是where 引导的状语从句,表示地点。,Keep him where you can see him. 让他呆在你能看的见的地方。,Keep him at the place where you can see him.,(定语从句),I

      5、 went on with the story where I left off.我接着从原来中断的那个地方讲那故事。,end up是 “动词+副词” 结构的动词词组,用作不及物动词.如表示 “以结束” 其后需加介词with. The party ended up with songs,end up with 与 end up in end up with “以结束” 指以某种方式结束; end up in 也是“以结束” , 但in 后跟的是结果.,His exam ended up in failure. / His efforts ended up in failure. If you go on stealing like this, you will end up in prison. If you go on driving like crazy, youll end up in hospital. If you go on driving like crazy, youll end up dead. If you go on shopping like this, you

      6、ll end up in debt. If you play your cards right, youll end up running the company.,6. set fire to, set something on fire 放火烧catch fire/ be on fire 着火生火 make a fire, 灭火put the fire out 1) The house was on fire.(状态)2) The house caught fire last night.(动作)3) Paper catches fire easily.4) He set fire to the building.= He set the building on fire.,7. On(the) average, in the Latin American countries, there are only from one-tenth to one-fourth as many doctors as there are in the US. 总体说来,拉丁美洲的国家与美国的医生比例是1/10到1/4。,On average, we receive 5 letters each day.,8. We managed to get half other population to another island. manage to do something=succeed in doing something,1) In the afternoon I managed to get the chance to speak.,2) Do you think you can manage to get us some tickets?你看你能想法给我们搞几张票吗?,下午我终于有了发言的机会。,B: key patterns,1. By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2700 had been injured.,We had finished learning Book 3 by the end of last term.,


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