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    • 1、Summary,Paul Zhang,analyze the inquiry,I、Catalogues of Inquiry 1) meaningless 2) to establish business relationship 3) mentioning the specific products. 4) mentioning the specific products, prices, packing, shipment, and other details.,Different replies,1)ignore the meaningless inquiries 2)reply with care to the mails requesting establishment of business relation, foster potential customers. if no more contact, then send mails regularly with different fresh subjects or different mail-boxes. 3)fo

      2、cus on the inquiries with more details about the products or service such as price, packing, shipment, payment, etc.urge them to place order or samples early by different marketing strategy and modes of sales 4)Attention: when classify the inquiries and offers, pay great attention to some clients tracting information by cheating or tactics, especially to the inquiries from the same area for the same products,whats the main purpose of the inquiries,1 clients information( the market, the company,

      3、etc.) 2 the points of the inquiries 1) reasonable price request(the clients makes good price comparison)2) specification:size, color, quality.(the client may caculate the load quatity,etc. )3) certifications(the client is some company with official distribution channels)4) differences between the products(the client is trying to find out why your product is more expensive),How to Foster Potential Clients,1 establish a long-term effective contact mechanism methods 2 attract their cooperation with

      4、 interest or incentives by special reminding or discount packages, etc. 3 prepare a long-term accurate quotation causing some pressure to the client from time to time. 4 pay some attention to the clients life, such hobby, birthday, etc. ,How to offer,1 contents: specifications with illustrations; quotation with the amount of order; terms (FOB,CIF,C currency and unit price, signature with contacts (email, address, telephone number, etc.) Notes:1 professional mailbox2 virus3 time-lag4 frequency an

      5、d intense of your mails5 good subjects with certification, numbers,查询回复实例1:,买家查询原文Subject: Product Inquiry from Global Sources Made in China CD-ROMlooking for all kinds of herbal soapsPlease send me the following:FOB prices (for min. order quantity)Minimum order quantitySample availability/costDelivery time买家查询的中文意思关于:来自环球资源“中国制造”光盘的产品信息查询寻找各种药物肥皂请提供给我以下信息:FOB 价格(最小订单量的价格)、最小订单量、样品 /样品费、交货期,查询回复实例1:,“ABC公司”回复原文 Dear XXX,We can meet your demand for herbal soaps.Our beauty soap is enriched with ex

      6、tract liquid of Chinese herb which will smooth and also protect the skin.The price is competitive as followings:120g*60pcs/carton,7.5kg gross weight/carton,7.2kg net weight/carton,FOB Guangzhou price is $XXX,We hope to establish longtime businessrelations with you and bring a bright future with you.Awaiting for your feedback ASAP and best regartsYours sincerely,Ms XXXDirector,查询回复实例1:,“ABC公司”回复的中文意思亲爱的XXX,我们可以提供您所需要的药物肥皂。我们的美容肥皂中含有丰富的中药提炼成份,这些成份可以起到保护和光滑皮肤的作用。 我们为您提供以下优惠的价格: 120克x 60块/箱 毛重:7.5公斤

      7、/箱 净重:7.2公斤/箱 FOB 广州港交货 单价$XXX/箱 我们希望可以和您建立长期合作的关系并希望为您开创美好前景。 期待您尽快答复 诚挚的 XX女士董事长,建议回复示例亲爱的XXX非常高兴收到您x月x日发给我们的关于“药物肥皂”的查询。“ABC公司”是 一家有着XX年经验的专门从事各类日用化工品的生产型企业,我们最主 要的产品 是“美容香皂”,含有丰富的中药提取成分,有很好的保健护肤 及防治各种皮肤 疾病的功效;由于我们在制作过程中加入各种选的天然 香料,抑制了因为加入中药成份而产生的难闻味道,这种香皂不仅具有 普通肥皂无法具有的各种药理作用,而且其气味芳香,完全没有普通药 物肥皂所散发的药味,所以 非常受使用者的欢迎。我们每年可以生产这 种香皂约36000吨并销往世界各地,尤其在印度及东南亚各国销量一直看 好。目前我们“美容香皂”类的产品采用的包装规格是120克x 60块/箱,毛重:7.5公斤/箱,净重:7.2公斤/箱,基于以上的包装规格,我们针对您在查询中提到的信息作出以下答复: 1FOB 价格(最小订单量价格): $XXX/箱 FOB广州港 2最小订单量: xxx箱 3

      8、样品/样品费: 我们可以免费提供样品,如果贵公司可以提供快递账号,我们将马上邮寄香皂样品。 4交货期: xx天附件是我们目前正在生产的各种香皂类产品的药理成分、用途、规格及 报价供您参考,如果您所需要的数量达到xxxx箱以上,我们还可以根据 您的要求为您生产特定药性或特定规格的香皂,当然价格和交货期需要 另行商议。 (注:可以制作一份常用的产品规格表,包含品名,规格,外形,包装规格, FOB价格,作为附件给买家参考),除了您所感兴趣的“药物肥皂”之外,“ABC公司”还生产各种具有不同药理功效 的日用化工品,如洗发液,洗手液等,由于我们在这一行业几十年的专业经验, 我们所有产品的品质得到了很好的保证,加上有效的生产管理使我们可以提供具 有竞争力的价格,所以我们的各类日用化工品在国内外都非常流行。如果您有兴 趣,欢迎到我公司网站上去察阅更详细的信息,我们的网站地址是: 或 ,我们希望可以利用 “ABC公司”的专业经验与您发展更深层次的合作关系。期待您的答复诚挚的XXX女士董事长“ABC公司” 工厂地址:xx路xx号 电话:xxxxxxxx 传真:xxxxxxxxx,查询回复实例2:,买家查

      9、询原文DEAR MS XXXWe would like introducing ourselves as one of the leading companies in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We are interested in your beauty soaps. So please kindly send us sample 2pcs each of your whole range of beauty soap by speed post to our following address and confirm by return email. 买家查询的中文意思亲爱的XXX女士:我们是来自沙特阿拉伯并在市场上占有主导地位的一家公司。我们对你们的“美 容香皂”有兴趣。请将你们各类美容香皂用快递方式各寄2件样品到以下地址并在回复邮件中确认。,查询回复实例2:,“ABC公司”回复原文Dear Mr/Ms XXX:As per your request we send our pricelist by e-mail.You will find that it is more competitive than those you get from other sources and all range of our products have good quality which meet the Chinese Enterprise Standard.Pricelist,查询回复实例2:,查询回复实例2:,Await for your feedback ASAP and look forward to developing localmarket together.With best regard,Ms XXXDirector,查询回复实例2:,“ABC公司”回复的中文意思Dear Mr/Ms XXX根据您的要求我们现提供产品报价表给您。您会发现我们所提供的报价比您从其他供应商那里得到的报价要好,同时我们所有产品的质量都达到了中国工业标准。Xxxxxxxxxx产品规格及报价表xxxxxxxxx期待您能尽快答复并希望可以和您共同开发您本地的市场。致XXX女士董事长,


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