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    • 1、Unit 7How do you make a banana smoothie?温故知新(课前预习类训练).Fill the blank according to the word class.(请将单词按下表分类并填入表格内。) 分类 写出相关同类名词 再写出一个表格以外的同类词饮料 drinks水果 fruits蔬菜 vegetables肉类 meat调料 ingredient可数名词 countable noun不可数名词 uncountable noun答案:分类写出相关同类名词再写出一个表格以外的同类词饮料 drinks shake,milk,yogurt Water水果 fruits watermelon,banana,apple strawberry蔬菜 vegetables lettuce,carrot,tomato,green onion potato肉类 meat turkey,chicken,fish Pork调料 ingredient relish,sauce,butter,honey,salt wine可数名词countable noun banana,tom

      2、ato,watermelon,pancake,sandwich,teaspoon Tree不可数名词uncountable nounmilk,lettuce,honey,bread,popcorn meat.Please go through the text and find the words or expressions that mean the same as those below.(预习课文并从中找出下列汉语表达的相应英文表达。 )1.让我想想 2.削香蕉 3.多少酸奶 4.混合在一起 5.切碎 6.把比萨放进烤箱 7.一杯酸奶 8.把加到上 9.两片面包 10.三茶匙佐料 11.把打开 12.轮流 答案:1.let me think2.peel a banana3.how much yogurt4.mix up5.cut up6.put the pizza in the oven7.one cup of yogurt8.put.to.9.two slices of bread10.three teaspoons of relish 11.turn on一鼓作气(课中强化

      3、类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练) .Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示完成单词。)1.Mary finishes her homework f(at last).2.She likes to eat a b(a kind of long yellow fruit)very much now.3.Alice is very thirsty.She wants to d(take in water with mouth )something. 4.How m(a lot of,lots of)mushrooms do we need?5.Please cut up these p(a kind of hot or spicy vegetables).6.Would you like to p(倾倒) some milk into the glass?7.Lets make some fruit s(色拉)?8.We need two t(茶匙) .答案:

      4、1.finally2.banana3.drink4.many5.pepper 6.pour 7.salad8.teaspoonsExercises for phrases(短语专练).Multiple choice(单项填空)1.What can I do for you?Im looking for .A.a pair of shoes B.a pair of T-shirtC.two pairs of hatD.two pair of trousers答案:1.A由两部分构成的整体,在表示数量时用 “a pair of ”。2.I want to see a TV play.Can you the TV set?A.turn on B.turn offC.turn up D.turn down答案:Aturn on 指“打开” ; turn off 指“ 关上”;turn up 指“开大点儿”;turn down 指“关小点儿”。3.We must cut the tomatoes and put them the blender.A.off;in B.up;intoC.down;

      5、into D.over;in答案:Bcut up 表示“切碎”; put.into 表示“把某物放进”。4.Do you know women teachers are there in your school?A.how many B.how muchC.how D.how often答案:Ahow many+可数名词; how much+不可数名词;how often 询问“频率”。5.Please hot water into blender.A.cut B.mix C.pour D.carry答案:C从题意可知,应表示 “把倒入”,即 pour.into.。6.Would you like some milk?Yes,just .A.a few B.few C.a little D.little答案:Ca few,few 后面加可数名词;a little, little 后面加不可数名词。7. mix these things together.A.Not B.No C.Dont D.You arent答案:C本句考查祈使句的否定形式,在句首加 Dont。8.If you 5

      6、1,you get six.A.put;into B.mix;up C.add;to D.add;up答案:Cadd.to. 表示“相加”。9. news did you read last night?A.How much B.How manyC.How far D.How often答案:Anews 是不可数名词,所以用 how much。10.Times up. your shoes.Lets go.A.Take off B.Turn onC.Put on D.Put away答案:C时间到了,应该是穿上鞋出发。Exercises for function items(交际用语专练).Complete the dialogue with proper word.(用适当的单词完成对话。)A:Its time to supper.What would you like to drink?B:How a banana smoothie?A:OK,good idea.I need some .Can you the bananas and cut them up?B:OK.And I

      7、put everything a blender.A: pour milk in the blender.B: the blender for about five minutes.A:The banana smoothie is ready soon.B:How !I cant .答案:have/eat,about,help,peel,into,Next,Turn on,nice/delicious,waitExercises for grammar(语法专练).Multiple choice(单项填空)1.Lucy wants to drink juice.A.some B.many C.a few D.any答案: Asome,any 可以加可数名词或不可数名词。many 和 a few 后面加可数名词。2.Is there bread in your basket?A.many B.a C.any D.few答案:C疑问句中用 any。3.What would you like to drink? orange,please.A.One B.A glass of C.A box

      8、 of D.A答案:B不可数名词和数词连用时要加量词和 of。4.Is there in todays newspaper?A.any important news B.many news importantC.an important news D.a news important答案:Anews 是不可数名词,不能和具体的数字连用。5.I want to buy .A.two bottles of milks B.two bottles of milkC.two bottle of milk D.two bottle milks答案:B不可数名词和数词连用时要加量词和 of。量词有单、复数变化。Sentence structure training(句子结构专练) .Rewrite the following sentence according to the request in the parentheses.(根据括号中的要求改写下列句子。)1.Peel the oranges,please.(改为否定句)the oranges,please.2.He needs two cups of juice.(对画线部分提问 )of juice does he need?3.Mikes pencil is longer than Toms.(改为一般疑问句)Mikes pencil than Toms?4.I need three glasses of water.(对画线部分提问)water do you need?答案:1.Dont peel2.How many cups3.Is;longer4.How much快乐时光The mean mans partyThe notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party.Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment,he said,“Come up to 5F and ring the doorbell with your elbow.When the doors open,push with your foot.”“Why use my elbow and foot?”“Well,gosh,” w


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