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    • 1、三大国粹的英文介绍Three Treasures of Chinese CultureTraditional Chinese Painting, Beijing Opera and Traditional Chinese Medicine are known throughout the world as the three treasures of China.1.Traditional Chinese Painting Traditional Chinese Painting is regarded as one of Three Treasures of Chinese Culture, the other two being traditional Chinese Medicine and Beijing Opera. Traditional Chinese Painting is the art of painting on a piece of Xuan paper or silk with Chinese brush that was soaked浸泡 with blac

      2、k ink or colored pigments颜料. The character of Chinese painting is closely bound up with the nature of the mediumink, pointed-tipped brush尖头刷, silk, a sheet of paper and so on. The ink-drawing remains almost always the foundation of the design while color is not a formal element . Traditional Chinese Painting is far less concerned with notions of symmetry, balance, and proportion than its European counterpart. In terms of the mode of expression, traditional Chinese paintings are divided into the

      3、xieyi school and the gongbi school. Figure painting, landscapes painting, birds and flowers painting are the three major classifications according to subject matter. Chinese Painting has been held as a good exercise to temper ones character 锤炼人格and cultivate ones personality.(180 words)Chinese Painting emphasizes the point that “inspiration comes from close observation and understanding of nature.” It is required that the painting should follow where the minds lead. Once the painting is finished

      4、, the implication is revealed, both the spirit and form are reflected in the painting. 2.Beijing OperaBeijing Opera is regarded as one of Three Treasures of Chinese Culture, the other two being traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Painting. It is the most popular and influential Opera in China with a history of almost 200 years. Beijing opera, once called Peking opera, is now regarded as Chinas national opera. Full of chinese cultural facts, the opera presents the audience with a

      5、n encyclopedia nsaklpi:d百科全书 of chinese culture ,as well as unfolding stories, beautiful paintings, exquisite精致的; 细腻的; 优美的 costumes, graceful gestures and martial arts. Beijing opera mainly relies on singsing and dancing to tell stories. Its actors and actresses use four basic performing methods on stage: chang, nian, zuo, da. There are four main roles in Beijing opera: sheng, dan, jing, chou. Its band mainly consists of an orchestra and a percussion pkn敲打,碰撞; 振动 band. And jinghu is the most imp

      6、ortant musical instrument.The evolution of Beijing OperaBeijing opera, once called Peking opera and with a history of almost 200 years, is now regarded as Chinas national opera and one of Three Treasures of Chinese Culture. Beijing opera was originally a local drama in Anhui Province. During Emperor Qianlong s inspection tours of the south in disguise掩盖; 化装; 隐瞒, the four famous troupes San Qing, Si Xi, He Chun and Chun Tai三庆、四喜、春台、和春 from Anhui Province were asked to remain After the celebration

      7、 of his eightieth birthday in 1790. Gradually, it replaced Kunqu which had been popular in the palace and among the upper classes in Beijing. Later, some troupes from Hubei Province came to Beijing and often performed together with the Anhui troupes. The two types of singing blended on the same stage and gradually gave birth to a new genre nr类型,种类 which came to be known as Beijing opera.From 1883 to 1918, Beijing Opera matured from its formative stage. Since 1917, Beijing Opera has developed fro

      8、m the mature period to the peak period, becoming the most popular and influential dramatic form on the Chinese stage. In 2010, Peking opera was listed as the list of representative works of human intangible cultural heritage. In the course of its formation, it assimilated smlet同化; 吸收,消化 the best from many other local operas and become a comprehensive广泛的,综合的 performing art in which singing, music, dialogue, acrobatics杂技, martial arts 武术combine to create a spectacular spektkjl(r)惊人的; 场面富丽的,壮观的dram

      9、atic presentation. It mirrors the culmination klmnen高潮; 顶点 and distillation dstlen升华of two thousand years of Chinese civilization. With increasingly frequently cultural exchange between China and the west, Beijing opera has been more and more popular all over the world and has attempted numerous reforms catering to the audience.3.Traditional Chinese MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine is regarded as one of Three Treasures of Chinese Culture, the other two being traditional Chinese medicine and Beijing Opera. In TCM, the understanding of human body is based on the holistic understanding of the universe as described in Taoism, and the treatment of the illness is based primarily on the diagnosis, and differentiation of syndromes. TCM theory pays more attention to assisting the balance of the human body and letting its healing system do its job. The basic history of TCM attempts to explain the


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