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  • 上传时间:2020-07-25
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    • 1、四大发明和丝绸之路英文介绍The Four Great Inventions 1.The Four Great InventionsCompass, papermaking, gunpowder and printing were great technological achievements that the Chinese nation contributed to the world and they altered the historical course of the human beings. Compass is in the form of a magnetic needle 针for most times. It is useful for navigation purposes and leading to Columbuss discovery of the new world and Magellans voyage around the earth. Papermaking: Cai Lun improve the papermaking technolo

      2、gy and made a new kind of paper , developing the worlds civilization much faster. Printing: Bi Sheng invented the movable type printing, ushering引领in a major of revolution in the history of printing. Gunpowder was mainly for military applications. Sun Simiao contributed a lot to the discovering of the method of making gunpower. The invention of gunpowder meant a far-reaching technological revolution.These four inventions reflected and represented the brilliance and prosperity of the ancient Chin

      3、ese civilization and have become important symbols of China s important role in the worlds civilization.2.The Silk RoadThe Silk Road is a general name for the ancient strategic transportation channel which started from China and passed through Central Asia, West Asia, Africa and Europe. In the 19 century, when the name of Silk Road was first used by a German geographer, it just included the land road from Chinas Xinjiang to central Asia. Later it was expanded gradually and reached West Asia, Europe and Africa. It took in land and water routes. It is not only an important route connecting the ancient world, but also a synonym for economic and cultural exchanges between the Western world and the oriental world. September and October, 2013, Chairman , respectively, proposed a new silk road economic belt and Marine silk road in the 21st century strategic idea, for the ancient silk road gives the connotation of the new era.


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