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2011高考英语一轮复习 BookI Unit18教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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    • 1、2011高考英语一轮教学案大纲版Unit 18理解:要点诠释单词1.settle讲: v. 决定;解决;定居;放置;使安静;栖息例:He has settled to buy a car.他决定买车。Lets settle the date of the next meeting.我们来商定下次集会的日期。The problem has not been settled yet.那个问题至今尚未解决。They got married and settled in London.他们结了婚并在伦敦定居。His words settled my fears.他的话平息了我的不安。链接提示 (1)settle down舒适地坐下或躺下;(在某地)定居下来;过安定的生活 (2)settle(down)to sth.开始认真对待;定下心来做 (3)settle for sth.勉强接受练:(1)With many difficult problems _,the president is having a hard time.A.settled B.settling C.to settle D.

      2、being settled提示:考查with的复合结构,从下文看,难题还没有解决。故选C。答案:C(2)Knowing how long the test would last,the students who finished _ back and waited until the end of the exam.A.settle B.settled C.settling D.to settle提示:该题考查句子结构。学生易受思维定势的影响,错选C项,其实who finished是定语从句,选项作谓语,故选B。句意为:由于知道考试要持续多长时间,那些做完的学生安静地坐着,等待考试结束。答案:B2.possession讲: n. 具有;拥有;个人财产;私人物品例:The gang were caught in possession of stolen goods.这伙人被逮着,人赃俱获。The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel.出国旅行必须持有护照。The ring is one of her most t

      3、reasured possessions.这只戒指是她最珍贵的财产之一。链接提示 (1)take possession of占有;占领 (2)come into the possession of被某人占有;落入某人手中 (3)in ones possession=in the possession of sb.由某人所有/控制练:It is said that the white people then came to this land.They _ of the land.A.owned B.took possession C.seized D.caught提示:由空格后的of构成take possession of短语,意为“占有,占领”,决定答案只能是B。答案:B短语1.turn to讲:该短语的义项有“向(寻求帮助等);翻到;查阅;转到”。例:Some farmers have turned to keeping deer,and there are about 4500 deer farms in the country.某些农场主已经转业养鹿,全国的养鹿场已经达到450

      4、0个左右。He turned to me and said hello to me.他转向我向我问好。If you are in trouble,please turn to me.如果你有麻烦,请找我。练:(2010北京海淀期末) Although the teacher did not mention any names,everybody knew who he was _.A.attending to B.turning to C.referring to D.talking to提示:本题考查动词短语辨析。attend to意为“注意;照顾”,turn to意为“求助于”,refer to意为“提到;谈到”;talk to意为“同某人交谈”。答案:C2.burst out讲:该短语的义项有“突然迸发;突然出现”。例:They burst out laughing/crying.他们突然大笑(哭)起来。“I dont believe it!” burst out the angry woman.“我不相信!”这位生气的妇女突然说道。链接拓展 (1)burst into突然闯入;

      5、突然开始;突然发生 He burst into the room. 他突然闯进房间。 She burst into laughter/tears. 她突然笑(哭)起来。 The hall burst into cheers when the singer appeared.当歌手出场时,大厅里爆发出欢呼声。 The oil-stove upset and burst into flames. 油炉翻倒,立刻燃烧起来。 (2)burst in(on)打扰 It was very rude of you to burst in on Father while he was working. 父亲工作期间,你打扰他是不礼貌的。 Stop him bursting in.别让他插嘴。 (3)burst on突然出现 The view burst on our sight. 那景象突然出现在我们面前。练:As soon as she saw her boyfriend,she _ tears.A.burst into B.broke outC.burst out D.broke in提示:bre

      6、ak out为不及物动词短语,表示“爆发”;break in不及物动词短语,“突然闯入”。burst out后跟动名词形式;burst into后跟名词形式,故选A,burst into tears“突然哭起来”。答案:A句型of+抽象名词讲:注意观察下面教材原句:New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.新西兰的酒质量很好,畅销全世界。of+抽象名词”可以用作表语、后置定语或补足语,意思是“的,具有的”说明性质。作表语时,构成“be+of+抽象名词”,等于“be+该名词的形容词”。例:He is a man of ability.(=He is an able man.)他是一个有能力的人。This stone is of great value.(=This stone is very valuable.)这颗宝石很珍贵。This matter is of great importance.(=This matter is very important.)这件事很重要。练:Where can

      7、 I get _ information about a long journey?Nothing is of _ than a map,I think.A.an;greater help B.a piece of;greater priceC.some;better useful D.some;greater value提示:information是不可数名词,不可使用不定冠词,排除A项;依据“be+of+抽象名词”排除B、C两项。答案:D辨析1.make up,be made up of,make up for(1)make up的意思比较多,常用的有“化妆;编造;组成;占(比例),”这时要注意,make up为主动形式,表示“部分组成一个整体”的意思。另外,take up也有“占”的意思,但指的是“某样东西占据空间”。(2)be made up of.由组成,这里为被动形式,表示“一个整体是由几个部分组成”。注意比较:consist of也有“由组成”的意思,但要使用主动形式。例:This club consists of more than 200 members.这个俱乐部由

      8、200多名会员组成。比较:This club is made up of more than 200 members.(3)make up for弥补即时练习:(1)She took over 30 minutes to _ herself _.(2)Is she telling the truth,or _ it all _?(3)We need one more player to _ a team.(4)They _ about six percent of the total population.(5)The committee _ seven members.(6)He drove faster to _ lost time.答案:(1)make,up (2)making,up (3)make up (4)make up (5)is made up of (6)make up for2.deal with,do with,do without(1)do with为及物动词短语。用于特殊疑问句时一般用what引导。含有“处理;处置;对待(不用被动语态);以将就(不用被动语态);放置(常用过去时或完成时态,不用被动语态);忍受(与cannot连用,不用被动语态)”。(2)do without的意思为“没有什么也行;将就;用不着”。(3)deal with为及物动词短语。用于特殊疑问句时一般用how引导。主要义项有“对付;处理;论及(和do with同义,主要区别在于特殊疑问词);相处;与交易(不用于被动语态)”。即时练习:(1)Your clothes are worn out.What did you _ them?(2)He didnt know what to _ the property his father

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