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    • 1、【英文名字 名在前,姓在后】大家好,我叫菜大头,英文名叫大头菜。A wet night 雨夜wet ( wetter , wettest ) a. 湿的;未干的;下雨的;饮酒的,喝醉的wet clothes 【material 衣料】get wet in the rainHe is wet through .Her face is wet with tears . 【tear n. 眼泪(常用复数) v. ( tore , torn ) 撕开,撕裂 up 撕碎】Dont touch , wet paint .a wet driver 酒后驾车者 moist a. 潮湿的;多雨的;泪汪汪的be moist with dew 【dew n. 露水 a drop of dew 露珠】be moist with the joy of success 因成功的喜悦而眼含泪水moisture n. 潮湿;湿气;湿度;水分,降雨量 humid a. 潮湿的 humidity n. 湿度;湿气 rainy a. 下雨的;多雨的a rainy month 多雨的一个月perpetually rainy

      2、常年多雨Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.傍晚时分, 孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐篷.late in the afternoon 傍晚early in the morning 一早the boys or some boys ?put up 举起;搭建Put your hands up ! = Hands up !put up / hoist / raise a flagput up a tent 支起帐篷put up a fence 筑起篱笆 put up with 容忍,忍受How can you such a naughty child / so naughty a child ?!midafternoon n. & a. 下午三点左右(的)midnight n. & a. 午夜(的);漆黑(的)midnight blue / black 深蓝/黑(?)色the Mid-Autumn Day / Festival 中秋节 八月十五 【张士诚,“八月十五杀鞑子”,抗元】th

      3、e Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 五月初五 【楚怀王;驱舟寻尸不得,后演变为赛龙舟】the Lantern Festival 元宵节 正月十五 the Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 九月初九 【东汉,费长房,恒景】tent n. 帐篷1、go camping2、camp out 露营;露宿;使扎营Weve camped out in the mountains for a week .It was getting dark , we had to camp out in the woods .The troops were camped out in the town .3、bivouac n. 露营;露营地 vi. & vt. 露宿We will go out on this morning , The soldiers made a in the woods .Hes left for his regiments . colonel of the regiment knl 上校团长They will there until tomorrow

      4、 .Our troops were d all over the hillside .field n. 田地, 田野on the airfield 飞机场 apron n. 停机坪at the airport 在机场in the field 在田野里football field 足球场地in the field of 在.领域be out of ones field 不属于某人的专业(或工作范围)He is quite brilliant in his own field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. 这件事刚刚做完, 他们就在篝火上烧起了饭. as soon as 一.就. /当.On entering the room she saw him . fall in love with sb. at the first sightcook a meal 做一顿饭Many men dont appreciate how much work it takes to cook three me

      5、als a day . over prep. 在之上(垂直的正上方)open fire 在野外生的火,篝火;开火The enemy opened fire on us . 敌人向我们开火了。They were all hungry and the food smelled good. 他们全都饿了, 饭菜散发出阵阵香味.They were all = All of them / the boys weresmell (smelled or smelt) v. 闻起来【半系动词用于连接主语和表语,说明主语的状态、性质特征或身份等】1.表感官的系动词:look, sound, notice,taste, smell, feel2.表似乎的系动词:seem, appear3.表变化的系动词:become, get, turn, grow, make, come, go, fall, run 4.表依旧的系动词:remain, keep, stay, continue, stand, rest, lie, hold After a wonderful meal, they told stori

      6、es and sang songs by the campfire. 他们美美地吃了一顿饭后, 就围在营火旁讲起了故事, 唱起了歌. delicious / delicate / tasty / dainty / palatable pltbl / toothsome / yummyby prep.在.旁边near / beside = next to(紧邻着)/ at at the table / at table But some time later it began to rain. 但过了一阵子. 天下起雨来.some time later / ago 一段时间之后/前The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. 孩子们觉得累了, 于是他们扑灭了篝火, 钻进了帐篷.put out 熄灭The fire is out. 火灭了。(强调非人为)creep ( crept , crept ) vi. 爬行;匍匐;蹑手蹑脚地走;不知不觉地到来 【crawl】The snake crept

      7、 along the garden wall . 蛇沿着花园围墙爬行。The haunter crept to the deer . 猎人蹑手蹑脚地走向那头鹿。The hours crept by . 时间悄悄过去。Age creeps on us all . 我们都在不知不觉中变老。Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. 睡袋既暖和又舒服, 所以, 他们都睡得很香. sleeping bag 睡袋动词加ing 变成形容词作定语有二个意思 : 正在. : sleeping dog , passing plane 正在路过的飞机 用来做. : sleeping bag , listening materialcomfortable a. 舒服的;令人欣慰的comfort n. & vt. 安慰;慰藉 ( console , consolation )a few words of 几句安慰的话The little girl is a great to her parents .sou

      8、ndly adv. 香甜地sleep soundly / well / deeply be fast / sound asleep 熟睡fall asleep 入睡 safe and sound 安然无恙;完整无损Ive arrived from Thailand .In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. 午夜前后, 有两个孩子醒了, 大声叫了起来. in the middle of the night = at midnight 在午夜wake up = awake 醒wake sb up 唤醒 awake ( sb. ) to (使某人)意识到 ones responsibilities the dangerThe tent was full of water ! 原来帐篷里到处都是水!a speech full of meat 内容丰富的讲话as full of meat as an egg 塞满的;饱学的He is as full of meat as an egg in the field of law / where the law is concerned .They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. 他们全都跳出睡袋, 跑到外面. leap ( leaped & leapt ) v. 跳跃, 跳起leap out of 跳出Look before you leap . 三思而后行。leap day / month / year 闰日/月/年 skip vi. 蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳绳;跳过,略过skip ( over ) those easy problems His heart skipped / skipped a beat in terror . 他吓得心跳都停了一下。skip wor


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