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  • 文档编号:455386810
  • 上传时间:2024-01-07
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    • 1、外文文献Multi-rope friction hoist rope for new technologyMulti-rope friction hoist wire rope replacement, it is usually the use of four fixed steady string of new cars of old rope, process complexity, construction personnel and VI in the well shaft operations, the risk of larger and longer mine production, So how to replace the main wire rope hoist such more security, time-saving, has been the goal of research 1、 Construction of preparation (1) in advance of the wedge-shaped hanging backup detection

      2、 device on the new wire rope testing, in line with the Coal Mine Safety Regulations section of the relevant provisions of 402, the measurement of size, were cut into four entangled in rope roller 4 on, according to the requirements of twist put on the north side of the derrick, and fixed. (2) North derrick hook in the appropriate location of the fixed beam-oriented round of four in order to smooth movement of wire rope. (3) Automatic adjustment of leveling out the volume of the fuel tank of a le

      3、ver, the first self-balancing so that the fuel tank of the South Hook extended the amount of leverage in line with the closure of the South Hook Balancing tanks at their respective cut-off valve, run 1 day, then the volume of check the fuel tank between the two hook lever out of the volume, and record, and as the basis for cut-off rope. (4)ready to use long and short board, long board needs three, the need for a short eight boards. (5) ready to adequate and reliable lighting facilities, as well

      4、as the signal, wire, wood, and commonly used tools such as I-steel, and check their eligibility. 2、 Construction of steps (1) top-down clean-up platforms, derrick and the shaft, removal of roller shield. VI well above the old string with new string, specific methods are as follows: Cans will be parked in the south tank top level VI and the location of wells; VI in wells adjacent to the north can take the work platform, the new rope through the window well wall Tabei VI and four driven wheels, an

      5、d four cans of the old North ropes long, respectively, 3m, slightly smallbundled, tied for the new Department3 (new ropein the old side). Specific binding is as follows: first one 3m long hemp rope around 1m intensive new rope, hemp rope and then the remaining entangled in the original location of the new justice will be the new and old ropes tied together, the hemp rope tied after water immersion ( tied up a little wet before the small). At the same time, decentralization of the South can take

      6、the new string, using the same method with the above-mentioned firstsince the beginning of each new interval 10m rope firmly tied up with the old rope, wire rope when the new tankto the South side, and well above the first VI flush steel stops, can work to dismantle the North wellhead platform. in the four-storey tower platform wells, using a dedicated card in the North side of the tank 4prison in order to prevent the new rope to escape, and then cut off all of the hemp rope tied to the new and

      7、the old rope rope separately. five-storey tower in the wells, the South side of the new cans with rope sling jail card board, with four new road will be the appropriate height of lifting rope to the main drive roller can not rotate a new justice prevail, then the human will be fourto the second floor of the new platform. (2) the South can head the new wire rope hook. the South Side can4 wedge-shaped with four back-up devices to connect firmly hanging; to the old and new wire rope hanging device

      8、of the alignment, the use of hemp rope tied firmly. the second floor on the first pressure hydraulic pump with the South can automatically balance the fuel tank connecting pipe even after the good, the total cut-off to open the door a little to the fuel tank of the oil pump to suppress all Add, and then south automatic hydraulic hook Unicom balance tube to remove the fuel tank and on a designated location. Finally, the slow decentralization of the Southern cage hook, a new extra rope taut. (3) s

      9、haft with a new rope. long sling to remove five boards and four sub-board anti-back channeling, and four new chairs were placed on the corresponding slot on the west side of the old rope suitable location. Three-storey tower in the well platform, the South side of the new cans, the old rope a long board with a daughter card to pay in jail, and then in the long upper and lower sub-board 4 of the card to pay a small board. hoist speed with low-frequency southern decentralization cans, at the same time, four ropes to the corresponding roller speed put to justice; At this point, three-tiered platform in the wells south tower tank side, since the first sub-board pay long bundled together from every 6m hemp rope (the same method mentioned above) and timely water immersion, respectively, at intervals of 50m to pay a small four-card sub board.When the second floor of the North can wellhead platform close to parking, with


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