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    • 1、2022年考博英语-四川师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Governor (州长) Paterson and Mayor Bloomberg agree on at least one thingthat the top priority for rebuilding Ground Zero is the creation of a memorial, which could be built by the 10th anniversary of September 11 Attack.“I mentioned that to the mayor, and he agreed wholeheartedly,” Paterson said after a half-hour City Hall meeting with Bloomberg. “I wanted him to know that if we can agree, wed work on both ends to try to make that happen. We will be going in

      2、a direction that I think all New Yorkers would be proud of.” The governor said that while the PATH station and the commercial projects planned for the city were also important, finishing the memorial will send a powerful message to the people of New York. “I just expressed to the mayor, and he expressed the same thing to me that it has a lot to do with the morale (士气,民心) of the city,” Paterson said.Earlier, on his weekly radio show, the mayor chaired the National September 11 Memorial & Museum a

      3、t the World Trade Center, which raised the $350 million necessary for building the complex and is now raising money for a museum endowment (捐赠). Fifteen relatives of 9/11 victims wrote a letter last week calling for faster progress, saying, “We hope that you ensure everything possible is done so that we can share a beautiful and inspiring memorial with the world on 9/11.”1. Paterson and Bloomberg agreed that the creation of a memorial will be built in _.2. “Wed work on both ends to try to make t

      4、hat happen” means _.3. The mayor chaired “the National September 11 Memorial & Museum” in this text refers to a _.4. What did the mayor do to respond Paterson?5. The title of the text would be _.问题1选项A.2011B.2008C.2010D.2009问题2选项A.both of our groups would work hard to accomplish the buildingB.you and I would work hard to promote itC.we would work continually without a stopD.both of us would work hard so that it could happen问题3选项A.meeting held at the World Trade CenterB.certain date on which a me

      5、eting will be heldC.building which would be builtD.location in the World Trade Center问题4选项A.He held a meeting for an endowment of the building.B.He held a meeting to demand money.C.He gave a radio show on weekend.D.He held a meeting at the World Trade Center.问题5选项A.a memorial of the World Trade Center is crucialB.raising money is urgent for rebuilding Ground ZeroC.a negotiation between the governor and the mayorD.an important decision by the governor and the mayor【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析

      6、】1.事实细节题。由题干可定位到第一段,段尾补充说明时间“which could be built by the 10th anniversary of September 11 Attack”(在911恐怖袭击十周年前建成),而911事件发生在2001年,因此十周年即2011年,A选项正确。2.语义推测题。本句的“we”是指Governor和Mayor,结合上下文,此处是指Governor和Mayor达成了一致,即双方协力促成这个纪念碑的建成,因此B选项“你和我将努力推动它”正确;这两人不可能直接参与accomplish the building的工作,A选项“我们两个团队都将努力工作来完成这个建筑”可排除;C选项“我们将不停地工作”不符合此处语境,本段中并非强调一直不停工作,可排除;D选项“我们俩都要努力工作,这样它才能实现”,这个句子中出现了一个so that,说明“建成纪念碑”这件事非得双方共同努力才可以,但是原文中体现的是“if we can agree, wed work on both ends to try to make that happen”,只是强调合力促成纪念

      7、碑建成,而非指形成一个建成纪念碑的唯一条件,D选项可排除。3.事实细节题。由题干定位到文章第三段第一句,在关键词后有一个修饰从句“which raised the $350 million necessary for building the complex and is now raising money for a museum endowment”(筹集了3.5亿美元建设建筑楼的必要资金,现在又在为博物馆募捐),可知这是一个募捐活动,这个活动是为筹集资金用,句中的“at the World Trade Center”说明活动举办点正在世贸中心,A选项“在世界贸易中心举行的会议”符合题意。B选项“date”(日期)、C选项“building”(建筑)、D选项“location”(位置)均不符合题意。4.推理判断题。本题问的是市长的回应,在第三段中有具体描述。结合上题,由第一句可知,市长召开了会议来为这个建筑募集资金,因此A选项“他召开了一次会议,要求为这座建筑物捐赠资金”正确。B选项“他召开会议要钱”中的demand“要求;逼问”与文中的raise“筹集”词义不符合,可排除;C选项

      8、“他周末在电台主持节目”与D选项“他在世界贸易中心召开了一次会议”并未表现出对于Governor的提议与说法的针对性举措,因此可排除。5.主旨大意题。本文第一段说到,州长和市长两人就纪念碑一事达成一致;第二段引用了州长的一些言论,表明建成纪念碑将大大鼓舞纽约市民的士气;第三段讲述了市长筹集资金的举措,也提到遇难者家属期盼建成纪念碑。全文由州长和市长两人的洽谈展开,讲述的核心在于两人达成一致,共同促进纪念碑的建成,因此D选项“州长和市长做出的重要决定”符合题意。A选项“世贸中心的纪念碑至关重要”出现在第二段,B选项“为重建原爆点筹集资金是当务之急”出现在第三段,C选项“州长和市长之间的谈判”出现在第一段,均属于以偏概全。2. 单选题The usual distinctions between “basic research”, “applied research”, and “development”, used for many years in the formal government statistics kept by the National Science Foundati

      9、on are, unfortunately insufficient for discussions of policy for government investment in technical activities. Indeed, definitions are the source of much of the confusion over the appropriate role for government in the national scientific and technical enterprise. One cannot distinguish in any meaningful way “basic” from “applied research” by observing what a scientist is doing.“Applied research” should not be used to mean “purposeful and demonstrably useful basic research,” and one should be wary of the use of the term in government statistics. In corporate research laboratories, such as the TJ. Watson Research Laboratories of IBM, all of the work is referred to simply as “research.” There is no need to attempt a distinction between “basic” and “applied” research. All of the company


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