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    • 1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑提分专练(十二).完形填空One evening last fall, Marcos Ugarte was doing his homework in his room. His father, Eduardo, a _1_, was busy with his work. Then they heard someone yelling _2_. Eduardo, 47, and Marcos, 15, found the yelling was from one of their neighbors homes, the Ma family. “I didnt think there was something _3_,” Eduardo said. He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans, _4_ Marcos eye was caught by something from Mas house. “Dad, the house is _5_!” Marcos cried. Then the bar

      2、efoot teen _6_ to Mas home with his dad.Grandmother Yim Ma, mother Suzanne Ma, and son Nathan Ma were in the front yard, yelling for _7_. When the Ugartes got there, they saw through the open front door that father Alex Ma was running down from the stairs, _8_.“Is _9_ in the house?” Eduardo asked.“My son!” Alex _10_ to say, pointing to the second floor.Eduardo ran up the stairs, but thick smoke and great heat _11_ him to his knees. He crawled (爬行) upstairs where Alex said hed find Cody, eight, w

      3、ho had _12_ himself in a bedroom. “Id never seen _13_ like that,” said Eduardo. “My glasses _14_ turned black.” Eduardo hit his body on the bedroom door, but Cody didnt _15_. Eduardo made his way back downstairs. At the same time, Marcos saw Yim and Suzanne took a _16_ out of the garage. Cody was _17_ at the window. Marcos seized it, positioned it near the _18_, climbed toward the boy and got Cody out.The day after the fire, Alex _19_ Marcos. “Thank you for saving my son,” Alex said. “You are hi

      4、s _20_ forever.”语篇解读:本文是记叙文。邻居家着了火后,15岁的Marcos勇敢地救出了被困的8岁的孩子。1A.journalistBteacherCwriter Dlawyer解析:选B根据下文的“He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans”可知,Eduardo是一名老师。2A.outside BupstairsCagain Dinstead解析:选A根据该空后的“found the yelling was from one of their neighbors homes, the Ma family”可知,叫声是从外面传来的。3A.attractive BcommonCpuzzling Dwrong解析:选D根据该空后的“He headed back inside to prepare lesson plans”可知,Eduardo认为外边没什么事。4A.or BforCbut Dso解析:选CMarcos的动作与父亲的动作构成转折,故用but。5A.under repair Bin sightCon sale Do

      5、n fire解析:选D根据倒数第二段第一句的“thick smoke and great heat”可知,那所房子着火了。6A.waved BpointedCrushed Drode解析:选C从上句情况得出,看到邻居的房子着火了,Marcos光着脚冲向了那儿。7A.support BhelpCadvice Dfreedom解析:选B发生了火灾,那些人在前门呼救。8A.coughing BsingingCthinking Dsmiling解析:选A根据倒数第二段第一句的“thick smoke and great heat”可知,Alex Ma被烟呛得直咳嗽。9A.everyone BanyoneChe Dit解析:选B根据上文的Marcos和爸爸看到了Alex Ma从楼梯上跑下来可知,Eduardo问楼上是否还有人。10A.managed BdecidedCcontinued Dstopped解析:选AAlex Ma被烟呛得直咳嗽,所以他说话很困难。11A.guided BpulledCforced Dpressed解析:选C根据本空前的“thick smoke and great h

      6、eat”可知,他上了楼梯,但是浓烟和热浪迫使他在地上爬行。12A.hidden BcaughtCenjoyed Dlocked解析:选D根据下文的“Eduardo hit his body on the bedroom door”可知,Cody把自己反锁在了屋子里。13A.behaviour BsilenceCsmoke Ddamage解析:选C根据上文的“thick smoke”及下文的“My glasses _ turned black”可知,Eduardo说他从来没有见过这么浓的烟。14A.frequently BfinallyCusually Dimmediately解析:选D由本空前的火势判断,火很大,烟很浓,他的眼镜一下子就被熏黑了。15A.struggle BrespondCagree Dappear解析:选B根据“Eduardo made his way back downstairs”可知,他撞了门,但是Cody没有反应。16A.ladder BchairCbike Dbox解析:选A根据本段最后一句的一系列动作可知,Yim和Suzanne从车库里拿出了一把梯子。17

      7、A.playing BwalkingCscreaming Dhesitating解析:选CEduardo撞门时,Cody没有反应,由此可知,Cody正在窗户那儿大声呼救。18A.tree BgarageCdoor Dwindow解析:选D上句中的window有提示。他一把抓过梯子,把它靠在窗户那儿,然后爬了上去。19A.visited BencouragedCrecognized Dmissed解析:选AMarcos家和Alex家是邻居,所以第二天,Alex去拜访了Marcos并表达了谢意。20A.leader BheroCfriend Dfan解析:选B根据上文Marcos勇救Cody可知,Marcos将永远是Cody心中的英雄。.任务型阅读(2019苏北四市名校联考)Ownership used to be about as straightforward as writing a cheque. If you bought something, you owned it. If you broke it, you fixed it. If you no longer wanted

      8、 it, you sold it or threw it away. Some firms found ways of squeezing out more profit in the aftersale services, using authorized repair shops, and strategies such as selling cheap printers and expensive ink, which, however, did not challenge the nature of ownership.In the digital age ownership has become more ambiguous. Since the arrival of smart phones, consumers are forced to accept that they do not control the software in their devices; they are only licensed to use it, But as more digital d

      9、evices are springing up, who owns and who controls which objects is becoming a problem. Buyers should be aware that some of their most basic property rights are under threat.Needless to say, manufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly complex technology have good reasons to protect their copyright, ensure that their machines do not malfunction (发生故障), maintain environmental standards and prevent hacking. Sometimes companies use their control over a products software for the owners benefit. When Hurricane Irma hit Florida this month, Tesla, a startup for electric vehicles, rem


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