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高中英语 Unit13 Lesson1-2测试题 北师大版必修5

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    • 1、 Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. It is unusual feeling for animal lovers to see giant panda, one of Chinas most famous animals.A. a; theB. an; theC. the; theD. a; /2. Some parents arrange everything for their children. As a consequence, these children are so dependent on their parents that they have no thought.A. mistakenB. confidentC. independentD. intelligent 3. Facial expressions carry the meanings that are by situations and relationships.A. det

      2、erminedB. concentratedC. controlledD. associated 4. language development, later-borns learn a lot from their elder brothers or sisters.A. In face of B. In terms ofC. In front ofD. In need of5. Fifty elders have been chosen for the project because their wisdom deserves .A. to pass onB. being passed onC. to be passed onD. being passing on6. Children who have problems letters with sounds may show signs of learning disabilities.A. connectingB. connectedC. connectD. to connect7. If we remain when our

      3、 elders ask us a question, they will have to bend down to speak to us.A. to be seatingB. to seatC. seatingD. seated8. After working her way around the world, she teaching English as a foreign language.A. drew upB. ended upC. picked upD. woke up9. The picture reminds me of those who succeed in bad conditions. with difficulties, they never give up but try their best to find a way out.A. FaceB. To faceC. FacedD. Facing10. He wont come to the concert he has nothing else to do. A. even ifB. as ifC. n

      4、ow thatD. so that11. Some people think fishing hurts the environment and it is a cruel hobby.A. that; /B. /; thatC. that; whatD. what; that 12. Johns success has to do with good luck. It is years of hard work that has made him what he is today.A. a lotB. noneC. nothingD. something 13. Tom the gap carefully and it 20 yards from side to side.A. measured; measures B. measured; was measuredC. measures; measured D. measures; is measured 14. A new study suggests that blue people to lose their appetite

      5、; experts suggest that a person who wants to eat less from blue plates.A. should cause; should eatB. causes; should eatC. should cause; eatsD. causes; eats 15. What we need to do now is just work harder than before. Success does not come easily. . There are no pies dropping from the sky.A. Come onB. It all depends C. Not at allD. You are right there 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In December 2013, my parents asked me what I wanted for Christmas. At that point, for the first time, I realized how 1

      6、6 I was to have been born in such a fortunate family. There was nothing that I could 17 because there was nothing more that I needed. I was truly 18 . This made me 19 all the children who did not have homes or food, let alone 20 for Christmas. With these 21 in my mind, I told my parents in January that 22 getting me an expensive gift for the holidays, Id love to use the 23 to get lots of small gifts for all the children that hadnt gotten anything for Christmas. At first, they were 24 . Then they

      7、 realized I was 25 and agreed to spend $500 on gifts for young kids from the families 26 at the homeless shelter. It was such a nice 27 . I remember going to the homeless shelter to 28 the toys to as many kids as I could give. One of the children looked at me with his innocent eyes. I could see the 29 in them. It was obvious that he had never 30 a Christmas gift before, so when he asked me where I got the gifts from, I told him what I knew he wanted me to say: that I was helping Santa Claus (圣诞老

      8、人). I explained that Santa was sorry that he was so 31 , but that gift had been made 32 for him! The boy took the gift slowly, smiled and ran to his mother. The last thing I 33 as I moved on to give a gift to the next child was the boys voice: “Mommy, Santa really does 34 ! And he didnt 35 us this year!”16. A. painful B. sad C. annoying D. lucky17. A. give up B. ask for C. look after D. rely on18. A. tired B. satisfied C. frightened D. worried 19. A. think about B. come across C. bring up D. cheer up 20. A. cars B. gifts C. classes D. parties 21. A. expressions B. thoughts C. scenes D. reasons 22. A. instead of B. apart from C. because of D. as though 23. A. excuse B. opportunity C. money D. method 24. A shocked B. moved C. amused D. disappointed 25. A. proud B. crazy C. serious D. cautious 26. A. living B. arriving C. waiting D. working 27. A. acc

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