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    • 1、上海英语高级口译证书实考试卷(2012.09)上海英语高级口译证书第一阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Spot Direction Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A with Spot Dictation. Hunger and food insecurity have been called Americas “hid

      2、den crisis.” At the same time, and apparently paradoxically, obesity has been declared _(1). Both obesity and hunger, and, more broadly, food insecurity, are serious _(2), sometimes co-existing in the same families and the same individuals. Their existence _(3), but those with insufficient resources _(4) can still be overweight, for reasons that researchers now are beginning to understand.The apparent paradox of _(5) and persistent hunger and food insecurity in America is driven in part by _(6).

      3、 Households without money to buy enough food first change _(7), relying on cheaper high-calorie foods over more expensive, nutrient-rich foods, before they _(8) the amount of food. In order to cope with limited money for food and _(9), families try to maximize caloric intake for each dollar spent, which can _(10) and a less healthful diet.Research among low-income families shows that mothers _(11) by restricting their food intake during periods of food insufficiency in order to _(12) from hunger

      4、. The resulting chronic ups and downs in food intake can contribute, over the long run, to _(13).Dr. Larry Brown, Executive Director of the Center on Hunger and Poverty, reported: “A growing body of research shows that hunger and obesity _(14) for some people. We need to better understand this relationship if our nation is to grapple with these parallel threats _(15). We particularly need to avoid damaging policy prescriptions that assume hunger and obesity _(16)”.Renowned food experts and scien

      5、tists call for _(17) to address both hunger and obesity. According to James Wells, President of the Food Research and Action Center, an agenda that seriously tackles hunger and obesity among the poor must address _(18). Those roots include food insecurity and the impact of poverty. One answer is increased access to _(19) so that more families have sufficient resources to _(20).Part B: Listening Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. A

      6、fter each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation. 1. (A) Business owners. (B) Office job holders. (C) Scottish musicians. (D) Farming people.2. (A) Scottish traditional music. (B) American Jazz.

      7、(C) Classical music. (D) Stravinskys tunes.3. (A) Clarinet. (B) Percussion. (C) Piano. (D) Violin.4. (A) When she had just turned ten. (B) After she finished secondary school. (C) When she was twelve. (D) When she was at the primary school.5. (A) A local musician taught her to play the xylophone. (B) She was wearing hearing aids when she was young. (C) Her family know next to nothing about music. (D) Her oldest brother is a born musician. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. 6. (A)

      8、 Food security. (B) Europes debt crisis. (C) Farm productivity in Asia. (D) A possible Greek exit from the euro-zone.7. (A) Controlling the deficit. (B) Halting the real-estate crisis. (C) Preventing the economic turmoil. (D) Cutting the high unemployment rate.8. (A) To draw investments from abroad. (B) To cut taxes for electricity producers. (C) To subsidize the automotive industry. (D) To adjust the overvalued exchange rate.9. (A) Economic slowdown has led to a greater drop in birth rates amon

      9、g non-whites than among white people. (B) The US Census Bureau recorded 2 million babies born to non-Hispanic white people. (C) US birth rates have been declining, but the drop has been larger for black and Asian people. (D) Children from racial and ethnic minorities now account for more than half the births in the US.10. (A) $ 106. (B) $ 106.40. (C) $ 107.33. (D) $ 116.40. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview. 11. (A) They have become more insular and self-sufficient. (B) They have had their minds more open to other cultures. (C) They have come to like traveling to isolated places. (D) They have preferred t


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