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    • 1、上海英语高级口译证书实考试卷(2009.09)上海英语高级口译证书第一阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A with Spot Dictation. For more than two centuries, Americas colleges and univer

      2、sities have been the backbone of the countrys progress. They have educated the technical, _(1) work force, and provided generation after generation of national leaders. Today educators from around the country are apt to find many reasons for the _(2), but four historic acts stand out as watersheds:First, _(3): In 1862 Congress enacted the Land-Grant College Act, which essentially extended the opportunity of higher education to all Americans, including _(4). Each state was permitted to sell large

      3、 tracts of federal land and use the proceeds to endow at least _(5).Second, competition breeds success: Over the years, the _(6) of the Americas colleges and universities have promoted _(7). Competitive pressure first arose during the Civil War, when President Lincoln created _(8) to advise Congress on “any subject of science and art”. The academys impact really grew after World War II, when a landmark report _(9) the then President argued that it was the federal governments responsibility to _(

      4、10) for basic research. Instead of being centralized in government laboratories, _(11) in American universities and generated increasing investment. It also _(12) and helped spread scientific discoveries far and wide, _(13), medicine and society as a whole.Thirdly, _(14): The end of World War II saw the passage of the Servicemens Readjustment Act of 1944. The law, which provided for college or vocational education _(15), made the higher-education system accessible in ways that _(16), opening the

      5、 doors of the best universities to men and women who had _(17).Finally, promoting diversity: The creation of federal _(18), as well as outright grants for college students, brought much-needed diversity to higher education and further _(19). Since its founding in 1965, the Federal Family Education Loan Program has funded more than 74 million student loans worth _(20).Part B: Listening Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each

      6、one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Now lets begin Part B with Listening Comprehension. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation. 1. (A) Shes just a city girl and is used to the fast pace of the city. (B) She doesnt have to drive eve

      7、rywhere to buy things. (C) She likes to garden and putter around in the house she bought. (D) She can go to a whole variety of places to interact with people.2. (A) Going to the country for a vacation makes no sense at all. (B) Renting a vacation house in the country is cheap. (C) People can enjoy the fresh air in the country. (D) People can relax better in the country than in the city.3. (A) The convenient transportation. (B) The interactive social life. (C) The whole car culture. (D) The nice

      8、neighborhood.4. (A) You may have fun making barbecues in the garden. (B) You wont feel stuck and labeled as you do in the city. (C) Its more tolerable than living in the city. (D) Its more hateful than living in the country.5. (A) Quite lonely. (B) Very safe. (C) Not very convenient. (D) Not particularly dangerous. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. 6. (A) Because they might harm the poor people. (B) Because their drawbacks outweigh benefits. (C) Because they counterbalance other

      9、 environmental policies. (D) Because they cannot achieve the expected environmental objectives.7. (A) German business confidence index has risen as much as expected recently. (B) The outlook for manufacturing is worsening in foreseeable future. (C) Global economic recession will sap demand for German exports next year. (D) German business situation is expected to get better in the next few months.8. (A) The proposal can cut greenhouse gas emissions from cars to a very low level. (B) This action is obviously going to change global temperatures in the long run. (C) The reduction in gas emissions is insignificant for addressing global warming. (D)


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