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    • 1、上海英语高级口译证书实考试卷(2010.03)上海英语高级口译证书第一阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A with Spot Dictation. You probably know that asthma can cause breathing problem

      2、s. So can kids with asthma play sports? _(1)! Being active and playing sports is an especially good idea if you have asthma. Why? Because it can _(2), so they work better.Some athletes with asthma have done more than develop stronger lungs. Theyve played _(3), and theyve even won medals at the Olympic Games! Some sports are less likely to bother a persons asthma. _(4) are less likely to trigger flare-ups, and so are sports like baseball, football and gymnastics.In some sports, you need to _(5).

      3、These activities may be harder for people with asthma. They _(6), cycling, soccer, basketball, cross-country skiing, _(7). But that doesnt mean you cant play these sports if _(8). In fact, many athletes with asthma have found that with the _(9), they can do any sport they choose.But before playing sports, its important that your asthma is _(10). That means you arent having lots of _(11). To make this happen, its very important that you _(12) just as your doctor tells you to, even when _(13).Your

      4、 doctor will also tell you some other things you can do to avoid flare-ups. This may mean _(14) when there is lots of pollen in the air, wearing _(15) when you play outside during the winter, or making sure you always have time for _(16).Make sure your coach and team-mates know about your asthma. That way, they will understand if you _(17) because of breathing trouble. Its also helpful if your coach _(18) if you have a flare-up. Listen to your body and _(19) your doctor gave you for handling bre

      5、athing problems. And if you keep your asthma in good control, youll be in the game and _(20)!Part B: Listening Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER

      6、 BOOKLET. Now lets begin Part B with Listening Comprehension. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation. 1. (A) The kids. (B) The traffic. (C) The sports. (D) The parking.2. (A) She was trapped in traffic. (B) She dropped her wallet. (C) She broke her arm. (D) She was fined for parking.3. (A) She finds city living to be ideal. (B) She thinks living in the city is a big deal. (C) She feels uncomfortable with the dirt. (D) She complains about noise.4. (A) Watching gray buildings in

      7、the rain. (B) Hiking in the surrounding woods. (C) Mixing with tourists on the streets. (D) Visiting the park on bright sunny days.5. (A) A big city. (B) The country. (C) A mountain village. (D) A small town. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. 6. (A) Mr. Gordon Browns proposal was announced at the conference in Copenhagen. (B) The fund would be available to the poorest and most vulnerable countries alone. (C) The proposed fund is intended to help poorer countries deal with climat

      8、e change. (D) The total fund would be 10 billion British pounds in total over three years.7. (A) 0.1 %. (B) 0.4 %. (C) 1.2 %. (D) 3 %.8. (A) To ask for a suspension of its massive debt repayments. (B) To restore confidence of Western investors across the Gulf. (C) To carefully plan a six-month delay on payments on Dubai World. (D) To turn to Asian countries for help in the global financial crisis.9. (A) To demonstrate their support for the Doha Round of global trade negotiations. (B) To ask to r

      9、eview all the activities of the world trade body in recent years. (C) To accuse multinational companies of neglecting the interests of the poor. (D) To protest against a WTO ministerial conference starting on Monday.10. (A) At least 27 passengers dead. (B) 26 killed and scores injured. (C) Hundreds of people dead. (D) Casualty figures yet unknown. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview. 11. (A) Making people live in harmony and balance with nature. (B) Keeping evil spirits out of peoples life. (C) Ordering buildings, rooms and corridors conveniently. (D) Making a home or office look clean and order


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