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    • 1、考研英语一衡阳市南岳区2023年考前冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation 1 you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to 2 downBut relaxation is 3 for a healthy mind and bodyStress is a 4 part of everyday life and there is no way to 5 itIn fact, it i

      2、s not the bad thing that it is often supposed to beA 6 amount of stress is important to provide motivation and give 7 to lifeIt is only when the stress gets out of control 8 it can lead to poor performance and 9 healthThe amount of stress a person can bear 10 very much on the individualSome people are not afraid of stress and such 11 are obviously chief material for managerial responsibilitiesOthers lose heart at first 12 of unusual difficultiesWhen exposed to stress, in 13 form, we react both c

      3、hemically and physicallyIn fact we make a choice between 14 and fightAnd in more ancient days the choices made the 15 between life and deathThe crises(危机)we meet today are 16 to be so extreme, but however little the stressIt requires the same responseIt is when such a reaction 17 long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes 18 Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart diseases have 19 links with stress 20 we cannot remove stress from our lives we need to find wa

      4、ys to deal with itSo what do you think of stress? What is your way to deal with it?1、AWhen BWhile COnce DAs2、Aslow Bcalm Cget Dturn3、Aunnecessary Bsatisfied Cuseful Dnecessary4、Aphysical Bnatural Chard Dterrible5、Atolerate Bsolve Cavoid Daccept6、Asure Bcertain Clarge Dgreat7、Apurpose Bresource Cinfluence Dinstruction8、Awhen Bwhy Cthat Dhow9、Abad Bgood Cstrong Dweak10、Ainsists Bdepends Ccalls Dspends11、Apatterns Bpersonalities Csituations Dcharacters12、Alook Bview Csight Dimpression13、Awhichever

      5、Bwhatever Chowever Dwhenever14、Apeace Bfright Cpressure Dheaviness15、Adecision Bpromise Cdifference Dchoice16、Aunlikely Blikely Cnecessary Dprobable17、Acontinues Blives Cstands Dlasts18、Abalanced Binjured Cthreatened Dchangeable19、Aestablished Bachieved Cfound Ddeveloped20、AUnless BSince CFor DThoughSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1

      6、Awarding wining film Ballad From Tibet(天籁梦想) by Chinese director Zhang Wei is scheduled to premiere in New York City on Saturday, March 10.The film, which tells the story of four visually impaired kids from Chinas Tibet autonomous region embarking on a journey for their dreams, will be presented at the Bronx Library Center on Saturday, at Mid-Manhattan Library on Sunday, at Lehman College and Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan on Tuesday, and at the Museum of Modern Art on Wednesday.Based on a true

      7、story, Ballad from Tibet is about the four 1ibetan kidsThupten, Sonam, Kelsang and Dromaachieving their dreams against all odds.Thupten is a 10-year-old boy partially sighted in one eye and blind in the other. His doctor says that there is a chance he could completely lose his sight, but there is an operation that could offer a 50 percent chance of saving his vision.His teacher firmly suggests that he should have the operation right away, but Thupten is afraid and wants to see the world before h

      8、is life is plunged into total darkness.Along with his three friends who also suffer from blindness, Thupten embarks on an exciting adventure. Together they decide to go to Shenzhen in South Chinas Guangdong province, a city more than 37,000 km away from Tibetan regional capital Lhasa.The reason for the childrens decision to go to Shenzhen is their love of music. They are all talented and want to sing their hearts out in front of national audience by participating in a Shenzhen-based reality show

      9、.The foursomes trip is indeed fun, but also turns out to be dangerous as well. Luckily, help is on hand along the way in the form of a wandering family, a shepherd, a motorcycle club, and a TV producers assistant.Ballad From Tibet has won the award for Best Childrens Feature at the 13th China International Childrens Film Festival in November 2017, and earned nominations at 17 different international childrens film festivals in Germany, Canada, Japan, Greece, Australia and India.1、What does the underlined “impaired” in P


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