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    • 1、考研英语一涟源市2023年深度预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Do What You EnjoySometimes you may find that you are not happy in your life,although everything is going wellMost of the time you have to 1 this kind of unhappy life,since it is really hard to make changes and move on to a new business,which often involves taking 2 My father,however,was a quite different exampleWhen I

      2、 was about 9 or 10,he told me that I shouldbe whatever I wanted when I grew up,so long as I 3 itHe said that if I were not feeling 4 , I should try to change my life to make it more delightful,and I would find real 5 as a resultFrom him I learned a great lesson on the 6 of doing ones favorite My father got into the insurance industry when he was very young,and he was very 7 He became one of the companys top salesmen,even though he was only 25 years oldSoon he became one of the first independent

      3、insurance salesmen in our state 8 ,he decided to leave his successful 9 and move on to other fieldsYou might 10 why he did soThe answer was simple:he liked to do something challenging,something that 11 .his strength and ability,especially in a way that is interestingMy father just wanted to have a try,and so he didAfter leaving the insurance company,he worked in social media and then in digital technology,which really 12 himOf course he wasnt successful in everything he tried,but he told me for

      4、13 that he did something he liked,and that he had the 14 of doing what he enjoyed 15 ones comfortable life is not easyIve learned this from my father,and I can say no matter 16 is good or bad,it is 17 doing ones favoriteWhen we do something we love,it whether the gives us extra 18 to meet our goals,which are associated with psychological well-being and healthAs long as we have no 19 and give it a try,we are forced to push against ourselvesAfter all we all want to be where we are 20 ourselves1、Al

      5、ose Bstop Cshare Dcontinue2、Arisks Bturns Csteps Dsuggestions3、Apromised Benjoyed Cadmitted Dadjusted4、Alucky Bsafe Ccomfortable Dspecial5、Aconcern Bpleasure Cstrength Dtalent6、Avalue Bhonor Ccontrol Drelief7、Asensitive Bcautious Coptimistic Dsuccessful8、ABesides BTherefor CHowever DMeanwhile9、Aschedule Bcareer Creform Dcompetition10、Awonder Bexplain Cblame Dconclude11、Alimited Bpredicted Ctested Daffected12、Aconfused Bshocke Cdiscouraged Dattracted13、Afree Bcertain Cgood Dreal14、Asatisfaction B

      6、sympathy Cresponsibility Dsecurity15、AProtecting BSelecting CLeaving DArranging16、Afunction Bresult Csignal Dattitude17、Asimple Bnormal Cpopular Dworth18、Amotivation Bconsideration Coccupation Dqualification19、Arights Bfaults Cregrets Dexcuses20、Aconvincing Bevaluating Crepresenting DchallengingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Meet

      7、big brother Blue and his sisters Meadow and Little Willow,a family of three blind cats that just got adopted by the family Catherine Magno.Their story starts just before the Christmas of 2014 when the kittens(小猫)were found in an abandoned house in Dubai.By then they had already lost their sight due to a cat flu that was left untreated by their previous(先前的) owner.After that they came to an animal home.At some point,brother Blue almost got adopted by the previous owners neighbor,but the poor conf

      8、used cat couldnt bear living without his sisters and cried all night while searching for them.Soon they were all united in the animal home until the important night of 19 February 2015,when Catherine took them under her wing.I had zero experience having adopted my first ever rescue kitten just a couple of months ago,Catherine said. But their story touched my heart so much that I couldnt bear the thought of them being put in a cage for a very long time or even worse.Catherine was worried about th

      9、e special needs of her new pet friends:“My worry was that its going to not only be challenging but also require a lot of adjustments on my part,”but apparently it wasnt that much different.“The only adjustment early on was keeping everything where it was but they are soon adaptive(适应的).”And as she wonderfully put it:“Blind pets see through their hearts.1、What caused the three cats to be blind according to the passage?ABecause of a certain kind of disease.BBecause of a serious car accident.CBecause


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